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Category — iphone hack
Apple Patents Technology to remotely disable your iPhone Camera at Concerts

Apple Patents Technology to remotely disable your iPhone Camera at Concerts

Jul 01, 2016
Here's something you'll not like at all: Apple has been awarded a patent for technology that would prevent you from snapping pictures and shooting videos with your iPhone or iPad at places or events, like concerts or museums, where it might be prohibited or inappropriate. The patent , granted on Tuesday by the United States Patents and Trademark Office, is highly technical. Apple's latest patent describes an iPhone or iPad camera receiving coded infrared signals beamed from emitters in public places would temporarily disable device camera functionality, preventing any photography or recording for as long as the signal is on. "An infrared emitter can be located in areas where picture or video capture is prohibited," reads the patent. "An electronic device can then receive the infrared signals, decode the data and temporarily disable the device's recording function based on the command." The technology patented by Apple could also be used to be...
Your iPhone will Alert You if You are Being Monitored At Work

Your iPhone will Alert You if You are Being Monitored At Work

Mar 08, 2016
Are You an Employee? It's quite possible that someone has been reading your messages, emails, listening to your phone calls, and monitoring your activities at work. No, it's not a spy agency or any hacker… ...Oops! It's your Boss. Recently, European Court had ruled that the Employers can legally monitor as well as read workers' private messages sent via chat software like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger and webmail accounts like Gmail or Yahoo during working hours. So, if you own a company or are an Employer, then you no need to worry about tracking your employees because you have right to take care of things that could highly affect your company and its reputation, and that is Your Employees! Since there are several reasons such as Financial Need, Revenge, Divided Loyalty or Ego, why a loyal employee might turn into an INSIDER THREAT . Insider Threat is a nightmare for Millions of Employers. Your employees could collect and leak all your professional, ...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Warning — Setting This Date On iPhone Or iPad Will Kill Your Device Permanently

Warning — Setting This Date On iPhone Or iPad Will Kill Your Device Permanently

Feb 15, 2016
Don't Try this at Home! An interesting software bug has been discovered in Apple's iOS operating system that could kill your iPhone, iPad or iPod Dead Permanently . Yes, you heard me right. An issue with the date and time system in iOS had emerged recently when Reddit users started warning people that changing your iPhone's or any iOS device's date to January 1, 1970, will brick your iPhone forever . Video Demonstration You can watch the whole process in the video given below. Even regular recovery tricks do not work. So, you are recommended to Not Try This Trick with your iOS device really – unless you book a trip to your local Apple Store. While I don't have any intention or desire to try it out with my iPhone 6s to confirm the authenticity of the bug, it is pretty much clear based on reports that seem legitimate. YouTuber Zach Straley first discovered the issue, which was later confirmed by iClarified, who tested the trick on an i...
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Hackers WIN $1 Million Bounty for Remotely Hacking latest iOS 9 iPhone

Hackers WIN $1 Million Bounty for Remotely Hacking latest iOS 9 iPhone

Nov 02, 2015
Well, here's some terrible news for all Apple iOS users… Someone just found an iOS zero-day vulnerability that could allow an attacker to remotely hack your iPhone running the latest version of iOS, i.e. iOS 9. Yes, an unknown group of hackers has sold a zero-day vulnerability to Zerodium , a startup by French-based company Vupen that Buys and Sells zero-day exploits. And Guess what, in How much? $1,000,000. Yes, $1 Million. Last month, a Bug bounty challenge was announced by Zerodium for finding a hack that must allow an attacker to remotely compromise a non-jailbroken Apple device through: A web page on Safari or Chrome browser, In-app browsing action, or Text message or MMS. Zerodium's Founder Chaouki Bekrar confirmed on Twitter that an unnamed group of hackers has won this $1 Million Bounty for sufficiently submitting a remote browser-based iOS 9.1/9.2b Jailbreak (untethered) Exploit. NO More Fun. It's Serious Threat to iOS Use...
More than 250 iOS Apps Caught Using Private APIs to Collect Users' Private Data

