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How to Analyze Malware’s Network Traffic in A Sandbox

How to Analyze Malware's Network Traffic in A Sandbox

Dec 13, 2023 Threat Intelligence / Malware Analysis
Malware analysis encompasses a broad range of activities, including examining the malware's network traffic. To be effective at it, it's crucial to understand the common challenges and how to overcome them. Here are three prevalent issues you may encounter and the tools you'll need to address them. Decrypting HTTPS traffic Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), the protocol for secure online communication, has become a tool for malware to conceal their malicious activities. By cloaking data exchange between infected devices and command-and-control (C&C) servers, malware can operate undetected, exfiltrating sensitive data, installing additional payloads, and receiving instructions from the operators. Yet, with the right tool, decrypting HTTPS traffic is an easy task. For this purpose, we can use a man-in-the-middle (MITM) proxy. The MITM proxy works as an intermediary between the client and the server, intercepting their communication. The MITM proxy aids analy
New MrAnon Stealer Malware Targeting German Users via Booking-Themed Scam

New MrAnon Stealer Malware Targeting German Users via Booking-Themed Scam

Dec 12, 2023 Cryptocurrency / Cyber Attack
A phishing campaign has been observed delivering an information stealer malware called  MrAnon Stealer  to unsuspecting victims via seemingly benign booking-themed PDF lures. "This malware is a Python-based information stealer compressed with cx-Freeze to evade detection," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Cara Lin  said . "MrAnon Stealer steals its victims' credentials, system information, browser sessions, and cryptocurrency extensions." There is evidence to suggest that Germany is the primary target of the attack as of November 2023, owing to the number of times the downloader URL hosting the payload has been queried. Masquerading as a company looking to book hotel rooms, the phishing email bears a PDF file that, upon opening, activates the infection by prompting the recipient to download an updated version of Adobe Flash. Doing so results in the execution of .NET executables and PowerShell scripts to ultimately run a pernicious Python script, which i
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
N. Korea's Kimsuky Targeting South Korean Research Institutes with Backdoor Attacks

N. Korea's Kimsuky Targeting South Korean Research Institutes with Backdoor Attacks

Dec 08, 2023 Cyber Espionage / Cryptocurrency
The North Korean threat actor known as  Kimsuky  has been observed targeting research institutes in South Korea as part of a spear-phishing campaign with the ultimate goal of distributing backdoors on compromised systems. "The threat actor ultimately uses a backdoor to steal information and execute commands," the AhnLab Security Emergency Response Center (ASEC)  said  in an analysis posted last week. The attack chains commence with an import declaration lure that's actually a malicious JSE file containing an obfuscated PowerShell script, a Base64-encoded payload, and a decoy PDF document. The next stage entails opening the PDF file as a diversionary tactic, while the PowerShell script is executed in the background to launch the backdoor. The malware, for its part, is configured to collect network information and other relevant data (i.e., host name, user name, and operating system version) and transmit the encoded details to a remote server. It's also capable of
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
Alert: Threat Actors Can Leverage AWS STS to Infiltrate Cloud Accounts

Alert: Threat Actors Can Leverage AWS STS to Infiltrate Cloud Accounts

Dec 06, 2023 Access Management / Cloud Security
Threat actors can take advantage of Amazon Web Services Security Token Service (AWS STS) as a way to infiltrate cloud accounts and conduct follow-on attacks. The service enables threat actors to impersonate user identities and roles in cloud environments, Red Canary researchers Thomas Gardner and Cody Betsworth  said  in a Tuesday analysis. AWS STS is a  web service  that enables users to request temporary, limited-privilege credentials for users to access AWS resources without needing to create an AWS identity. These STS tokens can be valid  anywhere from 15 minutes to 36 hours . Threat actors can steal long-term IAM tokens through a variety of methods like malware infections, publicly exposed credentials, and phishing emails, subsequently using them to determine roles and privileges associated with those tokens via API calls. "Depending on the token's permission level, adversaries may also be able to use it to create additional IAM users with long-term AKIA tokens to e
Hackers Exploited ColdFusion Vulnerability to Breach Federal Agency Servers

