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Who Governs The Internet and whose property is it?

Who Governs The Internet and whose property is it?

Jul 02, 2013
The recent exposes and revelations by Edward Snowden about the Top Secret Internet Snooping program currently run by US National Security Agency (NSA) have shocked the world. The extent of snooping is even more shocking and what has just stunned the world is the sheer name of top Internet companies who had shared data of all their users and not to forget except Microsoft, all of them namely Google, Facebook, and Apple have longed established themselves as the outright defenders of free speech and Right to Privacy . Many of them are funders and donors of Electronic frontier foundation in US. The recently formed renowned organization defending right to privacy and free speech on Internet . Though much is being written about the extent of snooping, leaked Memos, Obama's Admissions, NSA's careful acceptance of the snooping Program but What bothers me is the stand of Indian Government in this mess. We are reportedly 5th most spied country by US NSA under this program and
Android based hacking tool to steal passwords from connected computers

Android based hacking tool to steal passwords from connected computers

Jul 01, 2013
A recently discovered new form of Android malware called  USB Cleaver  can not only infect your smartphone, but also targets your PC to steal sensitive information from it. A hacking tool discovered by analysts at F-Secure, which is capable of stealing information from a connected Windows machine. USBCleaver seems to be designed to facilitate a targeted attack by gathering details that would be helpful in a later infiltration attempt. To use the application, hacker must install an application called USB Cleaver on his Android device. Once executed, the app downloads a ZIP file from a remote server and then unzips the downloaded file to the following location: /mnt/sdcard/usbcleaver/system folder. Tools is design to steal information like  Browser passwords (Firefox, Chrome and IE), PC's Wi-Fi password, The PC's network information etc. When the device is then plugged into a PC, /mnt/sdcard is mounted and, if autorun is enabled, go.bat and the payload
Google added malicious apps scanner to Chrome Web Store

Google added malicious apps scanner to Chrome Web Store

Jun 24, 2013
Over the past few years, Cyber Criminals have choose the official Google Chrome Web Store to push malware. In a recent announcement by Google, like Google Play Android apps store, all new apps uploaded to the Chrome Web Store will now also be automatically scanned for malware. Also, Google warned developers that it may take a little longer than before for their app to go live in the store, and  scanning may take from just a few minutes up to an hour.  " Starting today in the Chrome Web Store, you might notice that your item is not broadly available immediately after you publish it. " It is always against the Chrome Web Store Content Policies to distribute malware, if developer still wants to upload something malicious, they should cancel the process and withdraw their program. " This new functionality does not require any action on the part of developers. When you publish an item in the store, the developer dashboard will indicate that your item is i
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4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

May 28, 2024Threat Exposure Management
You're probably familiar with the term "critical assets". These are the technology assets within your company's IT infrastructure that are essential to the functioning of your organization. If anything happens to these assets, such as application servers, databases, or privileged identities, the ramifications to your security posture can be severe.  But is every technology asset considered a critical asset? Moreover, is every technology asset considered a  business -critical asset? How much do we really know about the risks to our  business -critical assets?  Business-critical assets are the underlying technology assets of your business in general – and we all know that technology is just one of the 3 essential pillars needed for a successful business operation. In order to have complete cybersecurity governance, organizations should consider: 1) Technology, 2) Business processes, and 3) Key People. When these 3 pillars come together, organizations can begin to understand the
Cracking iPhone Hotspot password in 50 Seconds

Cracking iPhone Hotspot password in 50 Seconds

Jun 20, 2013
The ability to turn your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot is a fantastically useful little tool in and of itself. When setting up a personal hotspot on their iPad or iPhone, users have the option of allowing iOS to automatically generate a password. According to a new study by Researchers at the University of Erlangen in Germany, iOS-generated passwords use a very specific formula one which the experienced hacker can crack in less than a minute. Using an iOS app written in Apple's own Xcode programming environment, the team set to work analyzing the words that Apple uses to generate its security keys . Apple's hotspot uses a standard WPA2 -type process, which includes the creation and passing of pre-shared keys (PSK). They found that the default passwords are made up of a combination of a short dictionary words followed by a series of random numbers and this method actually leaves them vulnerable to  brute force attack . The word list Apple uses contains approximately 52,500
Apple releases new details on National Security Requests