More than 250 iOS Apps Caught Using Private APIs to Collect Users' Private Data

Oct 20, 2015
Apple is cleaning up its iTunes App Store again – for the third time in two months – following another flood of iOS apps that secretly collect users' personal information. Researchers discovered more than 250 iOS apps that were violating Apple's App Store privacy policy , gathering personal identifiable data from almost one Million users estimated to have downloaded those offending apps. The offending iOS applications have been pulled out of the App Store after an analytics service SourceDNA reported the issue. After XcodeGhost , this is the second time when Apple is cleaning its App Store. Malicious iOS Apps Stealing Users' Private Info The malicious applications were developed using a third-party software development kit (SDK) provided by Youmi, a Chinese advertising company. Once compiled and distributed on Apple's official App Store, those apps secretly accessed and stored users' personal information, including: A list of apps installed on the victim's phone Serial nu...
How to Protect Yourself against XcodeGhost like iOS Malware Attacks

How to Protect Yourself against XcodeGhost like iOS Malware Attacks

Oct 19, 2015
Recently, Chinese iOS developers have discovered a new OS X and iOS malware dubbed XcodeGhost that has appeared in malicious versions of Xcode, Apple's official toolkit for developing iOS and OS X apps. The hack of Apple's Xcode involves infecting the compiler with malware and then passing that malware onto the compiled software. This is a unique approach because the hack does not attempt to inject attack code into a single app, and then try and sneak that past Apple's automated and human reviewers. Instead, the malicious code is infected on Xcode itself, which is used by software developers to craft and develop the apps for iOS and OS X operating system. The primary behavior of XcodeGhost in infected iOS apps is to collect information on devices and upload that data to command and control (C2) servers. Once the malware has established a foothold on infected devices, it has the ability to phish user credentials via fake warning boxes, open specific URLs in a ...
Apple iOS 9.0.2 Update Patches Lock Screen Bypass Exploit

Apple iOS 9.0.2 Update Patches Lock Screen Bypass Exploit

Oct 01, 2015
Apple has rolled out the second minor iteration of its newest mobile operating system iOS 9, which fixes the iOS lockscreen vulnerability . The widely publicized LockScreen bug allowed anyone with physical access to your iOS device running iOS 9.0 or  iOS 9.0.1 to access all the contacts and photos without unlocking the device. Just one week after the last update iOS 9.0.1, Apple rolled out iOS 9.0.2 update that fixes: iMessage activation problems An issue with mobile data settings An issue with iCloud Backup An issue where the screen incorrectly rotates when receiving notifications Improves the stability of Podcasts According to an update on Apple's support website, the iOS lockscreen issue was the only security bug fixed in the latest iOS 9.0.2 release. Last week, iPhone user Jose Rodriguez published a " dead simple " method to bypass lock screen of the devices running iOS 9 and iOS 9.0.1. Using the benevolent nature of Apple's ...
Apple's Biggest Hack Ever: 4000 Malicious iOS Store Apps Linked to CIA?

Apple's Biggest Hack Ever: 4000 Malicious iOS Store Apps Linked to CIA?

Sep 24, 2015
The First major cyber attack on Apple's App Store has now been linked to CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) . Last week, Researchers disclosed some 39 iOS apps on Apple's App Store infected by ' XCodeGhost Malware' . The Bad News is that the infection has now increased exponentially with the discovery of more than 4,000 infected apps. The XCodeGhost malware was distributed through legitimate iOS Apps via counterfeit versions of Apple's app developer toolkit called Xcode . XcodeGhost is a very harmful and dangerous piece of malware that is capable to Phish credentials, infect other apps, Hijack URLs, Steal iCloud passwords from your device and then upload them to the attacker's servers even without your knowledge. After Apple had removed nearly 300 malware-ridden iOS apps from the App Store, FireEye researchers found more than 4,000 compromised apps. The infected apps include the popular instant messaging app WeChat, Chinese Uber-like ca...
WIN $1 Million Bounty For Hacking the New iOS 9 iPhone

