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70% offences in UAE are cyber crimes !

70% offences in UAE are cyber crimes !

Jan 11, 2011
Of all criminal offences committed in the   United Arab Emirates   (   UAE ), a whopping 70 percent are cyber crimes, a top official has said.   Cyber criminals are keeping up with new developments in information technology, and make the maximum use of any new software or system that comes with any security gap or loophole, said Major Saeed Mohammad Al Hajeri, head of the information technology crime department of   Dubai   Police.   Saeed said this at a lecture titled "Procedures followed in investigating information technology crimes", delivered at the Institute of Training and Judicial Studies in Sharjah, the Gulf News reported.   Among the most common   cyber crimes   is providing illegal   VoIP   (Voice over Internet Protocol) calls, which is the preferred method of communication for drug smugglers and human traffickers since these calls are hard to trace, Saeed said.   Hacking   is another illegal activity, and that includes breaking into websites of banks, comp
Hacking Team Flash Zero-Day Linked to Cyber Attacks on South Korea and Japan

Hacking Team Flash Zero-Day Linked to Cyber Attacks on South Korea and Japan

Jul 09, 2015
The corporate data leaked in the recent cyber attack on the infamous surveillance software firm Hacking Team has revealed that the Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2015-5119) exploit has already been added to several exploit kits. Security researchers at Trend Micro have discovered evidences of the Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2015-5119) exploit being used in a number of exploit kits before the vulnerability was publicly revealed in this week's data breach on the spyware company. The successful exploitation of the zero-day Flash vulnerability could cause a system crash, potentially allowing an attacker to take full control of the affected system. Adobe Flash Zero-Day Targeted Japan and Korea According to the researchers, the zero-day exploit, about which the rest of the world got access on Monday, was apparently used in limited cyber attacks on South Korea and Japan . "In late June, [Trend Micro] learned that a user in Korea was the attempted target of various
German Aerospace Center targeted by Self-Destructing Spyware

German Aerospace Center targeted by Self-Destructing Spyware

Apr 15, 2014
It's not so far when Germany confirmed its biggest Data theft in the country's history with the usernames and passwords of some 18 million email accounts stolen and compromised by Hackers, and now German space research center has been reportedly targeted in a cyber attack. The new story broke by the German press, Der Spiegel on Sunday revealing that the German Aerospace Centre ( DLR - Deutsches Zentrum fĂĽr Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. ), the country's national center for aerospace, energy and transportation research located in Cologne has been reportedly targeted in a cyber attack out " coordinated and systematic ", apparently launched by a foreign intelligence agency. The systems used by administrators and scientists of the space research center have been found to be infected with Malware and spyware software, and as mention in the report, the attack was " co-ordinated and systematic " with the perfection of Trojan used. SELF-DESTRUCTING MALWARE, WITH LOVE FROM CHI
cyber security

Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

websiteAdaptive ShieldSaaS Security / Identity Security
Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

How to Build Your Autonomous SOC Strategy

May 30, 2024Endpoint Security / Threat Detection
Security leaders are in a tricky position trying to discern how much new AI-driven cybersecurity tools could actually benefit a security operations center (SOC). The hype about generative AI is still everywhere, but security teams have to live in reality. They face constantly incoming alerts from endpoint security platforms, SIEM tools, and phishing emails reported by internal users. Security teams also face an acute talent shortage.  In this guide, we'll lay out practical steps organizations can take to automate more of their processes and build an autonomous SOC strategy . This should address the acute talent shortage in security teams, by employing artificial intelligence and machine learning with a variety of techniques, these systems simulate the decision-making and investigative processes of human analysts. First, we'll define objectives for an autonomous SOC strategy and then consider key processes that could be automated. Next, we'll consider different AI and automation
Why Businesses Should Consider Managed Cloud-Based WAF Protection

