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Linux Foundation Launches 'Zephyr', a tiny OS for Internet of Things

Linux Foundation Launches 'Zephyr', a tiny OS for Internet of Things

Feb 20, 2016
The 21st century is witnessing a great change over in the daily life of folks with the advent of IoT devices that are capable of talking to each other without any human intervention. Yeah! Now you do not have to individually cascade an instruction to each of your home devices to accomplish a task. All have gone automated with the actuators and sensors which are infused into the home appliances. The fact is that your IoT devices would only comply within the family of same manufacturers. For example, if you have a Samsung smart refrigerator, and your wearable device is from Apple or any other vendors, then it couldn't sync as both are from different genres. No need to worry now! Zephyr: Future of IoTs The Linux Foundation has broken all the barriers of compatibility issues by releasing a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for Internet of Things devices , dubbed " Zephyr ". This OS enables connected devices to communicate with the same protocol.
Now We Know — Apple Can Unlock iPhones, Here's How to Hack-Proof your Device

Now We Know — Apple Can Unlock iPhones, Here's How to Hack-Proof your Device

Feb 19, 2016
Apple has been asked to comply with a federal court order to help the FBI unlock an iPhone 5C by one of the terrorists in the San Bernardino mass shootings that killed 14 and injured 24 in December. The FBI knows that it can not bypass the encryption on the iPhone, but it very well knows that Apple can make a way out that could help them try more than 10 PINs on the dead shooter's iPhone without getting the device's data self-destructed. Although Apple refused to comply with the court order and has always claimed its inability to unlock phones anymore, the FBI so cleverly proved that Apple does have a technical way to help feds access data on a locked iOS device. And this is the first time when Apple has not denied that it can not unlock iPhones, rather it simply refused to build the FBI a Backdoor  for the iPhone, in an attempt to maintain its users trust. So, now we know that Apple is not doing so, but it has the ability to do so. Now, when you know
15-year-old Teenage Hacker Arrested Over FBI Computer Hack

15-year-old Teenage Hacker Arrested Over FBI Computer Hack

Feb 19, 2016
Another 15-year-old teenager got arrested from the land of cakes, Scotland, by British Police for breaking into the FBI Systems on 16th February. Under the Britain's anti-hacking law, Computer Misuse Act 1990 , the boy has been arrested for his role in hacking and unauthorized access to the digital material. Federal Agents had fled to Glasgow in an attempt to carry out a raid on his home before proceeding with the boy's arrest. "He has since been released and is the subject of a report to the procurator fiscal," a Police Spokesman told a Scottish journal. As with the present scenario, reports say that the boy could be extradited to the United States to face the Intrusion and hacking charges. Second Member of the Hacking Group Arrested The suspect is believed to be an active member of the notorious hacking group called " Crackas with Attitude " aka "CWA", Motherboard confirms . Another member of the same group got arrested f
cyber security

Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

websiteAdaptive ShieldSaaS Security / Identity Security
Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

May 28, 2024Threat Exposure Management
You're probably familiar with the term "critical assets". These are the technology assets within your company's IT infrastructure that are essential to the functioning of your organization. If anything happens to these assets, such as application servers, databases, or privileged identities, the ramifications to your security posture can be severe.  But is every technology asset considered a critical asset? Moreover, is every technology asset considered a  business -critical asset? How much do we really know about the risks to our  business -critical assets?  Business-critical assets are the underlying technology assets of your business in general – and we all know that technology is just one of the 3 essential pillars needed for a successful business operation. In order to have complete cybersecurity governance, organizations should consider: 1) Technology, 2) Business processes, and 3) Key People. When these 3 pillars come together, organizations can begin to understand the
How Just Opening an MS Word Doc Can Hijack Every File On Your System

How Just Opening an MS Word Doc Can Hijack Every File On Your System

Feb 19, 2016
If you receive a mail masquerading as a company's invoice and containing a Microsoft Word file, think twice before clicking on it. Doing so could cripple your system and could lead to a catastrophic destruction. Hackers are believed to be carrying out social engineering hoaxes by adopting eye-catching subjects in the spam emails and compromised websites to lure the victims into installing a deadly ransomware, dubbed " Locky ," into their systems. So if you find .locky extension files on your network shares, Congratulations! You are infected and left with just two solutions: Rebuild your PC from scratch or Pay the ransom. Locky ransomware is spreading at the rate of 4000 new infections per hour , which means approximately 100,000 new infections per day . Microsoft MACROS are Back It is hard to digest the fact that, in this 2016, even a single MS Word document could compromise your system by enabling ' Macros .' This is where the poin
Using SimpliSafe Home Security? — You're Screwed! It's Easy to Hack & Can't be Patched

Using SimpliSafe Home Security? — You're Screwed! It's Easy to Hack & Can't be Patched

Feb 18, 2016
If you are using a SimpliSafe wireless home alarm system to improve your home security smartly, just throw it up and buy a new one. It is useless. The so-called 'Smart' Technology, which is designed to make your Home Safer, is actually opening your house doors for hackers. The latest in this field is SimpliSafe Alarm . SimpliSafe wireless home alarm systems – used by more than 300,000 customers in the United States – are Hell Easy to Hack , allowing an attacker to easily gain full access to the alarm and disable the security system, facilitating unauthorized intrusions and thefts. …and the most interesting reality is: You Can Not Patch it! As the Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a great pace, it continues to widen the attack surface at the same time. Just last month, a similar hack was discovered in Ring – a Smart doorbell that connects to the user's home WiFi network – that allowed researchers to hack WiFi password of the home user. How
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