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Category — TrueCrypt
Someone is Spying on Researchers Behind VeraCrypt Security Audit

Someone is Spying on Researchers Behind VeraCrypt Security Audit

Aug 16, 2016
After TrueCrypt mysteriously discontinued itself, VeraCrypt became the most popular open source disk encryption software used by activists, journalists, and privacy conscious people. Due to the huge popularity of VeraCrypt, security researchers from the OSTIF ( The Open Source Technology Improvement Fund ) announced at the beginning of this month that it had agreed to audit VeraCrypt independently. Using funds donated by DuckDuckGo and VikingVPN, the OSTIC hired vulnerability researchers from QuarksLab to lead the audit, which would look for zero-day vulnerabilities and other security holes in VeraCrypt's code. Now, the most troubling part comes here: The OSTIF announced Saturday that its confidential PGP-encrypted communications with QuarkLabs about the security audit of VeraCrypt were mysteriously intercepted. "We have now had a total of four email messages disappear without a trace, stemming from multiple independent senders." the OSTIF said . "Not ...
British Hacker Wins Legal Battle Over Encryption Keys

British Hacker Wins Legal Battle Over Encryption Keys

May 11, 2016
In Brief Britain's top crime fighting force has failed in a legal attempt to force alleged hacker Lauri Love to hand over his hard disk's encryption keys. In a landmark case, District Judge Nina Tempia said the investigative agency should have used the normal police powers rather than a civil action to obtain the evidence. Lauri Love, a 31-year-old hacker, has been accused of aiding cyber-attacks against U.S. targets, including NASA, FBI, US Army and US Federal Reserve networks. The National Crime Agency (NCA) has failed in a legal attempt to force the British citizen and political hacktivist Lauri Love to hand over the keys to encrypted data that has been seized from his home two years ago. At a Tuesday hearing in Court Seven at Westminster Magistrates' Court, the NCA's application to make Love disclose his encrypted computer passwords was refused by the judge. Hacker Fighting Extradition to U.S. Love, 31, is currently fighting extradition to the Uni...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
THN Weekly Roundup — 11 Most Important Hacking News Stories

THN Weekly Roundup — 11 Most Important Hacking News Stories

Oct 05, 2015
We are back with our last week's top cyber security threats and challenges, just in case you missed any of them ( ICYMI ). THN Weekly Round Up is The Hacker News efforts to help you provide all important stories of last week in one shot. We recommend you read the full story ( just click 'Read More' because there's some valuable advice in there as well ). Here's the list: 1. Quantum Teleportation — Scientists Teleported Quantum Data over 60 Miles While the world is battling between Quantum computers and Encryption , the NIST Scientists have set a new record in the field of " Quantum Teleportation "... …by successfully Teleporting a small amount of data (qubit) inside light particles over a distance of 60 Miles (100 km) through a network of optical fiber – the record which is four times faster than previous one. To know how the Quantum Teleportation works and how the researchers able to reach this record, Read More … 2. Pirate Bay co-fo...
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TrueCrypt Encryption Software Has Two Critical Flaws: It's time to Move On

TrueCrypt Encryption Software Has Two Critical Flaws: It's time to Move On

Oct 01, 2015
If you are among thousands of privacy-conscious people who are still using ' no longer available ' TrueCrypt Encryption Software , then you need to pay attention. Two critical security vulnerabilities have been discovered in the most famous encryption tool, TrueCrypt, that could expose the user's data to hackers if exploited. TrueCrypt was audited earlier this by a team of Security researchers and found to be backdoor-free . James Forshaw , Security researcher with Google's Project Zero — which looks for zero-day exploits — has found a pair of privilege elevation flaws in TrueCrypt package. Last year, TrueCrypt project was dropped after its mysterious developers had claimed the Windows disk-encryption software had ' unfixed security issues '. TrueCrypt is a widely-used ' On-the-Fly ' Open source Hard disk encryption program. Reportedly, TrueCrypt vulnerabilities would not directly allow an attacker to decrypt drive data. Instead, successful exploitation ...
TrueCrypt Security Audit Concludes No NSA Backdoor

TrueCrypt Security Audit Concludes No NSA Backdoor

Apr 03, 2015
The Security audit of TrueCrypt disk-encryption software has been completed, with no evidence of any critical design vulnerabilities or deliberate backdoors in its code. TrueCrypt -- one of the world's most-used open source file encryption software used by Millions of privacy and security enthusiasts -- is being audited from past two years by a team of security researchers to assess if it could be easily exploited and cracked. Hopefully, it has cleared the second phase of the audit. TrueCrypt is a free, open-source and cross-platform encryption program available for Windows, OSX and Linux that can be used to encrypt individual folders or encrypt entire hard drive partitions including the system partition. NO NSA BACKDOORS Security Auditors and Cryptography Experts at NCC took an initiative to perform a public information security audit of TrueCrypt in response to the concerns that National Security Agency (NSA) may have tampered with it, according to a leaked cl...
Popular Encryption Software TrueCrypt Shuts Down Mysteriously

Popular Encryption Software TrueCrypt Shuts Down Mysteriously

May 29, 2014
TrueCrypt , the popular and reputed open source file and disk encryption Software for Windows, OSX and Linux, has abruptly closed down Wednesday recommending its users to use Microsoft's Bitlocker. TrueCrypt is a free, open-source and cross-platform encryption program, thereby one of the world's most-used encryption tool, trusted by tens of millions of users and recommended by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden . TRUECRYPT IS NOT SECURE On Wednesday afternoon, the users of TrueCrypt encryption tool redirected to the project's official SourceForge-hosted page that displays a mysterious security warning message that the popular encryption tool has been discontinued and that users should switch to an alternative. The official website for the TrueCrypt software warns the user that the open source encryption software is no longer secure and informs that the development of the software has been terminated. At the top of TrueCrypt page on SourceForge display...
TrueCrypt is Secure; Encryption Tool cleared the First Phase of Security Audit

TrueCrypt is Secure; Encryption Tool cleared the First Phase of Security Audit

Apr 15, 2014
Is TrueCrypt Audited Yet? Yes, In Part!  One of the world's most-used open source file encryption software trusted by tens of millions of users - TrueCrypt is being audited by a team of experts to assess if it could be easily exploited and cracked. Hopefully it has cleared the first phase of the audit and given a relatively clean bill of health. TrueCrypt is a free, open-source and cross-platform encryption program available for Windows, OSX and Linux that can be used to encrypt individual folders or encrypt entire hard drive partitions including the system partition.  The program is also capable to do some amazing things, such as can create a hidden operating system on a computer, essentially an OS within an OS where users can keep their most secret files. EVERYONE HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE TrueCrypt developers are anonymous and used the aliases " ennead " and " syncon ", perhaps to avoid unwelcome attention from their own governments. But when we talk about ...
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