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Category — bug bounty
This Bug Could Allow Hackers to Delete Any Video On Facebook

This Bug Could Allow Hackers to Delete Any Video On Facebook

Jan 23, 2017
A security researcher has discovered a critical vulnerability in Facebook that could allow attackers to delete any video of the social networking site shared by anyone on their wall. The flaw has been discovered by security researcher Dan Melamed in June 2016, allowing him not only to remotely delete any video on Facebook shared by anyone without having any permission or authentication but also to disable commenting on the video of your choice. Here's how to exploit this flaw: In order to exploit this vulnerability, Melamed first created a public event on the Facebook page and uploaded a video on the Discussion part of the event. While uploading the video, the researcher tampered the POST request using Fiddler and then replace the Video ID value of his video with Video ID value of any other video on the social media platform. Although Facebook responded to this issue with a server error, i.e. " This content is no longer available, " but the new video was s...
Hack the Pentagon: Hackers find over 100 Bugs in U.S. Defense Systems

Hack the Pentagon: Hackers find over 100 Bugs in U.S. Defense Systems

Jun 14, 2016
The " Hack the Pentagon " bug bounty program by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) has been successful with more than 100 vulnerabilities uncovered by white hat hackers in Pentagon infrastructure. In March, the Defense Department launched what it calls " the first cyber Bug Bounty Program in the history of the federal government, " inviting hackers to take up the challenge of finding bugs in its networks and public faced websites that are registered under DoD. Around 1,400 whitehat (ethical) hackers participated in the Hack the Pentagon program and were awarded up to $15,000 for disclosures of the most destructive vulnerabilities in DoDs networks, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said at a technology forum on Friday. "They are helping us to be more secure at a fraction of the cost," Carter said . "And in a way that enlists the brilliance of the white hatters, rather than waits to learn the lessons of the black hatters." ...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Researcher finds a way to Delete and Modify Facebook Messages Sent to Other Users

Researcher finds a way to Delete and Modify Facebook Messages Sent to Other Users

Jun 07, 2016
Sometimes I receive emails from our readers who wanted to know how to hack Facebook account , but just to delete some of their messages they have sent to their friends or colleagues mistakenly or under wrong circumstances like aggression. How to hack a Facebook account? It is probably the biggest "n00b" question you will see on the Internet. The solution for this query is hard to find — but recently researchers have shown that how you can modify or alter your messages once you have pressed the SEND button in Facebook Messenger. According to the researcher  Roman Zaikin  from cyber security firm Check Point , a simple HTML tweak can be used to exploit Facebook online chat as well as its Messenger app, potentially allowing anyone to modify or delete any of his/her sent message, photo, file, and link. Though the bug is simple, it could be exploited by malicious users to send a legitimate link in a Facebook chat or group chat, and later change it to a malicious link t...
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Hacker finds flaws that could let anyone steal $25 Billion from a Bank

Hacker finds flaws that could let anyone steal $25 Billion from a Bank

May 17, 2016
A security researcher could have stolen as much as $25 Billion from one of the India's biggest banks ‒ Thanks to the bank's vulnerable mobile application. Late last year, security researcher Sathya Prakash discovered a number of critical vulnerabilities in the mobile banking application of an undisclosed bank that allowed him to steal money from any or all bank customers with the help of just a few lines of code. Being a white hat hacker, Prakash immediately reached out to the bank and alerted it about the critical issues in its mobile app and helped the bank fix them, instead of taking advantage of the security holes to steal money from the bank that has about 25 Billion USD in Deposits. While analyzing the mobile banking app, Prakash discovered that the app lacks Certificate Pinning , allowing any man-in-the-middle attacker to downgrade SSL connection and capture requests in plain text using fraudulently issued certificates. Also Read:  Best Password Manager — For ...
This 10-year-old Boy becomes the youngest Bug Bounty Hacker

This 10-year-old Boy becomes the youngest Bug Bounty Hacker

May 07, 2016
" Talent has no Age Limit " That's what I said for a 10-year-old Finnish boy on our official Facebook page while sharing his recent achievement with our readers i.e. Winning $10,000 bug bounty from Instagram . Last Tuesday when we at The Hacker News first acknowledged this talented boy and the flaw he discovered in image-sharing social network Instagram, I did not have an idea that the Facebook post would get an enormous response from our followers, encouraging me to introduce Jani to our website readers too. Those who aren't aware, Jani from Helsinki recently reported an Instagram bug to Facebook that allowed him to delete other Instagram users' comments just by entering a malicious code into the app's comment field. " I would have been able to eliminate anyone's comment from Instagram, even Justin Bieber, " Jani told a local newspaper. Jani responsibly disclosed the vulnerability details to Facebook, who owns Instagram, in February and ...
Hacker Installed a Secret Backdoor On Facebook Server to Steal Passwords

