Airline, Myspace, Banks, Government websites vulnerable to Hackers
Nov 04, 2012
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is currently the most common vulnerability in the world. This is vulnerability of some host which allows anyone to inject code/scripts into the page. The injected scripts could be html tags, javascript script, vbscript scripts. A Hacker with virtual name ' Human mind cracker ' expose similar v ulnerabilities in some big and Important sites, like Israel airline, Myspace, MTV website, Sweden government, Bangladesh bank, Nasa subdomain, Brown University, Afghanistan government website and Rome government website. In a pastebin note , hacker disclose the vulnerabilities and exact working links. These Cross Site Scripting existence is because of the lack of filtering engines to user inputs at websites, forms and web servers. Most of the time readers thinks that XSS is a very minor bug and having very less impact. But if implemented in a better way, that can ...