Anonymous hack 30000 accounts and Social Security Numbers from 'Telecom Italy'
Nov 05, 2012
" Please don't mind, its 5th of November " slogan for today ! Anonymous Hackers hacked into " Telecom Italy " ( and dump Social Security Number, Social Insurance Number, 30000 credentials and lots of vulnerabilities exposed. In a blog post hackers said," Telecom Italy boasts 3000 XSS error and vulnerabilities that allow third parties to access the "htaccess" and other sensitive data. Anonymous will not publish sensitive information of individual users. This one can define a simple notice to show that you do not have appropriate security measures. In fact it is very simple appropriated credentials and social security numbers ." 3000 Cross site scripting ? wow its a huge number ! Hackers upload some paste regrading the hack as given below: 1.) Social Security Number and Social Insurance Number : Link 1 2.) Some Credentials (sample only) : Link 2 In credentials disclosure we notice an interesti