Hackers Exploited ColdFusion Vulnerability to Breach Federal Agency Servers

Dec 06, 2023 Vulnerability / Web Server Security
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned of active exploitation of a  high-severity Adobe ColdFusion vulnerability  by unidentified threat actors to gain initial access to government servers. "The vulnerability in ColdFusion (CVE-2023-26360) presents as an improper access control issue and exploitation of this CVE can result in arbitrary code execution," CISA  said , adding an unnamed federal agency was targeted between June and July 2023. The shortcoming affects ColdFusion 2018 (Update 15 and earlier versions) and ColdFusion 2021 (Update 5 and earlier versions). It has been addressed in versions Update 16 and Update 6, respectively, released on March 14, 2023. It was added by CISA to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog a day later, citing evidence of active exploitation in the wild. Adobe, in an advisory released around that time, said it's aware of the flaw being "exploited in the wild in very limited attacks."
Agent Racoon Backdoor Targets Organizations in Middle East, Africa, and U.S.

Agent Racoon Backdoor Targets Organizations in Middle East, Africa, and U.S.

Dec 02, 2023
Organizations in the Middle East, Africa, and the U.S. have been targeted by an unknown threat actor to distribute a new backdoor called  Agent Racoon . "This malware family is written using the .NET framework and leverages the domain name service (DNS) protocol to create a covert channel and provide different backdoor functionalities," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researcher Chema Garcia  said  in a Friday analysis. Targets of the attacks span various sectors such as education, real estate, retail, non-profits, telecom, and governments. The activity has not been attributed to a known threat actor, although it's assessed to be nation-state aligned owing to the victimology pattern and the detection and defense evasion techniques used. The cybersecurity firm is tracking the cluster under the moniker CL-STA-0002. It's currently not clear how these organizations were breached, and when the attacks took place. Some of the other tools deployed by the adversary include a
Design Flaw in Google Workspace Could Let Attackers Gain Unauthorized Access

Design Flaw in Google Workspace Could Let Attackers Gain Unauthorized Access

Nov 28, 2023 Data Security / Data Breach
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a "severe design flaw" in Google Workspace's domain-wide delegation ( DWD ) feature that could be exploited by threat actors to facilitate privilege escalation and obtain unauthorized access to Workspace APIs without super admin privileges. "Such exploitation could result in theft of emails from Gmail, data exfiltration from Google Drive, or other unauthorized actions within Google Workspace APIs on all of the identities in the target domain," cybersecurity firm Hunters  said  in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. The design weakness – which remains active to this date – has been codenamed  DeleFriend  for its ability to manipulate existing delegations in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Google Workspace without possessing super admin privileges. When reached for comment, Google disputed the characterization of the issue as a design flaw. "This report does not identify an underlying security issue in ou
Konni Group Using Russian-Language Malicious Word Docs in Latest Attacks

Konni Group Using Russian-Language Malicious Word Docs in Latest Attacks

Nov 23, 2023 Malware / Cyber Espionage
A new phishing attack has been observed leveraging a Russian-language Microsoft Word document to deliver malware capable of harvesting sensitive information from compromised Windows hosts. The activity has been attributed to a threat actor called Konni , which is assessed to share overlaps with a North Korean cluster tracked as Kimsuky (aka APT43). "This campaign relies on a remote access trojan (RAT) capable of extracting information and executing commands on compromised devices," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Cara Lin  said  in an analysis published this week. The  cyber espionage   group  is notable for its  targeting of Russia , with the modus operandi involving the use of spear-phishing emails and malicious documents as entry points for their attacks. Recent attacks documented by Knowsec and ThreatMon have leveraged the  WinRAR vulnerability  (CVE-2023-38831) as well as obfuscated Visual Basic scripts to drop  Konni RAT  and a Windows Batch script capable of
27 Malicious PyPI Packages with Thousands of Downloads Found Targeting IT Experts