Apple releases new details on National Security Requests

Jun 17, 2013
Apple revealed on monday that it received between 4,000 and 5,000 data requests in six months from  U.S. law enforcement for user information and affected accounts. Apple said the most common forms of requests involved investigating robberies and other crimes.  Period between December 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013, federal, state and local law enforcement had requested customer information up to 5,000 times, related to between 9,000 and 10,000 accounts or devices. But the iPhone maker said it works vigorously to protect the privacy of its users and only provides information by court order.  " We will continue to work hard to strike the right balance between fulfilling our legal responsibilities and protecting our customers' privacy as they expect and deserve, " statement from Apple. Apple doesn't provide some types of information either because the company doesn't retain it or because it is encrypted , the company said.  Apple also specified certain types of co
Digital privacy, Internet Surveillance and The PRISM - Enemies of the Internet

Digital privacy, Internet Surveillance and The PRISM - Enemies of the Internet

Jun 17, 2013
If you have followed the startling revelations about the scope of the US government's surveillance efforts, you may have thought you were reading about the end of privacy, and about the Enemies of the Internet. " My computer was arrested before I was ." a perceptive comment by an internet activist who had been arrested by means of online surveillance.  Online surveillance is a growing danger for journalists, bloggers, citizen-journalists and human rights defenders. Over the last few years, law enforcement agencies have been pushing for unprecedented powers of surveillance and access to your private online communications. This week the PRISM surveillance scandal has consumed the Internet as the implications of massive scale U.S. Government spying begin to sink in. The US National Security Organization (NSA) is almost certainly one of (if not the) most technologically sophisticated, well-funded and secretive organizations in the world. The Prism initiative was launched by Na
President's personal mobile numbers published online by Anonymous Philippines Hackers

President's personal mobile numbers published online by Anonymous Philippines Hackers

Jun 16, 2013
A Philippine Anonymous hacker " #pR.is0n3r " has posted the President Benigno Aquino's three personal mobile telephone numbers online on facebook . Officials would not confirm if the numbers were really the President's. Aquino spokesman Ricky Carandang, " It's cyber vandalism plain and simple ," Carandang said. " We're dealing with it. That's all I can say for now. " Hacker urged his 10,000 followers to communicate directly with their president, but the numbers are no longer working. " The majority are not getting answers to so many issues. It is difficult to speak to a person through go-betweens. If we send him a letter we're not even sure he will receive it, " Hacker wrote in facebook post. In March 2013, Anonymous Hackers  also defaced the Philippines President 's website and other dozen government websites.
Hacking iPhone to bypass iOS 7 Lockscreen

Hacking iPhone to bypass iOS 7 Lockscreen

Jun 12, 2013
About this time every year, Apple gives a gift to mobile developers: the newest version of iOS. The all-new Apple iOS 7 launched at WWCD 2013 this week and Just after 48 hours of  iOS 7  release, 36-year old Jose Rodriguez iPhone user able to hack and bypass Lockscreen to access the Photos in just a few seconds. iOS is infamously popular for its lockscreen security bugs that let anyone bypass the passcode on a device to gain access to information that would otherwise be private. Forbes points us to a new video showing how to completely bypass the iPhone's password protection by accessing the calculator available on the lock screen. " By opening iOS's Control Room and accessing the phone's calculator application before opening the phone's camera, anyone can access, delete, email, upload or tweet the device's photos without knowing its passcode. " iOS 7 beta only available to those with developer accounts for now, cost $99 a year through Apple's websit
Android malware loaded with Linux kernel privilege escalation exploit

Android malware loaded with Linux kernel privilege escalation exploit

Jun 12, 2013
Malware authors are notorious for quickly leveraging new exploits in the public domain for nefarious purposes. A recently discovered Linux kernel Local privilege escalation exploit , which allows attackers to gain complete control of infected devices, has been ported to the Android smartphone platform. The Linux kernel 2.6.x, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Debian 6 and Suse Enterprise Linux 11 are vulnerable to privilege escalation flaw with CVE-2013-2094 .  CVE-2013-2094 states, " The perf_swevent_init function in kernel/events/core.c in the Linux kernel before 3.8.9 uses an incorrect integer data type, which allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted perf_event_open system call. " Exploit for Linux machines is publically available here . Privilege escalation exploits are particularly dangerous as they can allow cybercriminals to gain complete control over the compromised device.  The exploit can be used to to access d
Vulnerability in Whatsapp messenger media server

Vulnerability in Whatsapp messenger media server

Jun 12, 2013
If you own an iPhone or an Android device, then the chances are high that you're familiar with the extremely popular cross-platform messaging app, WhatsApp. According to a whitehat hacker Mohammed Saeed , Whatsapp media server ( media.whatsapp.com ) interface was vulnerable to Traversal local file inclusion. This vulnerability occurs when a page include is not properly sanitized, and allows directory traversal characters to be injected. Flaw allowed hacker to gather usernames via an " /etc/passwd " file and also another sensitive files like log files i.e   "/apache/logs/error.log" or " /apache/logs/access.log ". Flaw was reported by Mohammed with proof of conpect to Whatsapp security team on 27th May and was addressed this week. If you are also penetration tester and have something buggy that can help Whatsapp team to make there service more secure, feel free to contact them at  support@whatsapp.com .
Most Sophisticated Android malware ever detected

