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Hackers Creating Fraudulent Crypto Tokens as Part of 'Rug Pull' Scams

Hackers Creating Fraudulent Crypto Tokens as Part of 'Rug Pull' Scams

Jan 24, 2022
Misconfigurations in smart contracts are being exploited by scammers to create malicious cryptocurrency tokens with the goal of stealing funds from unsuspecting users. The instances of token fraud in the wild include hiding 99% fee functions and concealing backdoor routines, researchers from Check Point said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Smart contracts are  programs  stored on the blockchain that are automatically executed when predetermined conditions are met according to the terms of a contract or an agreement. They allow trusted transactions and agreements to be carried out between anonymous parties without the need for a central authority. By examining the  Solidity  source code used for implementing smart contracts, the Israeli cybersecurity company found instances of  hidden  and  hardcoded fees  that can't be changed, while allowing malicious actors to exert control over "who is allowed to sell." In another instance, a legitimate contract called 
Emotet Now Using Unconventional IP Address Formats to Evade Detection

Emotet Now Using Unconventional IP Address Formats to Evade Detection

Jan 24, 2022
Social engineering campaigns involving the deployment of the Emotet malware botnet have been observed using "unconventional" IP address formats for the first time in a bid to sidestep detection by security solutions. This involves the use of hexadecimal and octal representations of the IP address that, when processed by the underlying operating systems, get automatically converted "to the dotted decimal quad representation to initiate the request from the remote servers," Trend Micro's Threat Analyst, Ian Kenefick,  said  in a report Friday. The infection chains, as with previous Emotet-related attacks, aim to trick users into enabling document macros and automate malware execution. The document uses Excel 4.0 Macros, a feature that has been  repeatedly   abused  by malicious actors to deliver malware. Once enabled, the macro invokes a URL that's obfuscated with carets, with the host incorporating a hexadecimal representation of the IP address — "h
High-Severity Rust Programming Bug Could Lead to File, Directory Deletion

High-Severity Rust Programming Bug Could Lead to File, Directory Deletion

Jan 24, 2022
The maintainers of the Rust programming language have released a security update for a high-severity vulnerability that could be abused by a malicious party to purge files and directories from a vulnerable system in an unauthorized manner. "An attacker could use this security issue to trick a privileged program into deleting files and directories the attacker couldn't otherwise access or delete," the Rust Security Response working group (WG)  said  in an  advisory  published on January 20, 2021. Rust 1.0.0 through Rust 1.58.0 is affected by this vulnerability. The flaw, which is tracked as  CVE-2022-21658  (CVSS score: 7.3), has been credited to security researcher Hans Kratz, with the team pushing out a fix in  Rust version 1.58.1  shipped last week. Specifically, the issue stems from an improperly implemented check to prevent recursive deletion of symbolic links (aka  symlinks ) in a standard library function named "std::fs::remove_dir_all." This results
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Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Jun 10, 2024Cybersecurity / Exposure Management
Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to quantify the time and effort professionals spend on maintaining and enhancing skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, and they act as points that demonstrate a commitment to staying current. CPEs are best understood in terms of other professions: just like medical, legal and even CPA certifications require continuing education to stay up-to-date on advancements and industry changes, cybersecurity professionals need CPEs to stay informed about the latest hacking tactics and defense strategies. CPE credits are crucial for maintaining certifications issued by various cybersecurity credentialing organizations, such as (ISC)², ISACA, and C
Experts Find Strategic Similarities b/w NotPetya and WhisperGate Attacks on Ukraine

Experts Find Strategic Similarities b/w NotPetya and WhisperGate Attacks on Ukraine

Jan 22, 2022
Latest analysis into the wiper malware that targeted dozens of Ukrainian agencies earlier this month has revealed "strategic similarities" to  NotPetya malware  that was unleashed against the country's infrastructure and elsewhere in 2017. The malware, dubbed  WhisperGate , was discovered by Microsoft last week, which said it observed the destructive cyber campaign targeting government, non-profit, and information technology entities in the nation, attributing the intrusions to an emerging threat cluster codenamed "DEV-0586." "While WhisperGate has some strategic similarities to the notorious NotPetya wiper that attacked Ukranian entities in 2017, including masquerading as ransomware and targeting and destroying the master boot record (MBR) instead of encrypting it, it notably has more components designed to inflict additional damage," Cisco Talos  said  in a report detailing its response efforts. Stating that stolen credentials were likely used i
Molerats Hackers Hiding New Espionage Attacks Behind Public Cloud Infrastructure

Molerats Hackers Hiding New Espionage Attacks Behind Public Cloud Infrastructure

Jan 22, 2022
An active espionage campaign has been attributed to the threat actor known as Molerats that abuses legitimate cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox to host malware payloads and for command-and-control and the exfiltration of data from targets across the Middle East. The cyber offensive is believed to have been underway since at least July 2021,  according  to cloud-based information security company Zscaler, continuing  previous efforts  by the hacking group to conduct reconnaissance on the target hosts and plunder sensitive information. Molerats , also tracked as TA402, Gaza Hackers Team, and Extreme Jackal, is an advanced persistent threat (APT) group that's largely focused on entities operating in the Middle East. Attack activity associated with the actor has leveraged geopolitical and military themes to entice users to open Microsoft Office attachments and click on malicious links. The latest campaign detailed by Zscaler is no different in that it makes use of deco
Hackers Planted Secret Backdoor in Dozens of WordPress Plugins and Themes

Hackers Planted Secret Backdoor in Dozens of WordPress Plugins and Themes

Jan 22, 2022
In yet another instance of software supply chain attack, dozens of WordPress themes and plugins hosted on a developer's website were backdoored with malicious code in the first half of September 2021 with the goal of infecting further sites. The backdoor gave the attackers full administrative control over websites that used 40 themes and 53 plugins belonging to AccessPress Themes, a Nepal-based company that boasts of no fewer than 360,000 active website installations. "The infected extensions contained a dropper for a web shell that gives the attackers full access to the infected sites," security researchers from JetPack, a WordPress plugin suite developer, said in a  report  published this week. "The same extensions were fine if downloaded or installed directly from the WordPress[.]org directory." The vulnerability has been assigned the identifier  CVE-2021-24867 . Website security platform Sucuri, in a separate analysis,  said  some of the infected websit
Critical Bugs in Control Web Panel Expose Linux Servers to RCE Attacks

Critical Bugs in Control Web Panel Expose Linux Servers to RCE Attacks

Jan 22, 2022
Researchers have disclosed details of two critical security vulnerabilities in Control Web Panel that could be abused as part of an exploit chain to achieve pre-authenticated remote code execution on affected servers. Tracked as CVE-2021-45467 , the issue concerns a case of a  file inclusion vulnerability , which occurs when a web application is tricked into exposing or running arbitrary files on the web server. Control Web Panel, previously CentOS Web Panel, is an open-source Linux control panel software used for deploying web hosting environments. Specifically, the issue arises when two of the unauthenticated PHP pages used in the application — "/user/login.php" and "/user/index.php" — fail to adequately validate a path to a script file, according to Octagon Networks'  Paulos Yibelo , who discovered and reported the flaws. This means that in order to exploit the vulnerability, all an attacker has to do is to alter the  include statement , which is used
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