WIN $1 Million Bounty For Hacking the New iOS 9 iPhone

Sep 21, 2015
Good news for Hackers and Bug hunters! You can now WIN 1 Million Dollars for finding zero-day hacks for iPhones and iPads. Yes, $1,000,000.00 Reward This Huge Bug Bounty is offered by the new Security firm  Zerodium , a startup of the infamous French-based Security firm " VUPEN ", who is well known for buying and selling zero-day vulnerabilities. Zerodium, which describes itself as "the premium zero-day acquisition platform," announced a total of $3 Million ($3,000,000) bounty bounty rewards for iOS exploits and jailbreaks. $3 Million Reward for Zero-day exploits and Jailbreaks  The Zero-day Acquisition Firm challenges hackers, researchers, and bug hunters to discover zero-day flaws and exploits in Apple's latest mobile operating system iOS 9 that must allow an attacker to remotely compromise a non-jailbroken iOS device through: A web page, In-app browsing action, or text message or MMS (Multi-Media Messages) "The whol...
AirDrop Bug in Apple iOS and OSX allows Hackers to Install Malware Silently

AirDrop Bug in Apple iOS and OSX allows Hackers to Install Malware Silently

Sep 16, 2015
With the launch of iOS 9, Apple gave us an ultimate reason to upgrade our Apple devices to its new operating system. The latest iOS 9 includes a security update for a nasty bug that could be exploited to take full control of your iPhone or Macs, forcing most of the Apple users to download the latest update. Australian security researcher Mark Dowd has disclosed a serious vulnerability in AirDrop , Apple's over-the-air file sharing service built into iOS and Mac OS X. How the Attack Works? The vulnerability allows anyone within the range of an AirDrop user to silently install a malicious app on a target Apple device by sending an AirDrop file which involves rebooting of the target device. An attacker can exploit this critical bug even if the victim rejects the incoming file sent over AirDrop. After rebooting takes place, the malicious app gains access to Springboard, Apple's software to manage iOS home screen, allowing the app to fool the victim's iP...
Cracking iPhone Hotspot password in 50 Seconds

Cracking iPhone Hotspot password in 50 Seconds

Jun 20, 2013
The ability to turn your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot is a fantastically useful little tool in and of itself. When setting up a personal hotspot on their iPad or iPhone, users have the option of allowing iOS to automatically generate a password. According to a new study by Researchers at the University of Erlangen in Germany, iOS-generated passwords use a very specific formula one which the experienced hacker can crack in less than a minute. Using an iOS app written in Apple's own Xcode programming environment, the team set to work analyzing the words that Apple uses to generate its security keys . Apple's hotspot uses a standard WPA2 -type process, which includes the creation and passing of pre-shared keys (PSK). They found that the default passwords are made up of a combination of a short dictionary words followed by a series of random numbers and this method actually leaves them vulnerable to  brute force attack . The word list Apple uses contains approximately 52,500...
Android developer said 'F-Secure can say that anything is malware'

Android developer said 'F-Secure can say that anything is malware'

Mar 07, 2013
As the popularity of Android has boomed, more and more malware is targeting the platform. Digital miscreants are using fraudulent developer accounts on Google's Play marketplace to spread malware. According to latest  Mobile Threat report from F-Secure , Android malware continued to gain in share in 2012 and was responsible for 79 percent of all threats for the year, up from 66 percent in 2011, but Google developer responded with," F-Secure can say that anything is malware ". F-secure report said, In the fourth quarter alone, 96 new families and variants of Android threats were discovered, which almost doubles the number recorded in the previous quarter.  According to official Google figures, there are over 700,000 apps and games in the Play marketplace and malware on Android jumped 850 percent between 2012 and this year. Whereas an Google Android developer reply to TechCrunch technology generalist ," They say they detected...
iOS 6.1 Hack allows iPhone lock screen bypass

iOS 6.1 Hack allows iPhone lock screen bypass

Feb 14, 2013
Apple has faced a number challenges over the last year related to software errors and flaws on its flagship iPhone. According to a latest video posted on YouTube  iPhone and iPad users running the latest iOS 6.1 platform can bypass the lock screen, even when a password is set. Basically, he found that by attempting and canceling an emergency call on the iPhone, holding the lock button and then taking a screenshot took him past the stage where he should have had to enter a password to access the phone. The flaw is relatively easy to exploit and this lets you bypass the security code and use the full Phone app. From there you have access to the address book, and the pictures app by trying to change a contacts picture. Apple promised to fix the iOS 6.1 iOS Exchange bug in a forthcoming software update so perhaps they'll fix this annoying glitch as well. Steps to follow: First part: -Go to emergency call, push down the power button and tap cancel. -D...
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