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Anonymous member Barrett Brown Arrested by FBI

Anonymous member Barrett Brown Arrested by FBI

Sep 13, 2012
Anonymous hacker Barrett Brown was arrested by the FBI last night, his apartment raided while he was in the middle of a live TinyChat session. For those that may not be familiar with Brown, he came to some notoriety last year for allegedly mounting an operation against the Zeta drug cartel in Mexico after they had kidnapped a member of Anonymous. Brown claimed to hold the names of 75 Zeta collaborators, which he threatened to release to the press unless the Anon member was set free. Brown is the founder of Project PM and has worked closely with the Anonymous hacker collective on several past operations. This is not the first time that Barrett Brown's home has been raided. Six months ago the FBI came knocking on Brown's door and confiscated his laptop, but no charges were filed against him. That incident followed the arrest of then-LulzSec leader Sabu, or rather Hector Xavier Monsegur, who then turned informant in exchange for leniency, although it's also been suggested that Sabu ...
Eject any WiFi device from network using Android

Eject any WiFi device from network using Android

Sep 13, 2012
If you want to disable any ip address which use same router to connect internet. Now you can used your android application, WifiKill use as can disable internet connection for a device on the same network. May be you ever use " NetCut " tool in your windows to eject any WiFi device from network with one click. NetCut have ability to scan the network for all connect devices with their MAC address and then with one click you can disconnect anyone from Network using ARP SPOOF attacks. This application mostly used by students to save bandwidth in colleges or in any network where they want to disconnect all other users and use complete bandwidth for better speed or by some Network admins. But NETCUT comes for Windows only. A Android application released called " WiFiKill  v1.7 " , this is alternate version of NETCUT for Android. Simply allows you to scan your wifi network for devices, see their vendor and cut network connection for specified devices. This way you can g...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Chip and PIN payment card system vulnerable to Card cloning

Chip and PIN payment card system vulnerable to Card cloning

Sep 13, 2012
At a cryptography gathering in Leuven, Belgium, on Tuesday, Cambridge University researchers made it known that they do not like what they see in chip and pin systems. The chip and PIN system employed by most European and Asian banks is definitely more secure than the magnetic strip one, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't have its flaws. A flaw in the EMV protocol which lays out the rules for chip-and-PIN card transactions at ATMs and point-of-sale terminals could enable persistent attackers to carry out bogus card transactions. Five Cambridge (UK) University researchers released a paper today with the gory details. Bank cards are reportedly vulnerable to a form of cloning and researchers have pinpointed the poor implementation of cryptography methods in ATM machines as being the reason for the flaw. The chip in an EMV card is there to execute an authentication protocol, and is itself very difficult to clone. However, the authentication process also relies on the merchan...
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Anonymous dump 2.5 GB data from email of priest accused for child abuse

Anonymous dump 2.5 GB data from email of priest accused for child abuse

Sep 13, 2012
In July 2012 Italy police have arrested a Catholic priest over allegations he abused a teen girl. Father Don Giacomo Ruggeri , 43, was immediately suspended from all priestly duties and police had raided his home and seized his computer. Anonymous Hackers today publish 2.5 GB of private mails from the Gmail of a priest recently protagonist of a story related to alleged child abuse on  official blog of Anonymous Italy. " The story of Don Ruggeri is yet another demonstration of how your institution has undermined the principles that should inspire. Fomented hatred and stigma toward anyone who shows a sexual orientation different from what you call "natural", in line with a model of patriarchal society and discriminating. The real unnaturalness is disgusting in your modus operandi. Your greed, your greed is posted ." Hacker upload a series of documents containing more than 2 gigabytes of messages received and sent e-mail account on DepositFiles. In a statement by A...
WhatsApp vulnerability can be misused for Spreading Malware

WhatsApp vulnerability can be misused for Spreading Malware

Sep 13, 2012
A Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in WhatsApp website reported to The Hacker News by Edgard Chammas. WhatsApp is one of the most famous cross-platform mobile messaging app for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia used to send text, video, images, audio b/w Whatsapp users. Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications, such as web browsers through breaches of browser security, that enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. Reported vulnerability exist on payment procedure page as shown in above picture. The Sample code given below to demonstrate the vulnerability. Recently, there has been an increase in web malware and spam activities and such vulnerabilities can be misused by attackers to spread Malwares and rogue applications. Edgard also demonstrate that How this can be used to trick users to download a fake application (Malware...
Ankit Fadia site again Hacked and Suspended by Hosting provider