Hacker Installed a Secret Backdoor On Facebook Server to Steal Passwords

Apr 22, 2016
How to Hack Facebook? That's the most commonly asked question during this decade. It's a hacker dream to hack Facebook website for earning bug bounty or for any malicious purpose. Facebook security team recently found that someone, probably a blackhat hacker with malicious intent, has breached into its server and installed a backdoor that was configured to steal Facebook employees' login credentials. Since the backdoor discovered in the Facebook's corporate server, not on its main server, Facebook user accounts are not affected by this incident. Though the company would have never known about the backdoor if a whitehat hacker had never spotted the backdoor script while hunting for vulnerabilities. Also Read: Ever Wondered How Facebook Decides, How much Bounty Should be Paid? Security researcher Orange Tsai of Taiwanese security vendor DEVCORE accidentally came across a backdoor script on one of Facebook's corporate servers while finding bugs to earn cash reward fr...
Microsoft Pays $24,000 Bounty to Hacker for Finding 'Account Hacking' Technique

Microsoft Pays $24,000 Bounty to Hacker for Finding 'Account Hacking' Technique

Oct 08, 2015
A security researcher has won $24,000 from Microsoft for finding a critical flaw in its Live.com authentication system that could allow hackers to gain access to a user's complete Outlook account or other Microsoft services. Microsoft's Live.com is the authentication system that everyone go through while attempting to authenticate to Outlook.com and a large number of other Microsoft services, including OneDrive, Windows Phone, Skype, and Xbox LIVE. Hacking Hotmail (Outlook.com) Account It's one account for all services. So, if say, Outlook wants to access other apps, it uses a standard set of authentication code called OAuth . OAuth is an open standard for authorization that keeps your passwords safe on third-party sites and instead of sharing your password, it shares a special key called 'Access token' to access the app. OAuth authorizations are accomplished through a prompt, as shown below and to allow an app to gain access to your account, you n...
PayPal Vulnerability Allows Hackers to Steal All Your Money

PayPal Vulnerability Allows Hackers to Steal All Your Money

Aug 27, 2015
A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in the global e-commerce business PayPal that could allow attackers to steal your login credentials , and even your credit card details in unencrypted format. Egypt-based researcher Ebrahim Hegazy discovered a Stored Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Paypal's Secure Payments domain. As it sounds, the domain is used to conduct secure online payments when purchasing from any online shopping website. It enables buyers to pay with their payment cards or PayPal accounts, eliminating the need to store sensitive payment information. However, it is possible for an attacker to set up a rogue online store or hijacked a legitimate shopping website, to trick users into handing over their personal and financial details. How the Stored XSS Attack Works? Hegazy explains a step by step process in his blog post , which gives a detailed explanation of the attack. Here's what the researcher calls the worst attack scenario:...
Twitter Vulnerability Allows Hacker to Delete Credit Cards from Any Twitter Account

Twitter Vulnerability Allows Hacker to Delete Credit Cards from Any Twitter Account

Sep 16, 2014
At the beginning of this month, just like other social networks, Twitter also started paying individuals for any flaws they uncover on its service with a fee of $140 or more offered per flaw under its new Bug Bounty program, and here comes the claimant. An Egyptian Security Researcher, Ahmed Mohamed Hassan Aboul-Ela , who have been rewarded by many reputed and popular technology giants including Google, Microsoft and Apple, have discovered a critical vulnerability in Twitter's advertising service that allowed him deleting credit cards from any Twitter account. FIRST VULNERABILITY Initially, Aboul-Ela found two different vulnerabilities in ads.twitter.com, but both the flaws was having the " same effect and impact. " First flaw exists in the Delete function of credit cards in payments method page, https://ads.twitter.com/accounts/[account id]/payment_methods By choosing the Delete this card function, an ajax POST request is sent to the server. The post parameter...
Russian Government Offers $111,000 For Cracking Tor Anonymity Network

Russian Government Offers $111,000 For Cracking Tor Anonymity Network

Jul 26, 2014
The Russian government is offering almost 4 million ruble which is approximately equal to $111,000 to the one who can devise a reliable technology to decrypt data sent over the Tor , an encrypted anonymizing network used by online users in order to hide their activities from law enforcement, government censors, and others. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) issued a notice on its official procurement website, originally posted on July 11, under the title " шифр «ТОР (Флот)» " ;which translates as " cipher 'TOR' (Navy) " an open call for Tor-cracking proposals whose winner will be chosen by August 20. The MIA specifically wants researchers to " study the possibility of obtaining technical information about users and users' equipment on the Tor anonymous network, " according to a translated version of the Russian government's proposal. Only Russian nationals and companies are allowed to take part in the competition " in o...
Flickr vulnerable to SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution Flaws

