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WikiLeaks Promises to Publish Leaks on US Election, Arms Trade and Google

WikiLeaks Promises to Publish Leaks on US Election, Arms Trade and Google

Oct 04, 2016
Wikileaks completed its 10 years today, and within this timespan, the whistleblower site has published over 10 million documents, and there's more to come. In the name of celebration of its 10th Anniversary, Wikileaks promises to leak documents pertaining to Google, United States presidential election and more over the next ten weeks. Speaking by video link to an anniversary news conference at the Volksbuhne Theater in Berlin on Tuesday morning, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange eagerly announced his plans to release a series of publications every week for the next 10 weeks. The upcoming leaks will include "significant material" related to Google, the US presidential election, military operations, arms trading and, the hot topic of past few years, mass surveillance. Assange also promised to publish all documents related to the US presidential race before the election day on November 8. "There is an enormous expectation in the United States," Assange said f
Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign also Hacked in Attack on Democratic Party

Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign also Hacked in Attack on Democratic Party

Jul 30, 2016
There's a lot more to come from the DNC Hack. The Associated Press confirmed yesterday that the computer systems used by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign were hacked as part of the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) hack. Last week's email dump containing almost 20,000 emails from top DNC officials was just the beginning, which led DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to resign as the group's leader, as WikiLeaks announced that it was part one of its new Hillary Leaks series. This suggests WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange has had his hands on more data from the DNC hack that, according to him, could eventually result in the arrest of Hillary Clinton. Assange — Wikileaks' Next Leak will lead to Arrest of Hillary Clinton In an interview with Robert Preston of ITV last month, Assange made it clear that he hopes to harm Hillary Clinton's chances from becoming president of the United States, opposing her candidacy on both policies as well
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
Is Russia Behind the DNC Hack to Help Donald Trump? FBI Initiate an Investigation

Is Russia Behind the DNC Hack to Help Donald Trump? FBI Initiate an Investigation

Jul 26, 2016
On Friday, just three days prior to the start of the party's national convention, WikiLeaks released almost 20,000 e-mails with more than 8,000 stolen from the US Democratic National Committee (DNC) following a cyber attack in June. Two days later, on Sunday, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced her resignation and now had no major role on the party's convention stage. Many of the leaked emails indicted that the top DNC officials were actively working against the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders and strongly favoring Hillary Clinton over Sanders during the primaries, when they were supposed to be neutral. The controversy ruined the start of the DNC's national convention in Philadelphia and forced the Wasserman Schultz to resign. The leak, from January 2015 to May 2016, is believed to be an attempt by the Russian government to influence the presidential election, some U.S. lawmakers and cybersecurity experts say. The leak features DNC staffers debat
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Hillary Leaks Series: Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC Emails

Hillary Leaks Series: Wikileaks releases 20,000 DNC Emails

Jul 22, 2016
Today, whistleblowing website Wikileaks has finally published more than 19,000 e-mails, which contains more than 8,000 attachments from the US Democratic National Committee (DNC) . The new trove of documents apparently pilfered from the DMC released after Wikileaks yesterday announced via its official Twitter account that a "series" about Hillary Clinton is coming soon. The published documents are part one of Wikileaks' new Hillary Leaks series, Wikileaks said in a press release. The emails released by Wikileaks were handed over to the whistleblower organization by the DNC hacker using handle " Guccifer 2.0 ," who hacked DNC's computer systems in a such a way that the hacker was able to read all email and chat traffic. The leaked 19,252 emails cover a period from January 2015 to May 2016 and allegedly come from the accounts of seven key figures in the DNC: Communications Director Luis Miranda — 10770 emails. National Finance Director Jordon Kapl
United Nations Rules in Favor of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

United Nations Rules in Favor of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

Feb 05, 2016
VICTORY! As a result of the legal action against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by both British and Swedish Governments, he has been arbitrarily detained by the United Kingdom and Sweden since his arrest in London over five years ago. However, Assange filed a complaint against both the governments in September 2014 that has been considered by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Last week, Assange gave a statement that if the ruling comes against him, then he will surrender himself to Britain . But, Victory! The decision is in favor of Assange. The UN group has ruled that the UK and Swedish authorities had illegally detained Assange in violation of their international human rights obligations. Julian Assange should be released immediately and allowed to leave the embassy as well as both the UK and Sweden should compensate him for his "deprivation of liberty", the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention said in a statement
Wikileak's Julian Assange Could Be Set Free On Friday by United Nation