Ankit Fadia site again Hacked and Suspended by Hosting provider

Sep 11, 2012
Another Funny news, today India's most popular but Self Claimed Hacker - Ankit Fadia's website just got hacked by a 17 Year old kid Kul Verma. His official Website https://ankitfadia.in/ got hacked and seems like his Hosting Provider has suspended his website on noticing something not correct with his site. Hacker hacked by a kid, this Questions the capability of Mr. Ankit Fadia once again. We all know that, its not the 1st time Fadia's Website got hacked. In past several young hackers claim to hack and deface his Website. Hacker claim the responsibility on the Facebook Fanpage , says " 17 years old.Love to Hack " and statement " Come Catch if You Can ". If you want to see deface page, please have a look to the Mirror link .
Anonymous Hacker take down GoDaddy with IRC Bots

Anonymous Hacker take down GoDaddy with IRC Bots

Sep 11, 2012
GoDaddy.com, which hosts millions of websites mostly for small businesses, said Monday it was investigating an outage that had knocked some of its customers offline. A hacker using the " Anonymous Own3r " Twitter account claimed credit for the outage, " Hello https://godaddy.com/ now yes! all servers #tangodown by @AnonymousOwn3r ," a tweet said. We talk with  Anonymous Own3r to find out the way he used to take down this giant server. Hacker said," I am using thousand of Hacked server as bots to perform the attack. Sending dos attack commands using IRC  to all of them together. I just upload IRC connect on each server to control my every slave by commands ." On further talk, we came to know that he use  DDOS IRC Bot script , available on Pastebin . Its really easy to use, hack randomly hundreds of Servers online and upload your Script. Now just via IRC you can control your slaves to perform a huge DDOS attack. Email services from the company, and GoDaddy...
The 10 Most Infamous Student Hackers of All Time

The 10 Most Infamous Student Hackers of All Time

Sep 10, 2012
Hacking has always been inherently a young person's game. The first usage of the word "hacker" was to describe pranksters meddling with the phones at MIT. Many hackers have cited boredom, a desire for change, or the thrill of going somewhere one is not supposed to go as their motivation for hacking, all of which could apply to scores of common activities on college campuses. While today's hacking scene is dominated by large hacking groups like Anonymous and Masters of Deception, many of the greatest hacks ever have been pulled off by college, high school, and even middle school kids who rose to infamy armed only with a computer and the willingness to cross the bounds of legality. 1.) Sven Jaschan: In the words of one tech expert , "His name will always be associated with some of the biggest viruses in the history of the Internet." The viruses: the Sasser and NetSky worms that infected millions of computers and have caused millions of dollars of damage since their release in 2004. The...
Al Jazeera SMS service Hacked, Fake messages spread by Hackers

Al Jazeera SMS service Hacked, Fake messages spread by Hackers

Sep 09, 2012
Al-Jazeera says hackers have targeted the Qatar-based TV satellite channel for the second time in a week, sending out false news reports on its mobile sms service. Al Jazeera confirm the hack in a tweet ," We'd like to inform our subscribers that Aljazeera sms sevice is being compromised by pirates and they've sent fake news news with no basis " " The story claiming that the Prime Minister (Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem) has been the target of an assassination attempt in the royal palace is completely false and was a result of hacking of the service ," the channel said in breaking news. A pro-Damascus group known as the Syrian Electronic Army quickly claimed responsibility for the Sunday hack on Twitter.  Social networks, including Twitter, quoted Al-Jazeera's mobile service on Sunday as saying that Sheikh Hamad was targeted in an attack on the palace in Doha and that the wife of the emir, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, was lightly wounded. Hackers posted a pro-Syrian stateme...


Sep 08, 2012
Last month, those assholes in the California State Assembly passed a resolution urging state educational institutions to more aggressively crack down on criticism of the State of Israel on campuses, which the resolution defines as "anti-Semitism." The anti-democratic resolution is the latest step in the broader campaign to stifle and suppress dissent on California's increasingly volatile campuses. Get this, it passed without public discussion. The vote on the resolution came when most students were between semesters and away from their campuses. The resolution uses the classic trick employed by defenders of Israel's Zionist regime: lumping together any criticism of the Israeli state's policies or of the US government's support for them with racist attacks on Jews. The bulk of the resolution is dedicated to defining criticism of the state of Israel as "anti-Semitism."  It lists the following as examples of "anti-Semitism": • "language or behavior [that] demonizes and delegit...
Gauss Malware Detection Tool released by Iranian CERT