Flickr vulnerable to SQL Injection and Remote Code Execution Flaws

Apr 14, 2014
Yahoo-owned Flickr , one of the biggest online photo management and sharing website in the world was recently impacted by critical web application vulnerabilities, which left website's database and server vulnerable hackers. Ibrahim Raafat , a security researcher from Egypt has found SQL injection vulnerabilities on  Flickr Photo Books , new feature for printing custom photo books through Flickr that was launched 5 months ago. He claimed to have found two parameters ( page_id , items ) vulnerable to Blind SQL injection and one  (i.e. order_id ) Direct SQL Injection that allowed him to query the Flickr database for its content by the injection of a SQL SELECT statements. A Successful SQL exploitation could allow an attacker to steal the Database and MYSQL administrator password. Furthermore, Flickr's SQL injection flaws also facilitate the attacker to exploit remote code execution on the server and using  load_file("/etc/passwd")   function he wa...
Researchers Get $10,000 for Hacking Google Server with Malicious XML

Researchers Get $10,000 for Hacking Google Server with Malicious XML

Apr 12, 2014
A critical vulnerability has been uncovered in Google that could allow an attacker to access the internal files of Google's production servers. Sounds ridiculous but has been proven by the security researchers from Detectify. The vulnerability resides in the Toolbar Button Gallery ( as shown ). The team of researchers found a loophole after they noticed that Google Toolbar Button Gallery allows users to customize their toolbars with new buttons. So, for the developers, it is easy to create their own buttons by uploading XML files containing metadata for styling and other such properties. This feature of Google search engine is vulnerable to  XML External Entity (XXE) . It is an XML injection that allows an attacker to force a badly configured XML parser to " include " or " load " unwanted functionality that can compromise the security of a web application. " The root cause of XXE vulnerabilities is naive XML parsers that blindly interpret the DTD of t...
Google adds its Chrome apps and extensions to Bug Bounty Program

Google adds its Chrome apps and extensions to Bug Bounty Program

Feb 06, 2014
Google's Vulnerability Reward Program which started in November 2010, offers a hefty reward to the one who find a good vulnerability in its products.  Now Google is getting a little more serious about the security of its Chrome Browser and has expanded its Bug Bounty Program to include all Chrome apps, extensions developed and branded as " by Google ". The Internet is a platform which has become a necessary medium for performing our daily tasks like reading news, paying bills, playing games, scheduling meetings and everything we perform on this platform is possible only because of the various applications maintained by the service providers. " We think developing Chrome extensions securely is relatively easy, but given that extensions like Hangouts and GMail are widely used, we want to make sure efforts to keep them secure are rewarded accordingly. " Google said in a blog post . Not only this, to improve the security of open-source proje...
Facebook Hacker received $33,500 reward for Remote code execution vulnerability

Facebook Hacker received $33,500 reward for Remote code execution vulnerability

Jan 23, 2014
Facebook has paid out its largest Bug Bounty ever of $33,500 to a Brazilian security researcher for discovering and reporting a critical Remote code execution vulnerability, which potentially allows the full control of a server. In September, ' Reginaldo Silva' found an XML External Entity Expansion vulnerability affecting the part of Drupal that handled OpenID, which allows attacker to read any files on the webserver. As a feature, Facebook allows users to access their accounts using OpenID in which it receives an XML document from 3rd service and parse it to verify that it is indeed the correct provider or not i.e. Receives at https://www.facebook.com/openid/receiver.php  In November 2013, while testing Facebook's ' Forgot your password ' functionality, he found that the OpenID process could be manipulated to execute any command on the Facebook server remotely and also allows to read arbitrary files on the webserver. In a Proof-of-Concept , ...
LinkedIn iOS app HTML Message Parsing Vulnerability

LinkedIn iOS app HTML Message Parsing Vulnerability

Dec 10, 2013
LinkedIn's iOS application is prone to a vulnerability that may permit remote attackers to execute arbitrary code. Security Researcher Zouheir Abdallah  has disclosed HTML parsing vulnerability in LinkedIn iOS an app, that can be used to phish for credentials or be escalated into a full blown attack. LinkedIn's vulnerability occurs when the messaging feature of LinkedIn's mobile app parses invalid HTML and an attacker can exploit this vulnerability remotely from his/her account, which could have serious impact on LinkedIn's users.  He created Proof of concept of the flaw and submitted it to the LinkedIn Security team in September 2013. Later in October 2013, the vulnerable application was patched. One of the possible attack vector is that, using this vulnerability attacker can easily phish LinkedIn user on iOS app. As shown in the screenshot, POC message says: Hey, Can you please view my LinkedIn profile and endorse me! Thanks! I appreciate it! The iOS app wil...
Facebook vulnerability allows to view hidden Facebook Friend List