Why Businesses Should Consider Managed Cloud-Based WAF Protection

Feb 28, 2020
The City of Baltimore was under cyber-attack last year, with hackers demanding $76,000 in ransom. Though the city chose not to pay the ransom, the attack still cost them nearly $18 million in damages, and then the city signed up for a $20 million cyber insurance policy. It's very evident that cyber-attacks are not only costly in terms of time and money but also bring extensive legal liability with them. According to Juniper Research 's prediction, the cost of a data breach could cross $150 million by 2020. With the rising cost of data breaches and cyber-attacks, cybersecurity has become a board room conversation on an unprecedented scale. In this ever-connected online world, web application security is the cornerstone of the overall cybersecurity of any company. When it comes to application security, web application firewall (WAF) based protection has been the first line of defense against web attacks for a while now. A web application firewall is deployed in fron
One-third of malware was created in 2010 !

One-third of malware was created in 2010 !

Jan 07, 2011
One-third of existing malware was created in 2010, a report has revealed. Anti-malware laboratory PandaLabs discovered the findings in its 2010 Annual Security Report which detailed a year of huge cyber-crime activity. It revealed that around 34 per cent of the 60 million existing viruses that have ever been created or distributed were produced by cyber-criminals last year. Additionally, around 40 per cent of the relatively new threat of fake antivirus software, more commonly known as rogueware, was created last year. Last year also saw an explosion in cyber-war and cyber-activism including examples such as the Stuxnet virus as well as the WikiLeaks scandal and the 'hacktivism' that followed. However, PandaLabs revealed some positive data security news, the speed at which new threats are growing fell in 2010 to 50 per cent, compared to the 100 per cent growth seen every year since 2003. An expert at SearchSecurity.com revealed that the most prevelant and dangerous da
Google TAG Warns of Russian Hackers Conducting Phishing Attacks in Ukraine

Google TAG Warns of Russian Hackers Conducting Phishing Attacks in Ukraine

Apr 19, 2023 Cyber War / Cyber Attack
Elite hackers associated with  Russia's military intelligence service  have been linked to large-volume phishing campaigns aimed at hundreds of users in Ukraine to extract intelligence and influence public discourse related to the war. Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG), which is  monitoring  the activities of the actor under the name  FROZENLAKE , said the  attacks   continue  the "group's 2022 focus on targeting webmail users in Eastern Europe." The state-sponsored cyber actor, also tracked as APT28, Fancy Bear, Forest Blizzard, Iron Twilight, Sednit, and Sofacy, is both highly prolific and proficient. It has been active since at least 2009, targeting media, governments, and military entities for espionage. The latest intrusion set, starting in early February 2023, involved the use of reflected cross-site scripting ( XSS ) attacks on various Ukrainian government websites to redirect users to phishing domains and capture their credentials. The disclosure
China — OPM Hack was not State-Sponsored; Blames Chinese Criminal Gangs

China — OPM Hack was not State-Sponsored; Blames Chinese Criminal Gangs

Dec 03, 2015
In the most surprising manner, the Chinese government said it arrested criminal hackers behind the massive cyber attack on US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) earlier this year, dismissing its involvement. Three months back, we reported that China arrested a handful of hackers within its borders who were suspected of allegedly stealing commercial secrets from US companies. The arrests took place shortly before China President Xi Jinping visited the United States in September 2015 when both heads of states agreed that neither side will participate in commercial espionage against one another. China: Cyber Criminals Hacked OPM, Not Government Spies Now, those suspected hackers have turned out to be the ones in connection with the OPM hack that resulted in the theft of personal details of more than 21 Million United States federal employees, including 5.6 Million federal employees' fingerprints . Citing an " investigation ", the Chinese governme
Download Ultimate 'Security for Management' Presentation Template