27 Malicious PyPI Packages with Thousands of Downloads Found Targeting IT Experts

Nov 17, 2023 Software Supply Chain / API Security
An unknown threat actor has been observed publishing typosquat packages to the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository for nearly six months with an aim to deliver malware capable of gaining persistence, stealing sensitive data, and accessing cryptocurrency wallets for financial gain. The 27 packages, which masqueraded as popular legitimate Python libraries, attracted thousands of downloads, Checkmarx said in a new report. A majority of the downloads originated from the U.S., China, France, Hong Kong, Germany, Russia, Ireland, Singapore, the U.K., and Japan. "A defining characteristic of this attack was the utilization of steganography to hide a malicious payload within an innocent-looking image file, which increased the stealthiness of the attack," the software supply chain security firm  said . Some of the packages are pyefflorer, pyminor, pyowler, pystallerer, pystob, and pywool, the last of which was planted on May 13, 2023. A common denominator to these packages is t
Three Ways Varonis Helps You Fight Insider Threats

Three Ways Varonis Helps You Fight Insider Threats

Nov 15, 2023 Insider Threat / Risk Management
What do basketball teams, government agencies, and car manufacturers have in common? Each one has been breached, having confidential, proprietary, or private information stolen and exposed by insiders. In each case, the motivations and methods varied, but the risk remained the same: insiders have access to too much data with too few controls. Insider threats  continue to prove difficult for organizations to combat because — unlike an outsider — insiders can navigate sensitive data undetected and typically without suspicion. Cybersecurity is not the first industry to tackle insider threats, however. Espionage has a long history of facing and defending against insiders by using the "CIA Triad" principles of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Varonis' modern cybersecurity answer to insider risk is the data security triad of "sensitivity, access, and activity." Using these three dimensions of data security, you can help reduce the risk and impact of an insider attack. Sen
New Ransomware Group Emerges with Hive's Source Code and Infrastructure

New Ransomware Group Emerges with Hive's Source Code and Infrastructure

Nov 13, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
The threat actors behind a new ransomware group called  Hunters International  have acquired the source code and infrastructure from the now-dismantled Hive operation to kick-start its own efforts in the threat landscape. "It appears that the leadership of the Hive group made the strategic decision to cease their operations and transfer their remaining assets to another group, Hunters International," Martin Zugec, technical solutions director at Bitdefender,  said  in a report published last week. Hive, once a prolific ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation, was  taken down  as part of a coordinated law enforcement operation in January 2023. While it's common for ransomware actors to regroup, rebrand, or disband their activities following such seizures, what can also happen is that the core developers can pass on the source code and other infrastructure in their possession to another threat actor. Reports about Hunters International as a possible Hive rebrand  sur
Alert: 'Effluence' Backdoor Persists Despite Patching Atlassian Confluence Servers

Alert: 'Effluence' Backdoor Persists Despite Patching Atlassian Confluence Servers

Nov 10, 2023 Cyber Attack / Threat Intelligence
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a stealthy backdoor named  Effluence  that's deployed following the successful exploitation of a recently disclosed security flaw in Atlassian Confluence Data Center and Server. "The malware acts as a persistent backdoor and is not remediated by applying patches to Confluence," Aon's Stroz Friedberg Incident Response Services  said  in an analysis published earlier this week. "The backdoor provides capability for lateral movement to other network resources in addition to exfiltration of data from Confluence. Importantly, attackers can access the backdoor remotely without authenticating to Confluence." The attack chain documented by the cybersecurity entity entailed the exploitation of  CVE-2023-22515  (CVSS score: 10.0), a critical bug in Atlassian that could be abused to create unauthorized Confluence administrator accounts and access Confluence servers. Atlassian has since disclosed a second flaw known as  CV
New GootLoader Malware Variant Evades Detection and Spreads Rapidly