Gauss Malware Detection Tool released by Iranian CERT

Sep 08, 2012
Iranian National Computer Emergency Response Team releases a tool for Gauss malware detection . Cyber surveillance virus has been found in the Middle East that can spy on banking transactions and steal login and passwords, according Kaspersky Lab, a leading computer security firm. Gauss primarily infects 32-bit versions of Windows, though a separate spy module for USB drives can collect information from 64-bit systems. Infections are mainly split between Windows 7 and Windows XP, although some of the Gauss modules don't work against Windows 7 Service Pack 1. Mac and Linux machines appear to be safe. Multiple modules of Gauss serve the purpose of collecting information from browsers, which include the history of visited websites and passwords. Detailed data on the infected machine is also sent to the attackers, including specifics of network interfaces, the computer's drives and BIOS information. The Gauss module is also capable of stealing data from the clients of several Leb...
CRIME : New SSL/TLS attack for Hijacking HTTPS Sessions

CRIME : New SSL/TLS attack for Hijacking HTTPS Sessions

Sep 08, 2012
Two security researchers claim to have developed a new attack that can decrypt session cookies from HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) connections. From the security researchers who created and demonstrated the BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS) tool for breaking SSL/TLS encryption comes another attack that exploits a flaw in a feature in all versions of TLS. The new attack has been given the name CRIME by the researchers.The CRIME attack is based on a weak spot in a special feature in TLS 1.0, but exactly which that feature is has not been revealed by the researchers. They will say that all versions of TLS/SSL including TLS 1.2, on which the BEAST attack did not work are vulnerable. Once they had the cookie, Rizzo and Duong could return to whatever site the user was visiting and log in using her credentials. HTTPS should prevent this type of session hijacking because it encrypts session cookies while in transit or when stored in the browser. But the new atta...
Will everyone Please get the Facts Right - FREE ASSANGE NOW!

Will everyone Please get the Facts Right - FREE ASSANGE NOW!

Sep 08, 2012
Julian Assange's mother, Christine Assange has done an excellent job of compiling the facts surrounding the issue of Julian's extradition case. Please, everyone share this, copy it, email it and send it to your elected officials and congressional representatives. The truth is what will set Julian Assange free and he must be freed immediately. Assange Extradition Fact Sheet 1) Julian Assange is not charged with anything in Sweden or any other country. [Source: @wikileaks ] 2) Julian Assange did not flee Sweden to avoid questioning. He was given permission to leave the country on the 15th September 2010, after remaining 5 weeks in Sweden for the purpose of answering the allegations made against him. [Source: Undue delay for Julian Assange's interrogation ] 3)  The case against Julian Assange was initially dropped, and deemed so weak it could not warrant investigation. After the intervention of a Swedish politician close to American diplomats, it was revived by a di...
First Irish language Ransomware Malware demanding €100 for unlock

First Irish language Ransomware Malware demanding €100 for unlock

Sep 08, 2012
A new Ransomware Malware dubbed Gaeilge  locks up an infected computer and attempts to extort €100 from the user for an unlock code. The demand for cash reportedly appeared in poorly written Gaelic, and the software nastie was spotted on a computer in County Donegal, Ireland. Gaeilge tell computer users that attempts to access online pornography sent it into shut-down mode. But instead of giving in to the monetary request, the victim took the compromised machine to the repair store, The Register said . Ransomware  (also referred to in some cases as cryptoviruses, cryptotrojans or cryptoworms) comprises a class of malware which restricts access to the computer system that it infects, and demands a ransom paid to the creator of the malware in order for the restriction to be removed. Technician Brian McGarvey of Techie2u computer repairs told that it was the first time he'd come across a virus written in the Irish language during his 12 years of experience in the job....
Operation Aurora - Other Zero-Day Attacks targeting finance and Energy

Operation Aurora - Other Zero-Day Attacks targeting finance and Energy

Sep 08, 2012
The infamous Aurora Trojan horse is just one of many attacks launched by the same group of malware authors over the past three years, according to researchers at Symantec. Security researchers with Symantec have issued a report outlining the techniques used by the so-called " Edgewood " hacking platform and the group behind it. The group seemingly has an unlimited supply of zero-day vulnerabilities. The company said that the group is well-funded and armed with more than a half-dozen unpublished security vulnerabilities. " They are definitely shifting their methodology, and there are open questions about why that is ," said Eric Chien, senior technical director for Symantec's security response group. " They may be finding that older techniques are no longer working ." " The number of zero-day exploits used indicates access to a high level of technical capability. "The researchers said that the group appears to favour "watering hole...
Google buys Online Malware Multi Scanner VirusTotal