Most Sophisticated Android malware ever detected

Jun 07, 2013
A new piece of sophisticated Android malware has been discovered by security researchers at Kaspersky Labs . Dubbed as Backdoor . AndroidOS . Obad . a , it is the most sophisticated piece of Android malware ever seen. It exploits multiple vulnerabilities , blocks uninstall attempts, attempts to gain root access, and can execute a host of remote commands. It include complex obfuscation techniques that complicated analysis of the code, and the use of a previously unknown vulnerability in Android that allowed it to take control of and maintain a foothold on infected Android devices . There are two previously unknown Android vulnerabilities exploited by Obad . It can gain administrator privileges, making it virtually impossible for a user to delete it off a device. Another flaw in the Android OS relates to the processing of the AndroidManifest.xml file. This file exists in every Android application and is used to describe the application's structure, define its laun
Twitter Vine app hacked by 16 year old Web developer

Twitter Vine app hacked by 16 year old Web developer

Jun 05, 2013
Recently Twitter has rolled out Vine app for Android, A new way to share video on twitter. The free app, which enables people to record and share clips of up to six seconds with other Vine users as well as on Twitter and Facebook. But on the very next day, Twitter's video-sharing application Vine was hacked by 16-year-old Will Smidlein , who uploaded the three-and-a-half minute video of Rick Astley's song " Never Gonna Give You Up ." This video violated Vine's usual code that only six second videos are posted. " I think I broke Vine ," Will Smidlein tweeted Monday night , where he described himself as a Web developer. What he did exactly? Smidlein decompile the app's code into a readable format, then modify few parts of the program that actually validate user to upload only 6 sec video. " Sorry, Twitter/Vine engineers, " he wrote. " I tried to keep it quiet, but the internet never forgets." ,  it could potentially embarrass a few of
Malicious Mobile Charger can Hack your iPhone within a minute

Malicious Mobile Charger can Hack your iPhone within a minute

Jun 03, 2013
You might want to be a little more careful the next time you pick up a cheap knock-off accessory for your device to save a few bucks because new hardware hacks could be the next big thing among cyber criminals . Researchers say they've built a custom iPhone wall charger that can Install malware in any iOS device using a custom made malicious chargers called Mactans , which are in turn controlled by a Raspberry-Pi like computer called a BeagleBoard. Mactans, which is named after the black widow spider's Latin taxonomy, will be demonstrated by Billy Lau, Yeongjin Jang, and Chengyu Song at the Black Hat 2013 conference in July and they said all users were vulnerable to attacks over the charger. They add that they can also demonstrate that the malware infection resulting from their malicious charger is persistent and tough to spot. In order for the malicious software to remain installed and unseen, the trio will show how an attacker can hide their software in the
Activating mobile malware with Music and Light Sensors

Activating mobile malware with Music and Light Sensors

May 30, 2013
Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) presented the research that it is possible to trigger malware hidden in mobile devices using music, lighting, or vibration. In a research paper titled " Sensing-Enabled Channels for Hard-to-Detect Command and Control of Mobile Devices ", the researchers reported that they triggered malware hidden in mobile devices using music from 17 meters away in a crowded hallway. Malware once activated would carry out programmed attacks either by itself or as part of a wider botnet of mobile devices. Presenting their findings at a conference earlier this month, the researchers explained how sensors in ubiquitous mobile devices have opened the door to a new generation of mobile malware that unsuspecting users unwittingly downloaded onto their devices. Since the trigger needs to be relatively close to the smartphone to active any hidden malware, any threats would be limited to the local environment. " We showed that these sensory channe
New Android malware forwards incoming messages to hacker

New Android malware forwards incoming messages to hacker

May 23, 2013
A new type of Android malware that can intercept text messages and forwarding to hackers is discovered by  the Russian firm Doctor Web . This is a very serious threat to users, because using this malware attackers can easily get two factor authentication code of your Email or bank accounts. The malware, dubbed as Android.Pincer.2.origin , is the second form of the original Android.Pincer  malware and is distributed as security certificates that the user must install. Upon launching Android.Pincer.2.origin , the user will see a fake notification about the certificate's successful installation but after that, the Trojan will not perform any noticeable activities for a while.  Android.Pincer.2.origin connects to a server and send text messages in addition to the other information as the smartphone model, serial, IMEI and phone number and the Android version is used. To malware then receive instructions from commands in the following format:  start_sms_forwarding [telephone number]
US Military approved iPhones and iPads for military networks

