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Category — XDR
Enhancing Incident Response Readiness with Wazuh

Enhancing Incident Response Readiness with Wazuh

Aug 05, 2024 Threat Detection / Network Security
Incident response is a structured approach to managing and addressing security breaches or cyber-attacks. Security teams must overcome challenges such as timely detection, comprehensive data collection, and coordinated actions to enhance readiness. Improving these areas ensures a swift and effective response, minimizing damage and restoring normal operations quickly. Challenges in incident response Incident response presents several challenges that must be addressed to ensure a swift and effective recovery from cyber attacks. The following section lists some of these challenges. Timeliness : One of the primary challenges in incident response is addressing incidents quickly enough to minimize damage. Delays in response can lead to more compromises and increased recovery costs. Information correlation : Security teams often struggle to effectively collect and correlate relevant data. Without a comprehensive view, understanding the full scope and impact of the incident becomes difficu...
True Protection or False Promise? The Ultimate ITDR Shortlisting Guide

True Protection or False Promise? The Ultimate ITDR Shortlisting Guide

Jul 10, 2024 Endpoint Security / Identity Security
It's the age of identity security. The explosion of driven ransomware attacks has made CISOs and security teams realize that identity protection lags 20 years behind their endpoints and networks. This realization is mainly due to the transformation of lateral movement from fine art, found in APT and top cybercrime groups only, to a commodity skill used in almost every ransomware attack. The lateral movement uses compromised credentials for malicious access – a critical blind spot that existing XDR, network, and SIEM solutions fail to block.  Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) has emerged in the last couple of years to close this gap. This article breaks down the top five ITDR capabilities and provides the key questions to ask your ITDR vendor. Only a definitive 'YES' to these questions can ensure that the solution you evaluate can indeed deliver its identity security promise.  Coverage For All Users, Resources, and Access Methods  Why is it important? Par...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Enhancing Security Operations Using Wazuh: Open Source XDR and SIEM

Enhancing Security Operations Using Wazuh: Open Source XDR and SIEM

Aug 07, 2023 SIEM and XDR Platform
In today's interconnected world, evolving security solutions to meet growing demand is more critical than ever. Collaboration across multiple solutions for intelligence gathering and information sharing is indispensable. The idea of multiple-source intelligence gathering stems from the concept that threats are rarely isolated. Hence, their detection and prevention require a comprehensive understanding of the broader landscape. A comprehensive and robust security framework should be established by aggregating resources, knowledge, and expertise from various sources. This collaborative effort allows for the analysis of diverse data sets, the identification of emerging patterns, and the timely dissemination of crucial information.  In this article, we discuss a versatile security platform that can operate in two distinct roles within a security ecosystem. This platform can function as a subscriber, actively collecting and aggregating security data from various endpoints and other so...
cyber security

Practical, Tactical Guide to Securing AI in the Enterprise

websiteTinesEnterprise Security / AI Security
Supercharge your organization's AI adoption strategy, and go from complex challenges to secure success.
4 Key Takeaways from "XDR is the Perfect Solution for SMEs" webinar

4 Key Takeaways from "XDR is the Perfect Solution for SMEs" webinar

Sep 07, 2022
Cyberattacks on large organizations dominate news headlines. So, you may be surprised to learn that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are actually  more frequent  targets of cyberattacks. Many SMEs understand this risk firsthand.  In a recent  survey , 58% of CISOs of SMEs said that their risk of attack was higher compared to enterprises. Yet, they don't have the same resources as enterprises – making it nearly impossible to protect their organizations from widespread and increasingly more sophisticated attacks that don't discriminate based on company size. What's their solution? Extended detection and response (XDR).  During a recent webinar, Cynet's Director of Product Strategy, George Tubin ,  and guest speaker Senior Analyst at Forrester,Allie Mellen, discussed the most serious cybersecurity challenges for SMEs and how they can benefit from XDR platforms.  Here are the four key takeaways from the  conversation .  The Bigges...
Comprehensive, Easy Cybersecurity for Lean IT Security Teams Starts with XDR