Download Ultimate 'Security for Management' Presentation Template

May 25, 2021
There is a person in every organization that is the direct owner of breach protection. His or her task is to oversee and govern the process of design, build, maintain, and continuously enhance the security level of the organization. Title-wise, this person is most often either the CIO, CISO, or Directory of IT. For convenience, we'll refer to this individual as the CISO. This person is the subject-matter expert in understanding the standard set of active cyber risks, benchmarking to what degree the organization's exposure influences potential impact. They then take appropriate steps to ensure the major risks are addressed. On top of being engaged 24/7 in the organization's actual breach protection activity, the CISO has another critical task: to articulate the risks, potential impacts and appropriate steps to take to the company's management – or in other words, they must effectively translate security issues for non-security-savvy executives in a clear and busi
Iran's MuddyWater Targets Israel in New Spear-Phishing Cyber Campaign

Iran's MuddyWater Targets Israel in New Spear-Phishing Cyber Campaign

Nov 02, 2023 Cyber Attack / Malware
The Iranian nation-state actor known as  MuddyWater  has been linked to a new spear-phishing campaign targeting two Israeli entities to ultimately deploy a legitimate remote administration tool from N-able called  Advanced Monitoring Agent . Cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct, which disclosed details of the attacks,  said  the campaign "exhibits updated TTPs to previously reported MuddyWater activity," which has, in the past, used similar attack chains to distribute other remote access tools like  ScreenConnect, RemoteUtilities, Syncro , and  SimpleHelp . While the latest development marks the first time MuddyWater has been observed using N-able's remote monitoring software, it also underscores the fact that the largely unchanged modus operandi continues to yield some level of success for the threat actor. The findings have also been separately confirmed by cybersecurity company Group-IB in a post shared on X (formerly Twitter). The state-sponsored group is a  cyber
US military's offensive operations in cyberspace to shoot Hackers

US military's offensive operations in cyberspace to shoot Hackers

Nov 17, 2011
US military's offensive operations in cyberspace to shoot Hackers The US military is now legally in the clear to launch offensive operations in cyberspace, the commander of the US Strategic Command has said. The Pentagon has just sent a report to Congress where it says that it has the right to retaliate with military force against a cyber attack. Air Force General Robert Kehler said in the latest sign of quickening U.S. military preparations for possible cyber warfare that "I do not believe that we need new explicit authorities to conduct offensive operations of any kind". US Strategic Command is in charge of a number of areas for the US military, including space operations (like military satellites), cyberspace concerns, 'strategic deterrence' and combating WMDs. " When warranted, we will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country ," the DoD said in the report. " All states possess an inherent right to
Cyberwar between Israel and Turkish Hacker

Cyberwar between Israel and Turkish Hacker

Sep 06, 2011
Cyberwar between Israel  and Turkish  Hacker Turkish hacker " TurkGuvenligi " hijacked some 350 Israeli websites on Sunday evening, launching a Domain Name System (DNS) attack on at least seven high-profile websites including The Telegraph, Acer, National Geographic, UPS and Vodafone as well. Visitors to some of the sites were diverted to a page declaring it was " World Hackers Day. " Hackers calling themselves the " TurkGuvenligi group " calimd the cyber-attack. "TurkGuvenligi translates as " Turkish security. " " The hack represents a 10%-15% spike compared to the average number of daily hacks of Israeli websites ," Shai Blitzblau, head of Maglan-Computer Warfare and Network Intelligence Labs, explained. Israel's military and security establishment has invested significantly in cyber-warfare programs in recent years and is considered one of the most advanced cyber-warfare forces in the world, both in attack and defense modes.T
UK Parliament Hit by Cyberattack, Up to 90 MPs' E-mail Accounts Hacked

UK Parliament Hit by Cyberattack, Up to 90 MPs' E-mail Accounts Hacked

Jun 26, 2017
A cyber attack has hit the email system of UK Houses of Parliament on Friday morning that breached at least 90 emails accounts protected by weak passwords belonging to MPs, lawmakers, and other parliamentary staff. Meanwhile, as a precaution, the Security service has temporarily shut down the remote access (outside the Westminster) to its network to protect email accounts. Liberal Democrat Chris Rennard has advised on Twitter that urgent messages should be sent by text message. "We have discovered unauthorized attempts to access accounts of parliamentary networks users and are investigating this ongoing incident, working closely with the National Cyber Security Centre," the spokesperson said . "Parliament has robust measures in place to protect all of our accounts and systems, and we are taking the necessary steps to protect and secure our network." The authorities found less than 1% of parliament's 9,000 email addresses had been compromised using the
Researchers Identify 3 Hacktivist Groups Supporting Russian Interests