Wikileak's Julian Assange Could Be Set Free On Friday by United Nation

Feb 02, 2016
The decision of the United Nations investigation into the Julian Assange case is set to be revealed and could order the release of Wikileaks founder on February 5 . " BREAKING: UN set to announce decision on #Assange's release on Friday, "BREAKING: UN set to announce decision on #Assange's release on Friday," Wikileaks has tweeted . Assange has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for over 3 years, after being granted political asylum by the Ecuadorian government of the South American country. Assange has been residing in the embassy since 2012 to avoid extradition: First to Sweden where he is facing sexual assault allegations, which he has always denied. Ultimately to the United States where he could face cyber espionage charges for publishing classified US military and diplomat documents via his website Wikileaks. The leak of publishing secret documents has amounted to the largest information leak in United States history
WikiLeaks obtains CIA Director's Hacked Emails and Plans to Publish them Shortly

WikiLeaks obtains CIA Director's Hacked Emails and Plans to Publish them Shortly

Oct 21, 2015
Breaking.... WikiLeaks, The Anti-secrecy and transparency organization, claims to have obtained the contents of CIA Director John Brennan 's personal AOL email account. Also, Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks , has promised to publish them soon on their website. Earlier this week, Brennan's personal email account was hacked by an anonymous self-described high school student, who swiped sensitive top-secret data from it. The teenager also posted a partial Spreadsheet filled with the supposed names, email addresses, phone numbers and Social Security numbers (SSNs) of 2,611 former and current government intelligence officials. Also Read:   High school Student Hacked Into CIA Director's Personal Email Account Anonymous Teenage Hacker is motivated by opposition to American foreign policy, particularly in respect to the Israel-Palestine conflict, according to an interview. The Central Intelligence Agency did not confirm whether the hack happened
France May Offer Asylum to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange

France May Offer Asylum to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange

Jun 26, 2015
In wake of the latest revelations about the National Security Agency (NSA) global spying on country's leaders, France may decide to offer political asylum to whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange , as a " symbolic gesture ." Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden , who is facing criminal espionage charges in the U.S., has remained in Russia for almost two years after exposing the United States government's worldwide surveillance programs and he awaits responses from two dozen countries where he'd like to live. WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange has remained in the Ecuadorian embassy for three years in London to avoid extradition to Sweden, where Assange is facing sex crime allegations. French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira told French news channel BFMTV on Thursday that if France decides to offer both of them asylum, she would "absolutely not be surprised." Recent WikiLeaks report claimed that the United States had been spying on
Wikileaks Publishes 30,000 Searchable Documents from the Sony Hack

Wikileaks Publishes 30,000 Searchable Documents from the Sony Hack

Apr 17, 2015
Remember the largest hack on Sony Pictures Entertainment late last year? Well, nobody can forget it. But let me remind you once again: Sony Picture Entertainment hack was one of the most devastating hacks in the history that leaked several hundred gigabytes of sensitive data, including high-quality versions of five unreleased movies , celebrity phone numbers and their travel aliases, private information of its employees, upcoming film scripts, film budgets and many more. Now, these large troves of hacked Sony data have been republished by Wikileaks. THE SONY ARCHIVES WikiLeaks on Thursday released " The Sony Archives ," a fully searchable online database containing more than 30,000 documents and 173,132 emails that, it claims, were stolen from last year's Sony Pictures hack , proving a devastating and embarrassing security failure for the studio. It is like, Whistleblower Julian Assange has hit the nerve: The massive hack has already cost the e
Snowden used web crawler tool to access and download 1.7 million Secret NSA Files

Snowden used web crawler tool to access and download 1.7 million Secret NSA Files

Feb 10, 2014
National Security Agency (NSA) – the one that had ruled over the privacy of the entire world from countries to individuals, the one with master access to read anyone's data, intruded into large fiber networks, and can target anyone, at any time, at any place; but lapsed somewhere in protecting its own privacy and security of the confidential data. If I am wrong, then from where did Snowden gets hold over roughly 1.7 million NSA's confidential files in sequence? According to the Intelligence officials who has investigated the insider theft by Snowden, noticed that he had accessed all these documents using some ' web crawler ', a freely available automated tool also known as spiders, which used to search, index and backup a website, " scraped data out of our systems " he said. " We do not believe this was an individual sitting at a machine and downloading this much material in sequence ," he added. He used the web crawler tool against NSA 's internal network and 'probably
13 Anonymous Members indicted and accused of participating in 'Operation Payback'