Comprehensive, Easy Cybersecurity for Lean IT Security Teams Starts with XDR

Jun 15, 2022
Breaches don't just happen to large enterprises. Threat actors are increasingly targeting small businesses. In fact,  43%  of data breaches involved small to medium-sized businesses. But there is a glaring discrepancy. Larger businesses typically have the budget to keep their lights on if they are breached. Most small businesses ( 83% ), however, don't have the financial resources to recover if they are a victim of an attack.  These small security teams were getting lost in the shuffle...until now.  The rise of XDR  As the threat landscape changes and bad actors continue to evolve their tactics, the industry is responding with new solutions and approaches to the way we do cybersecurity. The most recent evolution of cybersecurity technology is extended detection and response (XDR). There's no doubt you've heard of it. But do you have a firm grasp on what it really is and its unique value? If you shook your head "no" – you aren't alone. Industry exper...
Webinar: How The Right XDR Can Be a Game-Changer for Lean Security Teams

Webinar: How The Right XDR Can Be a Game-Changer for Lean Security Teams

Apr 13, 2022
Extended detection and response (XDR) is expected to be the future of cybersecurity, merging security technologies with the evolving approach to the way we do cybersecurity. And while many organizations are scrambling to integrate XDR into their cybersecurity strategies – even more are still trying to figure out what XDR really is and if it's even the right solution for their organization.  But there are some organizations that are getting lost in the debate and are wondering if there is a place for them in this new frontier of cybersecurity: organizations with lean security teams and limited resources.  Fortunately, Cynet, a cybersecurity company, is hosting an upcoming webinar in partnership with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) that will explore how choosing the right XDR can be impactful for companies lean security teams [ register here ]. During the webinar, Jon Oltsik, Senior Principal Analyst with ESG, and George Tubin, Director of Product Strategy at Cynet, will cove...
Cynet's Keys to Extend Threat Visibility

Cynet's Keys to Extend Threat Visibility

Feb 02, 2022
We hear about the need for better visibility in the cybersecurity space – detecting threats earlier and more accurately. We often hear about the dwell time and the time to identify and contain a data breach. Many of us are familiar with IBM's Cost of a Data Breach Report that has been tracking this statistic for years. In the 2021 report, IBM found that, on average, it takes an average of 212 days to identify a breach and then another 75 days to contain the breach, for a total of 287 days. A new  solution overview document  provides insights on how XDR provider Cynet tackles the difficult problem of greatly improving threat visibility. Cynet takes a modern approach that includes a greater level of native technology integration and advanced automation purposely designed for organizations with smaller security teams than Fortune 500 organizations. A live webinar will discuss the same topic ( Register here ) Cynet's Keys for Threat Visibility Einstein said that the definition...
XDR: Redefining the game for MSSPs serving SMBs and SMEs

XDR: Redefining the game for MSSPs serving SMBs and SMEs

Jan 12, 2022
SMBs and SMEs are increasingly turning to MSSPs to secure their businesses because they simply do not have the resources to manage an effective security technology stack. However, it's also challenging for MSSPs to piece together an effective but manageable security technology stack to protect their clients, especially at an affordable price point. This is where Extended Detection and Response (XDR) comes in and can help MSSPs boost their profitability from SMB and SME and improve their protections. XDR is heating up within the MSSP market as these security service providers stand to gain tremendous financial and operational benefits from this nascent technology. XDR promises far better security outcomes at a lower cost than the current security stack approaches most MSSPs currently have in place. One sticky point that keeps arising in the XDR discussion has to do with the different technology approaches XDR providers rely upon to deliver platform capabilities. Most of us have heard...
[Whitepaper] XDR vs. NDR/NTA – What do Organizations Truly Need to Stay Safe?

[Whitepaper] XDR vs. NDR/NTA – What do Organizations Truly Need to Stay Safe?

Jul 07, 2021
Security teams whose organizations are outside the Fortune 500 are faced with a dilemma. Most teams will have to choose between deploying either a network traffic analysis (NTA) or network detection and response (NDR) tool or an endpoint detection and response (EDR) tool to supplement their existing stacks. On the other hand, some organizations are getting the best of both options by switching to extended detection and response (XDR) tools which often provide all these tools in one solution. This is the key takeaway of a new whitepaper by security provider Cynet ( download it here ). NDR tools have become more popular, and for a good reason. They offer organizations a variety of benefits and can help further secure an environment from lateral movement attacks and further infiltration if an initial attack succeeds. NDR tools can detect a wide range of malicious activities and anomalous behaviors.  The question is whether the strengths of an NDR tool outweigh its limitations....
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