Researchers Identify 3 Hacktivist Groups Supporting Russian Interests

Sep 26, 2022
At least three alleged hacktivist groups working in support of Russian interests are likely doing so in collaboration with state-sponsored cyber threat actors, according to Mandiant. The Google-owned threat intelligence and incident response firm  said  with moderate confidence that "moderators of the purported hacktivist Telegram channels 'XakNet Team,' 'Infoccentr,' and 'CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn' are coordinating their operations with Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU)-sponsored cyber threat actors." Mandiant's assessment is based on evidence that the leakage of data stolen from Ukrainian organizations occurred within 24 hours of  malicious wiper incidents  undertaken by the Russian nation-state group tracked as  APT28  (aka Fancy Bear, Sofacy, or Strontium). To that end, four of the 16 data leaks from these groups coincided with  disk wiping malware attacks  by APT28 that involved the use of a strain dubbed  CaddyWiper . APT28 , a
Don't Use Public Wi-Fi Without DNS Filtering

Don't Use Public Wi-Fi Without DNS Filtering

Jan 18, 2022
Providing public Wi-Fi is a great service to offer your customers as it becomes more and more standard in today's society. I like the fact that I do not have to worry about accessing the Internet while I am away, or spending a lot of money on an international connection, or just staying offline while I am away. With public Wi-Fi, modern life has become a constant connection to the Internet, whether we are on the bus, on the way to school or work, waiting for our flight in the airport or during the flight itself, or doing our homework or working on our projects in a café. We do business and communicate online in a variety of ways. We check our work emails, chat with our friends, and even take business calls online through the service. According to recent statistics, there are about 410,000 public Wi-Fi hotspots in the United States alone, in public places such as parks, libraries, public transportation, and train stations. Cons of using public Wi-Fi Despite the many benefits t
U.S. Sanctions Russians Behind 'Doppelganger' Cyber Influence Campaign

U.S. Sanctions Russians Behind 'Doppelganger' Cyber Influence Campaign

Mar 21, 2024 National Security / Data Privacy
The U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on Wednesday announced sanctions against two 46-year-old Russian nationals and the respective companies they own for engaging in cyber influence operations. Ilya Andreevich Gambashidze (Gambashidze), the founder of the Moscow-based company Social Design Agency (SDA), and Nikolai Aleksandrovich Tupikin (Tupikin), the CEO and current owner of Russia-based Company Group Structura LLC (Structura), have been accused of providing services to the Russian government in connection to a "foreign malign influence campaign." The disinformation campaign is tracked by the broader cybersecurity community under the name  Doppelganger , which is known to target audiences in Europe and the U.S. using inauthentic news sites and social media accounts. "SDA and Structura have been identified as key actors of the campaign, responsible for providing [the Government of the Russian Federation] with a variety of servic
CIO said - London Olympics Will Be 'ready' For Cyber-attacks !!

CIO said - London Olympics Will Be 'ready' For Cyber-attacks !!

Jan 21, 2011
London Olympics will be well prepared for attempted cyber attack, according to CIO Gerry Pennell London 2012. Speaking in London to start in 2012, and Atos Origin IT testing organization, Technology Lab, Pennell said the attacks at the Olympics - is also trying to overthrow the Games, to influence the results data and DDoS attacks on the pages of the event - were predictable. The former interior minister David Blunkett has also felt the impact of cyber attacks at the Olympics in 2009. Pennell said: "We have cyber attacks, certainly the previous games have always been attacked, then we will be attacked .. "We work with partners and government to ensure that we have the right of defense." With access to the laboratory of Technology, Atos and London of 2012 was 200 000 to start testing the entire Olympic Games IT infrastructure that is flexible, adaptable to change and secure. For example, scenarios such as computer room fire, or a virus, will be tested in real t
Chinese RedGolf Group Targeting Windows and Linux Systems with KEYPLUG Backdoor

