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General Keith Alexander | Breaking Cybersecurity News | The Hacker News

Category — General Keith Alexander
Navy's Cyberwar Expert - New Director of NSA, replacing Gen. Keith Alexander

Navy's Cyberwar Expert - New Director of NSA, replacing Gen. Keith Alexander

Feb 01, 2014
It is very clear that when we talk about Intelligence and Surveillance, the first name comes to our mind is the U.S National Security Agency (NSA) and, the second is Gen. Keith Alexander , the Director of NSA..GEEK behind the massive surveillance Programs. Many documents revealed by the former NSA's contractor Edward Snowden exposed the extend level of worldwide spying scandals projected by U.S Government in the supervision of Gen. Keith Alexander. The Obama Administration has confirmed that they are replacing Gen. Keith Alexander and giving the command of NSA in the hand of a military officer, rather than a civilian who is experienced in Cryptography and Electronic Eavesdropping . Michael S. Rogers , presently the U.S Navy's Cyber Security Chief, will be the new Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and head of the US military cyber command. He has been involved in cyberdefense and offense policy issues as head of the Fleet Cyber Command. Neither Ro
NSA Chief, General Alexander defends US surveillance programs as a Noble Mission

NSA Chief, General Alexander defends US surveillance programs as a Noble Mission

Sep 25, 2013
On Wednesday, Chief of National Security Agency (NSA) , General Keith Alexander defended US surveillance programs as part of a Noble Mission to protect the nation. He said that the collection of bulk phone records by U.S. Intelligence agencies are essential to preventing terrorist attacks. He referenced the criticism thrown at the intelligence services in late 2001 for not connecting the dots that led up to the Sept. 11 attacks. " We need our nation to understand why we need these tools, and what those tools mean for civil liberties and privacy and what they mean to defend this country, " General Keith Alexander said during a keynote speech at the Billington Cyber Security Summit in Washington. In recent months NSA has been targeted for severe criticism from privacy advocates, members of Congress and foreign allies of America, whose citizens may have been targets of this surveillance. Alexander pleaded for support of NSA programs during his speech at the conference
The New Effective Way to Prevent Account Takeovers

The New Effective Way to Prevent Account Takeovers

Sep 04, 2024SaaS Security / Browser Security
Account takeover attacks have emerged as one of the most persistent and damaging threats to cloud-based SaaS environments. Yet despite significant investments in traditional security measures, many organizations continue to struggle with preventing these attacks. A new report, " Why Account Takeover Attacks Still Succeed, and Why the Browser is Your Secret Weapon in Stopping Them " argues that the browser is the primary battleground where account takeover attacks unfold and, thus, where they should be neutralized. The report also provides effective guidance for mitigating the account takeover risk.  Below are some of the key points raised in the report: The Role of the Browser in Account Takeovers According to the report, the SaaS kill chain takes advantage of the fundamental components that are contained within the browser. For account takeover, these include: Executed Web Pages - Attackers can create phishing login pages or use MiTM over legitimate web pages to harve
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