How to perform Forensic Analysis using Log Data
Mar 18, 2015
An often overlooked feature of log management software is the ability to conduct forensic analysis of historical events. If your network goes down, your network monitoring tool can tell you what happened, but knowing why it happened is even more valuable. SolarWinds Log & Event Manager has cutting-edge IT search for fast and easy forensic analysis. Here are six ways that the forensic analysis feature of Log & Event Manager can help you piece together what really happened. You can download a free, fully functional 30-day trial of Log & Event Manager from here. 1) ID file changes When collecting logs, you're going to see millions of file changes. How do you know which ones to isolate? It's best to isolate file changes against critical files (protected docs, financial information, personal documents, HR records, etc.). Look at file changes from a forensic approach to determine if suspicious activity has occurred. Often times, a virus will affect file attrib...