Turkish Hackers Are Giving Away Prizes For Participating In DDoS Attacks
Dec 08, 2016
DDoS has become a game now that could knock any service offline. A Turkish hacking group is encouraging individuals to join its DDoS-for-Points platform that features points and prizes for carrying out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against a list of predetermined targets. The points earned can later be redeemed for various online click-fraud and hacking tools. Dubbed Sath-ı Müdafaa , translated as Surface Defense in English, this DDoS-for-Points platform is advertised via local Turkish hacking forums, including Turkhackteam and Root Developer. Surface Defense prompts other hackers in Turkey to sign up and asks them to attack political websites using a DDoS tool known as Balyoz , translated as Sledgehammer. According to Forcepoint security researchers, who discovered this program, Balyoz works via Tor and requires a username and password to log in. The tool then uses a DoS technique to flood targets with traffic. Here's How the Balyoz Tool Works On