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Category — sony hack
U.S. Charges North Korean Spy Over WannaCry and Sony Pictures Hack

U.S. Charges North Korean Spy Over WannaCry and Sony Pictures Hack

Sep 06, 2018
The U.S. Department of Justice announces criminal charges against a North Korean government spy in connection with the 2017 global WannaCry ransomware attack and the 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment hack . According to multiple government officials cited by the NY Times who are familiar with the indictment, the charges would be brought against Park Jin Hyok , who works for North Korean military intelligence agency Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB). The November 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment hack was done in retaliation for the studio's production of a comedic film, " The Interview ," a comedy about two journalists who are recruited by the CIA to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. In June 2014, the Pyongyang government also denounced the film as "undisguised sponsoring of terrorism, as well as an Act of War" in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The Sony Pictures hack was devastating to the company and exposed over 200...
These Top 7 Brutal Cyber Attacks Prove 'No One is Immune to Hacking' — Part I

These Top 7 Brutal Cyber Attacks Prove 'No One is Immune to Hacking' — Part I

Sep 08, 2015
If you believe that your organization is not at real risk of cyber attack, then you are absolutely wrong. Incidents of massive data breaches, advanced cyber attacks coming from China , groups like Syrian Electronic Army , Hacking Point of Sale machines at retailers such as Target have splashed across the news in the last one year. Whether a Government Agency or Private Company, Small or a Large Tech Company.... ...It's no secret that No one is Immune to Cyber Attacks . This article is the first in a two-part series from The Hacker News , listing first four out of  Top 7 Brutal Cyber Attacks. And here we go... #1 "Hacking Team" Data Breach Hacking Team , the controversial spyware company, recently been hacked by some unidentified hackers that exposed over 400 gigabytes of its internal sensitive data on the Internet. Milan (Italy) based IT firm 'Hacking Team' sells intrusion and surveillance software solutions to Governments and Law Enforcement agen...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Wikileaks Publishes 30,000 Searchable Documents from the Sony Hack

Wikileaks Publishes 30,000 Searchable Documents from the Sony Hack

Apr 17, 2015
Remember the largest hack on Sony Pictures Entertainment late last year? Well, nobody can forget it. But let me remind you once again: Sony Picture Entertainment hack was one of the most devastating hacks in the history that leaked several hundred gigabytes of sensitive data, including high-quality versions of five unreleased movies , celebrity phone numbers and their travel aliases, private information of its employees, upcoming film scripts, film budgets and many more. Now, these large troves of hacked Sony data have been republished by Wikileaks. THE SONY ARCHIVES WikiLeaks on Thursday released " The Sony Archives ," a fully searchable online database containing more than 30,000 documents and 173,132 emails that, it claims, were stolen from last year's Sony Pictures hack , proving a devastating and embarrassing security failure for the studio. It is like, Whistleblower Julian Assange has hit the nerve: The massive hack has already cost the e...
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The Pirate Bay Updated With Phoenix Image and Set to return on 1 February

The Pirate Bay Updated With Phoenix Image and Set to return on 1 February

Jan 26, 2015
The Pirate Bay — an infamous Torrent website predominantly used to share copyrighted material free of charge — could be relaunched on 1st February, the date the website has long been expected to return. The website went dark from the Internet following a raid in Sweden last month. After a complaint was filed by a group called the Rights Alliance, Swedish Police officers raided The Pirate Bay's server room in Stockholm and seized several servers and other equipment. Last month's raid comes almost a month after the arrest of Fredrik Neij, the third and final founder of The Pirate Bay, at the border between Laos and Thailand on November 3. He was convicted by Swedish courts for sharing copyrighted material more than five years ago. The Pirate Bay homepage is displaying a logo of Phoenix once again with a timer counting down to 1 February. The search box and categories are back under the flag, but are not active yet. At the bottom of the page, a pirate ship sails tow...
FBI Director says 'Sloppy' Sony Hackers Left Clues that Point to North Korea

FBI Director says 'Sloppy' Sony Hackers Left Clues that Point to North Korea

Jan 08, 2015
The hackers group responsible for the last year's largest hacking attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment left many clues which proves that the Sony's hackers , who called themselves Guardians of Peace (GOP) , linked to North Korea, as claimed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Speaking at the International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS) at Fordham University in New York on Wednesday, the director of the FBI defended his bureau's claim and said that the North Korean government was involved in the massive cyber attack against Sony Pictures – saying skeptics " don't have the facts that I have ." " There's not much I have high confidence about, " James Comey said, as reported by the FBI New York field office's official Twitter feed. " I have very high confidence... on North Korea. " According to Comey, the hackers usually relied on proxy connections to hide their real IP address each time they sent threatening ...
BitTorrent Invites Sony to Release 'The Interview' Movie On Its Paid Service