US Military approved iPhones and iPads for military networks

May 18, 2013
The US Department of Defense has cleared Apple's iPhone and iPad for use on its military networks, along with the Samsung Galaxy S4 and BlackBerry 10 devices, the agency said in a statement Friday. The entire DOD is much, much larger, of course, and mobile devices are increasing in importance for the military just as much as they are for we civilians. The report notes that out of more than 600,000 mobile devices used by the Defense Department, only about 41,000 of those are Apple products, with most of those not connected directly to the military's networks. But because these platforms have previously not been certified or cleared for use, such devices had not been connected to secure military networks, except for testing. The move was hardly shocking, but Samsung devices running the Knox security suite and BlackBerry 10 already trickling into the hands of Pentagon employees, the decision sets the stage for a three-way bout for military market supremacy. Offic
Facebook Hacking, technique to Spoof the content of any Facebook App

Facebook Hacking, technique to Spoof the content of any Facebook App

May 16, 2013
There are many unpatched loopholes or flaws in Facebook website, that allow hackers to inject external links or images to a wall, hijacking any facebook account or bypassing your social privacy . Today we are going to report about another unfixed facebook app vulnerability that allow a hacker to spoof the content of any Facebook app  easily. Nir Goldshlager from Break Security today exposed another major flaw that allows hacker to wall post spoofed messages from trusted applications like Saavn, Candy Crush, Spotify, Pinterest, or really any other application on Facebook. In 2012 Facebook's method of publishing called stream.publish and the  Stream Publish Dialog looks like the following:  https://www.facebook.com/dialog/stream.publish?app_id=xxxx&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/&action_links=&attachment=%7B%27media%27:%20[%7B%27type%27:%20%27flash%27,%27swfsrc%27:%27https://files.nirgoldshlager.com/goldshlager2.swf%27,%27imgsrc%27:%27https://w
Firefox 21 Launches with 3 critical fixes and new Social Integrations

Firefox 21 Launches with 3 critical fixes and new Social Integrations

May 15, 2013
Mozilla has launched Firefox 21 for Mac, Windows, and Linux, adding a number of improvements, namely to the browser's Social API. " Today, we are adding multiple new social providers Cliqz, Mixi and msnNOW to Firefox ," wrote Mozilla in a blog post today. The browser first added Facebook integration back in December, and the inclusion of these services goes a long way towards making social integration an even larger part of the services offered. The Do Not Track feature has been part of Firefox for some time now. You can enable it to add information to each connection request to tell sites about your tracking preference. Along with adding more social integration, the release also closed up security holes in the browser rated as high in severity, including two in the Mozilla Maintenance Service although only one of them left the browser open to potential remote exploits . Fixed in Firefox 21 MFSA 2013-48 Memory corruption found using Address Sanitize
Apple Decrypts Seized iPhones For The Police

Apple Decrypts Seized iPhones For The Police

May 10, 2013
The security features built into Apple 's iOS software are so good that the police are unable to gain access to defendant's iPhones when they need to.  Companies like Apple and Google are being asked by law enforcement officials to bypass these protections to aid in investigations. Apple receives so many police demands to decrypt seized iPhones that it has created a waiting list to handle the deluge of requests. In one of the recent cases, according to court documents, the federal agents were baffled by the encrypted iPhone 4S of a man in Kentucky who was charged for supplying crack cocaine. CNET reports that ATF agent Rob Maynard spent three months trying to "locate a local, state, or federal law enforcement agency with the forensic capabilities to unlock" an iPhone 4S. After everyone said that they did not have the capabilities, Maynard turned to Apple. Apple can reportedly bypass the security lock to get access to data on a phone, download it to an external devic
World's most secure messaging service offers £10,000 if you crack it

World's most secure messaging service offers £10,000 if you crack it

May 01, 2013
Privacy conscious phone users are being offered a new app that claims to be the world's first totally secure messaging service. A London-based iPhone messaging app claims to be unhackable and is offering reward to anyone who can intercept a message sent by it.  Redact believes that messages sent via the app are completely secure, and to prove it a reward of £10,000 has been offered. The application creates a secure and encrypted peer-to-peer network between two iPhones, with messages sent directly from one phone to another and not through the company's servers.  The company has already offered its Secure Messenger service for free to MPs and submitted the technology to CESG, the Government's National Technical Authority for Information Assurance, which provides advice on the security of communications and electronic data. With Redact there are no user names, phone numbers or email addresses. Instead, new users are automatically assigned a unique PIN, simi
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