Facebook vulnerability allows to view hidden Facebook Friend List

Nov 22, 2013
Facebook is one of the most powerful and reliable social networking website. It allows users to interact with other users after being friends with one another. Facebook allows users to make the friend list public or private. If it is made private, your friend list won't appear on your publicly viewable profile. Irene Abezgauz , a security researcher from the Quotium Seeker Research Center has found a vulnerability in Facebook  website that allows anyone to see a users' friends list, even when the user has set that information to private. v The exploit is carried out by abusing the ' People You May Know ' feature on Facebook , which suggests new friends to users. It suggests friends to you based on mutual connections and other criteria such as work or education information. This Hack is really very simple! All a hacker would have to do would be to create a fake Facebook profile and then send a friend request to their target. Even if the targeted user ...
Hacking Gmail accounts with password reset system vulnerability

Hacking Gmail accounts with password reset system vulnerability

Nov 22, 2013
Oren Hafif , a security researcher has discovered a critical vulnerability in the Password reset process of Google account that allows an attacker to hijack any account. He managed to trick Google users into handing over their passwords via a simple spear-phishing attack by leveraging a number of flaws i.e. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and cross-site scripting (XSS), and a flow bypass. In a proof of concept video demonstration, the attacker sends his victim a fake " Confirm account ownership " email, claiming to come from Google. The link mention in the mail instructs the recipient to confirm the ownership of the account and urged user to change their password. The link from the email apparently points to a HTTPS  google.com URL, but it actually leads the victim to the attacker's website because of CSRF attack with a customized email address. The Google HTTPS page will will ask the victim to confirm the ownership by entering his last password and then w...
Facebook Open URL Redirection vulnerability

Facebook Open URL Redirection vulnerability

Nov 16, 2013
Security Researcher Dan Melamed discovered an Open URL redirection vulnerability in Facebook that allowed him to have a facebook.com link redirect to any website without restrictions. An open URL Redirection flaw is generally used to convince a user to click on a trusted link which is specially crafted to take them to an arbitrary website, the target website could be used to serve a malware or for a phishing attack . An Open URL Redirection url flaw in Facebook platform and third party applications also exposes the user's access token at risk if that link is entered as the final destination in an Oauth dialog . The Facebook Open URL Redirection vulnerability exists at landing.php  page with " url " parameter, i.e. https://facebook.com/campaign/landing.php?url=https://yahoo.com This URL will always redirects user to the Facebook 's homepage, but it is sufficient to manipulate the "url" parameter assigning a random string: https://facebo...
Vulnerability in Facebook app allows hackers to steal access tokens and hijack accounts

Vulnerability in Facebook app allows hackers to steal access tokens and hijack accounts

Oct 29, 2013
There are more than 100 Million users who are using Facebook mobile app. Facebook has fixed multiple critical vulnerabilities in its Android based applications that allows hackers to steal access tokens and hijack accounts. Egyptian security researcher Mohamed Ramadan, Security researcher with Attack Secure, has who disclosed  a couple of vulnerabilities in the Facebook Main app and Facebook messenger app and Facebook page's manager application for Android. User's access token is the key to accessing a Facebook account and according to him, an attacker only needs to send a message that contains an attachment of any type, i.e. Videos, documents, and pictures. Once the victim will click on that file to download, immediately victim's access_token will be stored in the Android's log messages called -  logcat ,  that enables other apps to grab user's access token and hijack the account. Video Demonstration: ...
Microsoft paid over $28,000 Rewards to Six Researchers for its first ever Bug Bounty Program

Microsoft paid over $28,000 Rewards to Six Researchers for its first ever Bug Bounty Program

Oct 07, 2013
Microsoft today announced that they had paid more than $28,000 in rewards to Security Researchers for its first Bug Bounty program, that went on for a month during the preview release of Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). The program was designed to run during Internet Explorer 11's browser beta test on June 26 and went on till July 26. They said it would pay researchers up to $11,000 for each Internet Explorer 11 vulnerability they found. In July, the company announced that the first such bounty award was given to a current employee of Google, Ivan Fratric. Today Microsoft has released the names of all the people who the company said found vulnerabilities that qualified for a bounty and paid out $28k a total of six researchers for reporting 15 different bugs. J ames Forshaw, Context Security 4 Internet Explorer 11 Preview Bug Bounty - $4,400 1 Bonus for finding cool IE design vulnerabilities - $5,000 Jose Antonio Vazquez Gonzalez, Yenteasy - Security Research 5 I...
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