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Category — Specops Software
Does Your Help Desk Know Who's Calling?

Does Your Help Desk Know Who's Calling?

Mar 09, 2023 Password Security / Enterprise Security
Phishing, the theft of users' credentials or sensitive data using social engineering, has been a significant threat since the early days of the internet – and continues to plague organizations today,  accounting for more than 30% of all known breaches . And with the mass migration to remote working during the pandemic, hackers have ramped up their efforts to steal login credentials as they take advantage of the chaos and lack of in-person user verification.  This has led to the revival of the old-school technique of vishing, which, like phishing online, involves using social engineering over the phone to steal sensitive information. Vishing attacks have  been on the rise  as a result, with 69% of companies experiencing them in 2021, up from 54% in 2020. These attacks often take the form of job or tech support scams and can be incredibly convincing. In August 2020, the  FBI along with the CISA  issued a warning regarding remote users being targeted by atta...
A Hackers Pot of Gold: Your MSP's Data

A Hackers Pot of Gold: Your MSP's Data

Feb 09, 2023 Password Security
A single ransomware attack on a New Zealand managed service provider (MSP) disrupted several of its clients' business operations overnight, most belonging to the healthcare sector. According to the country's privacy commissioner, " a cyber security incident involving a ransomware attack " in late November upended the daily operations of New Zealand's health ministry when it prevented the staff from accessing thousands of medical records. The Ministry of Justice, six health regulatory authorities, a health insurer, and a handful of other businesses also number among those affected by second-hand damage from the attack. There are ways to  recover from a ransomware attack , but the damage often extends into that attacked organization's customers and vendors.  The targeted MSP in this incident is Mercury IT, a business based in Australia. Te Whatu Ora, the New Zealand health ministry, was unable to access at least 14,000 medical records because of the outage at ...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
A Secure User Authentication Method – Planning is More Important than Ever

A Secure User Authentication Method – Planning is More Important than Ever

Jan 16, 2023 Identity Management / MFA
When considering authentication providers, many organizations consider the ease of configuration, ubiquity of usage, and technical stability. Organizations cannot always be judged on those metrics alone. There is an increasing need to evaluate company ownership, policies and the stability, or instability, that it brings. How Leadership Change Affects Stability In recent months, a salient example is that of Twitter. The Twitter platform has been around since 2006 and is used by millions worldwide. With many users and a seemingly robust authentication system, organizations used Twitter as a primary or secondary authentication service. Inconsistent leadership and policies mean the stability of a platform is subject to change, which is especially true with Twitter as of late. The ownership change to Elon Musk precipitated widespread changes to staffing and policies. Due to those changes,  a large portion of staff was let go , but this included many individuals responsible for the t...
cyber security

Webinar: 5 Ways New AI Agents Can Automate Identity Attacks | Register Now

websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Learn how CUAs like OpenAI Operator can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
Shopify Fails to Prevent Known Breached Passwords

Shopify Fails to Prevent Known Breached Passwords

Sep 08, 2022
A recent report revealed that ecommerce provider,  Shopify uses particularly weak password policies  on the customer-facing portion of its Website. According to the report, Shopify's requires its customers to use a password that is at least five characters in length and that does not begin or end with a space.  According to the report, Specops researchers analyzed a list of a billion passwords that were known to have been breached and found that 99.7% of those passwords adhere to Shopify's requirements. While this is not meant to suggest that Shopify customers' passwords have been breached, the fact that so many known breached passwords adhere to Shopify's minimum password requirements does underscore the dangers associated with using weak passwords. The danger of weak passwords in your Active Directory  A recent study by Hive Systems  echoes the dangers of using weak passwords. The study examines the amount of time that would be required to brute force crac...
How to Use Password Length to Set Best Password Expiration Policy

How to Use Password Length to Set Best Password Expiration Policy

Dec 17, 2020
One of the many features of an Active Directory Password Policy is the  maximum password age . Traditional Active Directory environments have long using password aging as a means to bolster password security. Native password aging in the default Active Directory Password Policy is relatively limited in configuration settings. Let's take a look at a few best practices that have changed in regards to password aging. What controls can you enforce in regards to password aging using the default Active Directory Password Policy? Are there better tools that organizations can use regarding controlling the maximum password age for Active Directory user accounts? What password aging best practices have changed? Password aging for Active Directory user accounts has long been a controversial topic in security best practices. While many organizations still apply more traditional password aging rules, noted security organizations have provided updated password aging guidance. Microsoft has...
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