13 Anonymous Members indicted and accused of participating in 'Operation Payback'

Oct 04, 2013
A U.S. Grand jury indicted and accused 13 members of the hacking group Anonymous for allegedly participating in the cyber attacks against a number of websites as an  anti-copyright campaign called " Operation Payback " Hackers took down the sites by inflicting a denial of service, or DDoS, attack , including those belonging to the Recording Industry Association of America, Visa and MasterCard. The attacks were in retaliation for the shutdown of " The Pirate Bay ," a Sweden-based file-sharing website used to illegally download copyrighted material. The DDoS Campaign was later extended to Bank of America and credit card companies such as Visa and MasterCard after they refused to process payments for WikiLeaks . According to the indictment, the suspects are charged with conspiracy to intentionally cause damage to protected computers. Suspects downloaded and used software known as Low Orbit Ion Cannon , or LOIC, to launch distributed denial-of-service
Russia grants one year asylum to Edward Snowden, The Most wanted man on Earth

Russia grants one year asylum to Edward Snowden, The Most wanted man on Earth

Aug 01, 2013
Edward Snowden , the former U.S. The intelligence contractor wanted for revealing the National Security Agency 's secret program to collect American phone and internet records, left at Moscow airport after Russian authorities granted him temporary asylum for one year. Mr Snowden's lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said, " Snowden has left the Sheremetyevo airport. He has just been given a certificate that he has been awarded temporary asylum in Russia for one year ," " Edward Snowden was granted temporary asylum in Russia for a year and has now left Moscow airport under the care of Wikileaks' Sarah Harrison ," Wikileaks tweeted. He had gone to a secure location which would remain secret. " His location is not being made public for security reasons since he is the most pursued man on the planet. He himself will decide where he will go ," In a statement released by WikiLeaks , Snowden thanked Russia for giving him asylum and critici
Edward Snowden nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Edward Snowden nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

Jul 15, 2013
Edward Snowden has helped to make the world a little bit better and safer. A Swedish professor of sociology has nominated NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. In his letter addressed to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, sociology professor Stefan Svallfors recommended the Snowden be a candidate, for his " heroic effort at a great personal cost " shedding light on the expansive cyber-spying conducted by the NSA . A nomination for Snowden would be symbolic because it shows ' that individuals can stand up for fundamental rights and freedoms .' he said. But it may be too late for Snowden to receive the award this year, so he will not be eligible for this year's prize, which will be awarded in December, but could be considered for 2014. The head of the International Committee of the Russian State Duma Aleksey Pushkov tweeted, " Not in a million years will the United States allow Snowden to get the Peace Prize. But h
Hidden microphone found in Ecuador's embassy in UK

Hidden microphone found in Ecuador's embassy in UK

Jul 05, 2013
A hidden microphone was found in Ecuador's embassy in London, where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is sheltering from extradition to Sweden, The Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino claimed. The microphone was found in the office of the ambassador Ana Alban and was discovered last month during his visit to Britain to discuss issues surrounding Julian Assange. At a press conference in Quito, the foreign minister of Ecuador, held up a photo of a " spy microphone " that was found on June 14 inside a small white box that was placed in an electrical outlet behind a bookshelf. However, the purpose of the bug, according to Patino, was not to track the WikiLeaks founder directly, but rather listen to the conversations of ambassador Ana Alban. He told reporters: " We have reason to believe that the bugging was carried out by The Surveillance Group Limited, one of the largest private investigation and covert surveillance companies in the United Kin
Edward Snowden applies for political asylum in Russia

Edward Snowden applies for political asylum in Russia

Jul 01, 2013
A Russian immigration source informed that the US intelligence agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has applied for political asylum in Russia. Few days back, Russian president Vladimir Putin has said Russia would never hand over Mr Snowden over to the United States but that if Snowden wants to stay in Russia he " must stop his work aimed at harming our American partners. " He initially fled from Hawaii to Hong Kong and then to Russia . The US has annulled his passport, and Ecuador, where he had hoped to get asylum, has been coy over offering him shelter. Sarah Harrison is an employee of anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks , who accompanied Mr Snowden on his trip from Hong Kong. " Snowden is not a Russian agent ", Putin said on Monday, and that Russian intelligence services were not working with the fugitive American, who is believed to remain in the transit area at a Moscow airport eight days after arriving from Hong Kong. Speaking at a news confe
Russian President rejected US demand to extradite Edward Snowden

