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Category — Open Source tool
Critical RCE Flaw Found in OpenVPN that Escaped Two Recent Security Audits

Critical RCE Flaw Found in OpenVPN that Escaped Two Recent Security Audits

Jun 22, 2017
A security researcher has found four vulnerabilities, including a critical remote code execution bug, in OpenVPN, those were not even caught in the two big security audits of the open source VPN software this year. OpenVPN is one of the most popular and widely used open source VPN software solutions mostly used for various connectivity needs, but it is especially popular for anonymous and private access to the Internet. This year, two independent security audits of OpenVPN were carried out to look for flaws, backdoors, and other defects in the open source software – one conducted by a team led by Johns Hopkins University crypto-boffin Dr. Matthew D. Green. The audits resulted in a patch of a few vulnerabilities in the widely used open source software, giving OpenVPN a clean chit. Researcher Used Fuzzer to find Bugs in OpenVPN Researcher Guido Vranken of Netherlands exclusively used a fuzzer and recently discovered four security holes in OpenVPN that escaped both the secur...
Microsoft Open Sources PowerShell; Now Available for Linux and Mac OS X

Microsoft Open Sources PowerShell; Now Available for Linux and Mac OS X

Aug 18, 2016
'Microsoft loves Linux' and this has never been so true than now. Microsoft today made its PowerShell scripting language and command-line shell available to the open source developer community on GitHub under the permissive MIT license. The company has also launched alpha versions of PowerShell for Linux (specifically Red Hat, Ubuntu, and CentOS) and Mac OS X, in addition, of course, to Windows. Now, people can download binaries of the software, as well as access source code of the app from the new PowerShell GitHub page. "Users across Windows and Linux, current and new PowerShell users, even application developers can experience a rich interactive scripting language as well as a heterogeneous automation and configuration management that works well with your existing tools," Microsoft says in its blog post . "Your PowerShell skills are now even more marketable, and your Windows and Linux teams, who may have had to work separately, can now work toge...
The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

Feb 06, 2025AI Security / Cybersecurity
Privileged Access Management (PAM) has emerged as a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies, shifting from a technical necessity to a critical pillar in leadership agendas. With the PAM market projected to reach $42.96 billion by 2037 (according to Research Nester), organizations invest heavily in PAM solutions. Why is PAM climbing the ranks of leadership priorities? While Gartner highlights key reasons such as enhanced security, regulatory compliance readiness, and insurance requirements, the impact of PAM extends across multiple strategic areas. PAM can help organizations enhance their overall operational efficiency and tackle many challenges they face today. To explore more about PAM's transformative impact on businesses, read The Cyber Guardian: PAM's Role in Shaping Leadership Agendas for 2025 by a renowned cybersecurity expert and former Gartner lead analyst Jonathan Care.  What cybersecurity challenges may organizations face in 2025? The cybersecurity landsca...
Facebook Open Sources its Capture the Flag (CTF) Platform

Facebook Open Sources its Capture the Flag (CTF) Platform

May 11, 2016
Hacking into computer, networks and websites could easily land you in jail. But what if you could freely test and practice your hacking skills in a legally safe environment? Facebook just open-sourced its Capture The Flag (CTF) platform to encourage students as well as developers to learn about cyber security and secure coding practices. Capture the Flag hacking competitions are conducted at various cyber security events and conferences, including Def Con, in order to highlight the real-world exploits and cyber attacks. The CTF program is an effective way of identifying young people with exceptional computer skills, as well as teaching beginners about common and advanced exploitation techniques to ensure they develop secure programs that cannot be easily compromised. Facebook  CTF Video Demo: Since 2013, Facebook has itself hosted CTF competitions at events across the world and now, it is opening the platform to masses by releasing its source code on GitHub. "...
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Hack Codegen - Facebook Open-Sources Code That Writes Code

Hack Codegen - Facebook Open-Sources Code That Writes Code

Aug 24, 2015
Good news for Open Source Lovers! Facebook has open-sourced Hack Codegen – its library for automatically generating Hack code, allowing outside developers to automate some of their routine work while developing large programs. HACK is the Facebook's own programming language designed to build complex web sites and other software quickly and without many flaws. HACK programming language is developed for HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) – an open-source virtual machine designed to execute programs written in Hack and PHP. The top 20 open source frameworks on Github run on HHVM. Also Read: Top 10 Popular Programming Languages used on GitHub HACK CodeGen is Now Open Source While making the announcement of open-sourcing Hack Codegen , which automatically generates hack code, Facebook's software engineer Alejandro Marcu said in a blog post : "Being able to generate code through automated code generation allows [developers] to increase the level of abst...
Facebook releases 'Conceal' API for Android developers to Encrypt data on Disk

Facebook releases 'Conceal' API for Android developers to Encrypt data on Disk

Feb 07, 2014
Many Smartphone applications support, installation or app data storage to an external SD Card, that can be helpful in saving space on the internal memory, but also vulnerable to hackers. Typically, an app that has permission to read and write data from an SD card has the permission to read all data on that card, including information written by other apps. This means that if you install a malicious application by mistake, it can easily steal any sensitive data from your Phone's SD Card. To prevent the data from being misused by any other app, the best implementation is to encrypt the data, but that will drop the performance of the device. On its 10th birthday, as a treat for mobile developers, Facebook has unveiled the source code of its Android security tool called ' Conceal ' cryptographic API Java library, that will allow app developers to encrypt data on disk in the most resource efficient way, with an easy-to-use programming interface. Smaller th...
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