Exclusive Report : Is Department of Defense (DoD), Pentagon, NASA, NSA is Secure ?
The Hacker News

Over the past couple of weeks there has been a series of discussions around why the U.S defense and Intelligence agencies are moving so quickly to adopt cloud computing. Are there any Security Holes in their Security ? Or has someone already hacked them and their documents ?. In the last week we have noticed lots of hackers activity. If you have missed something then have a look to Super Saturday : The Hacker News Featured Articles !

Below you are going to read about Security Holes in the U.S defense and Intelligence agencies! A Hacker named "sl1nk" claims that he has:

  1. SSH access to a Network of 140 machine's layer 1 to 3 in the Pentagon
  2. Access to APACS (automated personel air clearance system)
  3. Thousand's of documents ranging from seizure of a vehicle up to private encryption key request forms.
  4. Database of all usernames/passwords of Webmail of Nasa.
  5. Access to ASSIST (Database for Military Specifications and Military Standards)
  6. Data Transformation Corporation's FAA Sponsored DUAT Service
  7. Access to Government Gateway at https://www.gateway.gov.uk/
  8. Access to applicationmanager.gov
  9. Login access to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
  10. Login to Central Data Exchange | US EPA

"sl1nk" Claims That he have SSH access to these following IP address/Servers :
The Hacker News

Area 54 : -

Department of the Navy, Space and Naval Warfare System Command : -

Pentagon, Nasa, Navy, NSA : IP= , IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP= , IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP=, IP= ..Lots More

(Note : THN Team has verified his every claim and after getting all proofs of security holes, we are presenting this report exclusively to you !)

More over he claims to have all Military network IP's , like, etc..

Some Proofs Of Hack :

User: COM502571
Pass: C*************g@@
system access code: 0016***9
password: F*****1
Agent Name: Corie Lee
User ID: 1152****652
Pass: **************
Your User ID is: 437067167597
Password: cl**********3d
User: administratorbackup
Pass: fu********l@
User: JCrimson
Pass: M*********0n
User: Adminbackup
Pass: g*********7

Hack Proof Video :

More Sample Documents :
The Hacker News

The Hacker News
The Hacker News
After reading all this I think everyone will be sure that, Nothing is Secure In this World ! We need more Secure Systems and Technology.

We can't say how much more access (sl1nk) has but this raises the question on Cyber Security !!

Cloud computing is unique in its ability to address these critical defense and intelligence mission needs. That's why cloud computing is critical to our national defense. As a bonus, cloud computing offers DoD and Intelligence Community agencies the ability to increase efficiencies and incur marked cost savings during their life-cycles to alleviate some of the pressure of budget reductions. Moving IT operations to the cloud also will assist in enhanced collaboration.

Note : We are Presenting This Report, just to make aware the Security Experts that someone can and will get into their systems. Please Be carefull. THN is always a responsible news media and we raise our voice against injustice and we educate the world on cyber security issues.

Another Interesting Exclusive Read of the Day : Rumor or True ? Fox.com hackers exposed : LulzSec Participants Identified !

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