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Category — cloud backup
Google to Encrypt Android Cloud Backups With Your Lock Screen Password

Google to Encrypt Android Cloud Backups With Your Lock Screen Password

Oct 15, 2018
In an effort to secure users' data while maintaining privacy, Google has announced a new security measure for Android Backup Service that now encrypts all your backup data stored on its cloud servers in a way that even the company can't read it. Google allows Android users to automatically backup their essential app data and settings to their Google account, allowing them to simply restore it when required, instead of re-configuring all the apps after formatting or switching to a new phone. However, until now your backup data was not encrypted and visible to Google, and now the company is going to change its storage procedure. Starting with Android Pie, Google is going to encrypt your Android device backup data in the following way: Step 1: Your Android device will generate a random secret key (not known to Google), Step 2: The secret key will then get encrypted using your lockscreen PIN/pattern/passcode (not known to Google), Step 3: This passcode-protected ...
Google's New Tool Lets You Easily Backup & Sync Your Entire PC to the Cloud

Google's New Tool Lets You Easily Backup & Sync Your Entire PC to the Cloud

Jun 15, 2017
Soon you will be able to auto backup and sync your whole computer on Google Drive. Yes, you heard that right. By the end of this month, Google will launch Backup and Sync — a new, simple tool that has been designed to help you backup not only your documents and photos in the cloud but your entire computer as well. Data loss is always the worst thing that can happen to anyone, so having backups of all your data is always a good idea. Also, having regular backups can save you and your company in the events of data breaches and ransomware attacks. "On June 28th, 2017, we will launch Backup and Sync from Google, a tool intended to help everyday users back up files and photos from their computers, so they're safe and accessible from anywhere," reads Google's post on the G Suite Blog. The Backup and Sync tool will replace the current Google Drive uploader client for Mac/PC, and will also be integrated into the desktop Google Photos uploader. So, instead of creati...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Avira Vulnerability Puts Users' Online Backup Data At Risk

Avira Vulnerability Puts Users' Online Backup Data At Risk

Sep 20, 2014
A popular Anti-virus software Avira that provides free security software to its customers with Secure Backup service is vulnerable to a critical web application vulnerability that could allow an attacker to take over users' account, putting millions of its users' account at risk. Avira is very popular for their free security software that comes with its own real-time protection module against malware and a secure backup service. Avira was considered to be the sixth largest antivirus vendor in 2012 with over 100 million customers worldwide. A 16 year-old security researcher ' Mazen Gamal ' from Egypt told The Hacker News that Avira Website is vulnerable to CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) vulnerability that allows him to hijack users' accounts and access to their online secure cloud backup files. CSRF VULNERABILITY TO  ACCOUNT TAKEOVER Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) is a method of attacking a Web site in which an intruder masquerades as a legitim...
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Microsoft OneDrive Secretly Modifies your BackUp Files

Microsoft OneDrive Secretly Modifies your BackUp Files

Apr 24, 2014
Until now, our privacy has been violated by many big Internet Services, including Google who uses our personal information for the advertising purposes and this is exactly how the companies handle the mass of personal data we provide them. But, recent report about another big giant Microsoft shows that it omits almost all other privacy aspects, as it targets ' Integrity ' of our data. To hold on our large data, having backups is always a good idea and many of us prefer cloud-based backup solutions such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, RapidShare, Amazon Cloud Drive to store and secure our personal data. But, unfortunately with Microsoft OneDrive storage service, it doesn't work. Microsoft fails to deliver integrity to its users as Microsoft's OneDrive for Business cloud-based storage service has been modifying users' files when they are uploading to Cloud storage, according to an Ireland based Storage technology researcher Seán Byrne, who posted about it in a Myce ...
Data Backup and Recovery with 'EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation'

Data Backup and Recovery with 'EaseUS Todo Backup Workstation'

Mar 04, 2014
Since, we are living in the era where nothing could be possible without the help of the Internet. From every unimportant to every major and important data are stored in our computers and servers, and there is a massive growth in the volume of data all around us. But, computer drives can fail, and usually they give no advance warning. One minute they're working fine, and the next minute they're toasted. Data loss can be very costly, and due to the increase in cyber threat these days, all computer data is at risk from threats or damage. Even with the most reliable equipment and the most secure operating environment, there is always the possibility of something going wrong. So, a solution to all problems is to have a backup of entire data stored on your computer, and for that it is important for you to have a right choice. Want to know - How to backup the server/workstation? Well, there are many options, some are reliable and some are not. Now, at this point, you won...
How to encrypt your files before uploading to Cloud Storage using CloudFogger

How to encrypt your files before uploading to Cloud Storage using CloudFogger

Jan 16, 2014
In this Internet savvy generation, we want all of our data to be secured at some place. Having backups of your data is always a good idea, whether that data is stored in the Cloud or on your computer. But everyone who is following the Edward Snowden leaks of the NSA 's PRISM program now pushed to hardening their Mobile devices and computers for security, privacy, and anonymity. There are many Free Cloud storage providers including  Google Drive ,  Dropbox, Box, RapidShare, Amazon Cloud Drive, Microsoft SkyDrive  and many more. These services have a limitation that all data is unencrypted, or even if it is encrypted, the encryption keys are still generated by the company's software, meaning the company still has an access to your data. So as an end user, we must think about the security and privacy of our data. We should first encrypt our files on the system level and then upload a copy of it on the cloud storage. For this a robust and highly user friendly tool called...
Serious Smishing vulnerability reported in Samsung Galaxy S4

Serious Smishing vulnerability reported in Samsung Galaxy S4

Jun 25, 2013
Serious security vulnerability was recently discovered on the Samsung flagship Galaxy S4 device, claiming that attackers can use it to silently send text messages. Qihoo 360 Technology, an antivirus company based in China, said that this particular vulnerability is related to the " cloud backup " feature of Galaxy S4, which is not properly protected and can be abused. This vulnerability was first discovered on June 17 and already reported the issue to Samsung and the company is already in the process of developing an official update to fix the vulnerability. A rogue mobile application could contain code exploiting the vulnerability to send fraudulent scam text messages ordering premium-rate services, the firm said. By exploiting the vulnerable cloud backup feature, malware could pretend to be the identity of any contact, friend, relative, or organization when faking phishing SMS messages. When these phishing SMS messages are received, users may be tricked i...
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