Russian President rejected US demand to extradite Edward Snowden

Jun 25, 2013
Russian President Vladimir Putin bluntly rejected U.S. pleas to extradite National Security Agency Whistleblower Edward Snowden on Tuesday, says since Snowden has not committed a crime in that country, the government will not extradite him back. Putin said, "Mr. Snowden is a free man," Snowden did not cross the Russian border, implying that he is still in the Moscow airport's transit zone, a sort of diplomatic neutral space. " He arrived as a transit passenger – he didn't need a visa, or other documents, " Putin said. After arriving Sunday on a flight from Hong Kong, Snowden booked a seat on a Havana-bound flight from Moscow on Monday en route to Venezuela and then possible asylum in Ecuador, but he didn't board the plane. " The sooner he selects his final destination point, the better both for us and for himself ," Putin said. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on Monday urged Russia to ultimately turn him over. " We do ex
Whistleblower Edward Snowden arrives in Moscow with the help of Wikileaks

Whistleblower Edward Snowden arrives in Moscow with the help of Wikileaks

Jun 23, 2013
Edward Snowden , The Whistleblower who revealed the existence of a secret US online surveillance program left Hong Kong and has landed at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport with help of Wikileaks . WikiLeaks said in a statement that its legal adviser Sarah Harrison was on the plane with Mr Snowden and they would help 'secure is safety' at his 'final destination'. Snowden will go down in history as one of the most prolific whistleblowers . Snowden left Hong Kong after The White House asked the autonomous Chinese territory to extradite him. A senior administration official warned that if Hong Kong did not act quickly it would complicate relations. He had earlier been charged in the US with espionage. Snowden, who has been in hiding in Hong Kong for several weeks since he revealed information on the highly classified spy programs, has talked of seeking asylum in Iceland. He got an on SU 213 Aeroflot flight from Chep Lap Kok airport at 11.04am today (Hong K
Secret warrant forced Google to hand over WikiLeaks Volunteer’s Data to Feds

Secret warrant forced Google to hand over WikiLeaks Volunteer's Data to Feds

Jun 22, 2013
According to the court records released this week on web, The Justice Department used a secret search warrant to obtain the entire contents of a Gmail account used by a former WikiLeaks volunteers in Iceland. Smari McCarthy and Herbert Snorrason , are the two Icelandic freedom of information activists, who managed the secure chat rooms of WikiLeaks in 2010, and that is the reason the government demanded his records from Google. According to the documents, Google was told by the Justice Department that they were prohibited from disclosing to either Snorrason or McCarthy any information about the investigation until indicated. But later last week, US. District Court Judge issued an order allowing Google to notify Snorrason about the warrant and to provided a redacted copy of the warrant.  The search warrant was issued under seal on October 14, 2011 by the Alexandria, Virginia federal judge overseeing the WikiLeaks grand jury investigation there. Snorrason says he rece
Edward Snowden asylum : Hong Kong, Ecuador and Iceland

Edward Snowden asylum : Hong Kong, Ecuador and Iceland

Jun 19, 2013
Edward Snowden , an American former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), came forward as the whistle-blower in one of the biggest internal leaks in U.S. intelligence history now seeking asylum According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Snowden would not be given preferential treatment if he were to apply for asylum in Hong Kong .  He seems to have complete and total trust in the Hong Kong political and judiciary system:  "Hong Kong has a strong tradition of free speech. People think China, Great Firewall … but the people of Hong Kong have a long tradition of protesting on the streets, making their views known … and I believe the Hong Kong government is actually independent in relation to a lot of other leading Western governments. " Snowden is currently hiding out in Hong Kong as the U.S. government pursues a criminal investigation into his actions. Because Hong Kong 's currently flawed system had no asylum screen
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will not leave Ecuadorian Embassy in London

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will not leave Ecuadorian Embassy in London

Jun 18, 2013
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says he will not leave the Ecuadorian Embassy after Ecuador's foreign minister has said its embassy in London will continue to provide political asylum to Julian Assange. He was staying in embassy  for the past year to avoid extradition to Sweden. The Australian will be arrested if he steps outside the building, so the jet-set lifestyle has been replaced by a single room and his laptop.  Assange said he fears Sweden would allow him to be extradited to the United States to face potential charges relating to WikiLeaks releases of sensitive diplomatic and defense communications. So as of tomorrow, he decided to spent one year inside the embassy, even if sex charges against him are dropped. " The strong view of my US lawyer is that there is already a sealed indictment which means I would be arrested, unless the British Government gave information or guarantees that would grant me safe passage ," he said. Assange claims that the
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