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Chaes Banking Trojan Hijacks Chrome Browser with Malicious Extensions

Chaes Banking Trojan Hijacks Chrome Browser with Malicious Extensions

Jan 27, 2022
A financially-motivated malware campaign has compromised over 800 WordPress websites to deliver a banking trojan dubbed Chaes targeting Brazilian customers of Banco do Brasil, Loja Integrada, Mercado Bitcoin, Mercado Livre, and Mercado Pago. First documented by  Cybereason  in November 2020, the info-stealing malware is delivered via a sophisticated infection chain that's engineered to harvest sensitive consumer information, including login credentials, credit card numbers, and other financial information. "Chaes is characterized by the multiple-stage delivery that utilizes scripting frameworks such as JScript, Python, and NodeJS, binaries written in Delphi, and malicious Google Chrome extensions," Avast researchers Anh Ho and Igor Morgenstern  said . "The ultimate goal of Chaes is to steal credentials stored in Chrome and intercept logins of popular banking websites in Brazil." The attack sequence is triggered when users visit one of the infected websites
Widespread FluBot and TeaBot Malware Campaigns Targeting Android Devices

Widespread FluBot and TeaBot Malware Campaigns Targeting Android Devices

Jan 27, 2022
Researchers from the Bitdefender Mobile Threats team said they have intercepted more than 100,000 malicious SMS messages attempting to distribute  Flubot  malware since the beginning of December. "Findings indicate attackers are modifying their subject lines and using older yet proven scams to entice users to click," the Romanian cybersecurity firm  detailed  in a report published Wednesday. "Additionally, attackers are rapidly changing the countries they are targeting in this campaign." The new wave of attacks is said to have been most active in Australia, Germany, Poland, Spain, Austria, and Italy, among others, with attacks spreading to newer countries like Romania, the Netherlands, and Thailand starting mid-January. FluBot (aka Cabassous) campaigns use smishing as the primary delivery method to target potential victims, wherein users receive an SMS message with the question "Is this you in this video?" and are tricked into clicking a link that inst
Hackers Using New Evasive Technique to Deliver AsyncRAT Malware

Hackers Using New Evasive Technique to Deliver AsyncRAT Malware

Jan 27, 2022
A new, sophisticated phishing attack has been observed delivering the AsyncRAT trojan as part of a malware campaign that's believed to have commenced in September 2021. "Through a simple email phishing tactic with an HTML attachment, threat attackers are delivering AsyncRAT (a remote access trojan) designed to remotely monitor and control its infected computers through a secure, encrypted connection," Michael Dereviashkin, security researcher at enterprise breach prevention firm Morphisec,  said  in a report. The intrusions commence with an email message containing an HTML attachment that's disguised as an order confirmation receipt (e.g., Receipt-<digits>.html). Opening the decoy file redirects the message recipient to a web page prompting the user to save an ISO file. But unlike other attacks that route the victim to a phishing domain set up explicitly for downloading the next-stage malware, the latest RAT campaign cleverly uses JavaScript to locally crea
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Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Unpacking 2024's SaaS Threat Predictions

Jun 05, 2024SaaS Security / Artificial Intelligence
Early in 2024, Wing Security released its State of SaaS Security report , offering surprising insights into emerging threats and best practices in the SaaS domain. Now, halfway through the year, several SaaS threat predictions from the report have already proven accurate. Fortunately, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions have prioritized mitigation capabilities to address many of these issues, ensuring security teams have the necessary tools to face these challenges head-on. In this article, we will revisit our predictions from earlier in the year, showcase real-world examples of these threats in action, and offer practical tips and best practices to help you prevent such incidents in the future. It's also worth noting the overall trend of an increasing frequency of breaches in today's dynamic SaaS landscape, leading organizations to demand timely threat alerts as a vital capability. Industry regulations with upcoming compliance deadlines are demanding similar time-sens
Apple Releases iOS and macOS Updates to Patch Actively Exploited 0-Day Vulnerability

Apple Releases iOS and macOS Updates to Patch Actively Exploited 0-Day Vulnerability

Jan 27, 2022
Apple on Wednesday  released  iOS 15.3 and macOS Monterey 12.2 with a fix for the privacy-defeating bug in Safari, as well as to contain a zero-day flaw, which it said has been exploited in the wild to break into its devices. Tracked as  CVE-2022-22587 , the vulnerability relates to a memory corruption issue in the IOMobileFrameBuffer component that could be abused by a malicious application to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. The iPhone maker said it's "aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited," adding it addressed the issue with improved input validation. It did not reveal the nature of the attacks, how widespread they are, or the identities of the threat actors exploiting them. An anonymous researcher along with Meysam Firouzi and Siddharth Aeri have been credited with discovering and reporting the flaw. CVE-2022-22587 is the third zero-day vulnerability discovered in IOMobileFrameBuffer in a span of six months after  CVE-2
Initial Access Broker Involved in Log4Shell Attacks Against VMware Horizon Servers

Initial Access Broker Involved in Log4Shell Attacks Against VMware Horizon Servers

Jan 26, 2022
An initial access broker group tracked as Prophet Spider has been linked to a set of malicious activities that exploits the Log4Shell vulnerability in unpatched VMware Horizon Servers. According to new research published by BlackBerry Research & Intelligence and Incident Response (IR) teams today, the cybercrime actor has been opportunistically weaponizing the shortcoming to download a second-stage payload onto the victimized systems. The payloads observed include cryptocurrency miners, Cobalt Strike Beacons, and web shells, corroborating a previous advisory from the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) that  sounded the alarm  on active exploitation of the vulnerabilities in VMware Horizon servers to drop malicious web shells and establish persistence on affected networks for follow-on attacks. Log4Shell  is a moniker used to refer to an exploit affecting the popular Apache Log4j library that results in remote code execution by logging a specially crafted string. Since public
Webinar: How to See More, But Respond Less with Enhanced Threat Visibility

Webinar: How to See More, But Respond Less with Enhanced Threat Visibility

Jan 26, 2022
The subject of threat visibility is a recurring one in cybersecurity. With an expanding attack surface due to the remote work transformation, cloud and SaaS computing and the proliferation of personal devices, seeing all the threats that are continuously bombarding the company is beyond challenging. This especially rings true for small to medium-sized enterprises with limited security budgets and lean IT security teams. An upcoming webinar ( register here ) tries to help lean security teams understand how to tackle this intractable problem. While adding security solutions to cover blind spots seems logical, the webinar will argue that this just leads to more alarms and more noise. While this approach might be workable for large security teams, smaller teams simply don't have the bandwidth to handle an increase in alerts. Instead, organizations need broad threat visibility to cover the current blind spots, but then needs the ability to combine, rank and filter alarms by importanc
Google Drops FLoC and Introduces Topics API to Replace Tracking Cookies for Ads

Google Drops FLoC and Introduces Topics API to Replace Tracking Cookies for Ads

Jan 26, 2022
Google on Tuesday announced that it is abandoning its controversial plans for replacing third-party cookies in favor of a new Privacy Sandbox proposal called  Topics , which categorizes users' browsing habits into approximately 350 topics. The new mechanism , which takes the place of  FLoC  (short for Federated Learning of Cohorts), slots users' browsing history for a given week into a handful of top pre-designated interests (i.e., topics), which are retained only on the device for a revolving period of three weeks. Subsequently, when a user visits a participating site, the Topics API selects three of the interests — one topic from each of the past three weeks — to share with the site and its advertising partners. To give more control over the framework, users can not only see the topics but also remove topics or disable it altogether. By labeling each website with a recognizable, high-level topic and sharing the most frequent topics associated with the browsing history,
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