BitTorrent Invites Sony to Release 'The Interview' Movie On Its Paid Service

Dec 23, 2014
Sony was forced to pull the cinema release of " The Interview ," scheduled for Christmas day, after hacker group Guardians of Peace (GOP) threatened to attack any theater that decided to show the film. But the studio will release the controversial North Korean-baiting film via different alternatives. HACKERS WARNED OF TERROR ATTACK The massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment is getting worst day by day. The hack has yet exposed about 200 gigabytes of confidential data belonging to the company from upcoming movie scripts to sensitive employees data, celebrities phone numbers and their travel aliases, and also the high-quality versions of 5 newest films leak , marking it as the most severe hack in the History. Week back, the hacker group GOP, who has claimed responsibility for the damaging Sony cyber-attack, demanded Sony to cancel the release of " The Interview " — the Seth Rogen and James Franco-starring comedy centered around a T...
Sony Pictures Employees Receive Threatening Email After Hack

Sony Pictures Employees Receive Threatening Email After Hack

Dec 06, 2014
The massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment have reached a totally unbelievable and scary phase as multiple media sources are saying that Sony Pictures employees received e-mails from hackers threatening to harm them and their family members . Said one employee, " It's really crazy and scary. " It seems like matters for Sony Pictures is getting worse with time. Last month hacking attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment made the studio's internal corporate systems offline and spewed confidential information onto the Internet. Hackers group that identifies itself as # GOP ( Guardians of Peace ) claimed responsibility for the hack and apparently stolen reams of internal corporate data as well. Just a week after the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, high-quality versions of five newest films – Annie , Fury , Still Alice , Mr. Turner and To Write Love on Her Arms – distributed by Sony Pictures leaked online during Black Friday. ...
LulzSec hacker sentenced to 1 year jail & ordered to pay $605,663 in restitution

LulzSec hacker sentenced to 1 year jail & ordered to pay $605,663 in restitution

Aug 09, 2013
A second member of hacking group LulzSec - Raynaldo Rivera, 21, of Tempe, Arizona, has been sentenced to 1 year in prison, 13 months of house arrest, and 1,000 hours of community service for hacking into the computers of Sony Pictures Entertainment . Raynaldo who went by Internet names " neuron " was member of LulzSec Hacking Team in an attack on Sony Pictures which saw personal data belonging to 138,000 customers leaked. He's also been ordered to pay $605,663 in restitution.  The attackers distributed the stolen data on the Internet, information that included names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for tens of thousands of Sony customers. Raynaldo also pleaded guilty to obtaining confidential information from various companies and posting it publicly. Another member of LulzSec ' Cody Andrew Kretsinger ' was given a one-year jail sentence back in April. Rivera and Kretsinger both studied at the University of Advancing Technology in Tem...
Three LulzSec hackers pleads guilty To NHS, Sony Attacks

Three LulzSec hackers pleads guilty To NHS, Sony Attacks

Apr 09, 2013
Three members of the high profile internet hacktivist group LulzSec have admitted to their parts in a series of cyber attacks against the NHS, Sony and News International. Ryan Ackroyd, Jake Davis and Mustafa Al-Bassam, pleaded guilty to one charge of carrying out an unauthorized act to impair the operation of a computer, contrary to the Criminal Law Act 1977. In July 2011 the Sun's website was hacked and users were briefly re-directed to a spoof page that falsely claiming that Rupert Murdoch had died. Davis, from Shetland, and Bassam, a student from Peckham, south London, admitted conspiring to bring down the websites of law enforcement authorities in Britain and the US, including the CIA and the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA). The group, an offshoot of the Anonymous hacktivists, but Both LulzSec and Anonymous wreaked havoc throughout 2011 and 2012, knocking thousands of websites offline and pilfering data from well-known companies. The men are said to h...
Former LulzSec hacker pleads guilty to Sony case

Former LulzSec hacker pleads guilty to Sony case

Oct 15, 2012
After last year's big PlayStation Network hack a lot of hacking groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec were intensely publicized. Back in June, a massive hack was conducted on the Sony Pictures Website. The attack led to the theft of details on over 1 million accounts and was linked to the hacker group Lulzsec. At the time, the hacker group claimed to have used a " very simple SQL injection " attack. Samples of the compromised data were later posted online. Purported LulzSec member Raynaldo Rivera, 20, was charged in August with impairing a protected computer and conspiracy charges. In admitting his guilt, he joins Cody Kretsinger, who also pleaded guilty for the Sony Pictures hijack. Kretsinger is scheduled to be sentenced on 25th October. " Rivera used the HideMyAss anonymising proxy service in an attempt to disguise his IP address while he carried out reconnaissance work, probing Sony Pictures' website for security vulnerabilities. HideMyAss turned over his IP...
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