New GootLoader Malware Variant Evades Detection and Spreads Rapidly

Nov 07, 2023 Endpoint Security / Malware
A new variant of the  GootLoader malware  called GootBot has been found to facilitate lateral movement on compromised systems and evade detection. "The GootLoader group's introduction of their own custom bot into the late stages of their attack chain is an attempt to avoid detections when using off-the-shelf tools for C2 such as CobaltStrike or RDP," IBM X-Force researchers Golo Mühr and Ole Villadsen  said . "This new variant is a lightweight but effective malware allowing attackers to rapidly spread throughout the network and deploy further payloads." GootLoader, as the name implies, is a malware capable of downloading next-stage malware after luring potential victims using search engine optimization (SEO) poisoning tactics. It's linked to a threat actor tracked as  Hive0127  (aka UNC2565). The use of GootBot points to a tactical shift, with the implant downloaded as a payload after a Gootloader infection in lieu of post-exploitation frameworks such
Offensive and Defensive AI: Let’s Chat(GPT) About It

Offensive and Defensive AI: Let's Chat(GPT) About It

Nov 07, 2023 Artificial Intelligence / Data Security
ChatGPT: Productivity tool, great for writing poems, and… a security risk?! In this article, we show how threat actors can exploit ChatGPT, but also how defenders can use it for leveling up their game. ChatGPT is the most swiftly growing consumer application to date. The extremely popular generative AI chatbot has the ability to generate human-like, coherent and contextually relevant responses. This makes it very valuable for applications like content creation, coding, education, customer support, and even personal assistance. However, ChatGPT also comes with security risks. ChatGPT can be used for data exfiltration, spreading misinformation, developing cyber attacks and writing phishing emails. On the flip side, it can help defenders who can use it for identifying vulnerabilities and learning about various defenses. In this article, we show numerous ways attackers can exploit ChatGPT and the OpenAI Playground. Just as importantly, we show ways that defenders can leverage ChatGPT t
New Jupyter Infostealer Version Emerges with Sophisticated Stealth Tactics

New Jupyter Infostealer Version Emerges with Sophisticated Stealth Tactics

Nov 06, 2023 Data Security / Malvertising
An updated version of an information stealer malware known as  Jupyter  has resurfaced with "simple yet impactful changes" that aim to stealthily establish a persistent foothold on compromised systems. "The team has discovered new waves of Jupyter Infostealer attacks which leverage PowerShell command modifications and signatures of private keys in attempts to pass off the malware as a legitimately signed file," VMware Carbon Black researchers  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. Jupyter Infostealer , also known as Polazert , SolarMarker, and Yellow Cockatoo, has a  track record  of leveraging manipulated search engine optimization (SEO) tactics and malvertising as an initial access vector to trick users searching for popular software into downloading it from dubious websites. It comes with capabilities to harvest credentials as well as establish encrypted command-and-control (C2) communication to exfiltrate data and execute arbitrary commands. The la
Turla Updates Kazuar Backdoor with Advanced Anti-Analysis to Evade Detection

Turla Updates Kazuar Backdoor with Advanced Anti-Analysis to Evade Detection

Nov 01, 2023 Cyber Threat / Malware
The Russia-linked hacking crew known as Turla has been observed using an updated version of a known second-stage backdoor referred to as Kazuar. The new findings come from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which is tracking the adversary under its constellation-themed moniker  Pensive Ursa . "As the code of the upgraded revision of Kazuar reveals, the authors put special emphasis on Kazuar's ability to operate in stealth, evade detection and thwart analysis efforts," security researchers Daniel Frank and Tom Fakterman  said  in a technical report. "They do so using a variety of advanced anti-analysis techniques and by protecting the malware code with effective encryption and obfuscation practices." Pensive Ursa, active since at least 2004, is attributed to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). Earlier this July, the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA)  implicated  the threat group to attacks targeting the defense sector in Ukraine and East
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