Chinese RedGolf Group Targeting Windows and Linux Systems with KEYPLUG Backdoor

Mar 30, 2023 Endpoint Security / Malware
A Chinese state-sponsored threat activity group tracked as  RedGolf  has been  attributed  to the use of a custom Windows and Linux backdoor called KEYPLUG. "RedGolf is a particularly prolific Chinese state-sponsored threat actor group that has likely been active for many years against a wide range of industries globally," Recorded Future told The Hacker News. "The group has shown the ability to rapidly weaponize  newly reported vulnerabilities (e.g. Log4Shell and  ProxyLogon ) and has a history of developing and using a large range of custom malware families." The use of KEYPLUG by Chinese threat actors was  first disclosed  by Google-owned Mandiant in March 2022 in attacks targeting multiple U.S. state government networks between May 2021 and February 2022. Then in October 2022, Malwarebytes  detailed  a separate set of attacks targeting government entities in Sri Lanka in early August that leveraged a novel implant dubbed DBoxAgent to deploy KEYPLUG. Bot
Healthcare Industry Witnessed 45% Spike in Cyber Attacks Since Nov 20

Healthcare Industry Witnessed 45% Spike in Cyber Attacks Since Nov 20

Jan 05, 2021
Cyberattacks targeting healthcare organizations have spiked by 45% since November 2020 as COVID-19 cases continue to increase globally. According to a new report published by Check Point Research today and shared with The Hacker News, this increase has made the sector the most targeted industry by cybercriminals when compared to an overall 22% increase in cyberattacks across all industry sectors worldwide seen during the same time period. The average number of weekly attacks in the healthcare sector reached 626 per organization in November as opposed to 430 the previous month, with attack vectors ranging from ransomware, botnets, remote code execution, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Ransomware attacks against hospitals also marked their biggest jump, with  Ryuk  and Sodinokibi emerging as the primary ransomware variants employed by various criminal groups. "The usage of Ryuk emphasizes the trend of having more targeted and tailored ransomware attacks rath
Live Webinar: Reducing Complexity by Increasing Consolidation for SMEs

Live Webinar: Reducing Complexity by Increasing Consolidation for SMEs

Nov 13, 2020
Complexity is the bane of effective cybersecurity. The need to maintain an increasing array of cybersecurity tools to protect organizations from an expanding set of cyber threats is leading to runaway costs, staff inefficiencies, and suboptimal threat response. Small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with limited budgets and staff are significantly impacted. On average, SMEs manage more than a dozen different security tools, making it very difficult for security teams to manage and orchestrate. SMEs are, understandably, looking to consolidate their security tools to make cybersecurity more manageable and cost-effective. The challenge for these companies is to figure out how to consolidate cybersecurity tools without losing needed protections safely. An upcoming webinar is set to help SMEs with this very issue ( sign up here ). The Cybersecurity Complexity Problem Cannot Be Overemphasized Over the past decade (at least), CISOs have continuously lobbied for increased cybersecurity
TESCO Customers' account details leaked online

TESCO Customers' account details leaked online

Feb 15, 2014
You all were busy in celebrating Valentine's Day with your loved ones, and the cyber criminals were too celebrating the day in their own way, and this time, with the TESCO customers. A list of over 2,240 Tesco.com  Internet Shopping accounts was posted Online on the Pastebin website by some unknown hackers on Thursday, allowing access to online shopping accounts, personal details and Tesco Clubcard vouchers, reported by The Guardian . A Tesco spokesperson told The Hacker News that this information has not come from Tesco's website itself, rather there have been high profile hacks on other businesses  A Tesco spokesperson said, " We take the security of our customers' data extremely seriously and are urgently investigating these claims. " " We have contacted all customers who may have been affected and are committed to ensuring that none of them miss out as a result of this. We will issue replacement vouchers to the very small numbers who are affected. "
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