Google buys Online Malware Multi Scanner VirusTotal

Sep 08, 2012
Google on Friday said it acquired online virus-scanning service, VirusTotal, a provider of a free service that detects computer viruses and other malicious software in files and websites. VirusTotal, company based in Spain with only a handful of employees, performs the free service by pooling data from scores of " antivirus engines, website scanners, file and URL analysis tools, " according to its site. Users only have to head to the online tool, select the file from their desktops, and the system is supposed to take care of the rest. The maximum file size currently supported by the service is 32MB. In a blog post on Friday, VirusTotal reps asserted that the merger is good news for consumers and bad news for malware generators for the following two reasons: The quality and power of our malware research tools will keep improving, most likely faster; and Google's infrastructure will ensure that our tools are always ready, right when you need them. "Our goal is simple:...
#Antisec Hackers hack FBI laptop and leak 12 Million Apple Device Records

#Antisec Hackers hack FBI laptop and leak 12 Million Apple Device Records

Sep 04, 2012
The hacker group AntiSec released a file of a million and one UDIDs unique device identifiers which it claims to have hacked it off an FBI computer via a Java vulnerability. UDIDs are unique IDs for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. They said they obtained the file in March by hacking into the laptop of a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent in the bureau's New York field office. In an unusually lengthy note on Pastebin , a member of AntiSec said the group had culled some personal data such as full names and cell numbers from the published data. Instead, the group said it published enough information such as device type, device ID and Apple Push Notification Service tokens to let users determine whether their devices are on the list. The hackers issued a statement saying: ' During the second week of March 2012, a Dell Vostro notebook, used by Supervisor Special Agent Christopher K. Stangl from FBI Regional Cyber Action Team and New York FBI Office Evidence Response Team was ...
Al Jazeera News network website hacked by Pro-Assad hackers

Al Jazeera News network website hacked by Pro-Assad hackers

Sep 04, 2012
The official website of one of the biggest Arabic-language news network " Al Jazeera " got hacked just now by Pro-Assad hackers called " Al-Rashedon ". If your miss the deface page, please have a look to mirror of it Here . Deface page designed with Dark color as shown in image and have some message in Arabic language, in English its " In response to your attitude against Syria, ( Syrian people and Government ) and your support to the Terrorist & Armed Groups, and sharing Fake news, your site has been hacked and this is our response to you. ( Al Rashedon hakcker group .)" Hacking group " Al-Rashedon " can be the part of " Syrain Electronic Army ", But yet Syrian Hackers didn't claim anything about this hack on their facebook page or website. The Arabic used (and the language mistakes) indicates that the hackers may be people living abroad and not native Syrians, may be these hackers belongs to Iraq. Name " Rashedon ...
New Ransom malware infecting computers

New Ransom malware infecting computers

Sep 03, 2012
The Metropolitan Police have issued an urgent warning about a new ransom malware that is in circulation. Ransomware (also referred to in some cases as cryptoviruses, cryptotrojans or cryptoworms) comprises a class of malware which restricts access to the computer system that it infects, and demands a ransom paid to the creator of the malware in order for the restriction to be removed. " The "malware" infects personal computers after users have accessed certain websites. *(It should be noted that there are several similar designs currently in circulation) " Ransomware typically propagates like a typical computer worm, entering a system through, for example, a downloaded file or a vulnerability in a network service. The program will then run a payload which will begin to encrypt personal files on the hard drive. More sophisticated ransomware may hybrid-encrypt the victim's plaintext with a random symmetric key and a fixed public key. The malware author is th...
Iran still on target of 'Mahdi' malware after detection

Iran still on target of 'Mahdi' malware after detection

Sep 03, 2012
In JULY Kaspersky Lab and Seculert revealed the presence of a new cyber-espionage weapon known targeting users in the Middle East. Despite the recent uncovering of the 'Madhi' malware that has infected several hundred computers in the Middle East, researchers say the virus is continuing to spread. The malware, known as 'Mahdi' or 'Madi', was originally discovered by Seculert. In addition to stealing data from infected Windows computers, it is also capable of monitoring email and instant messages, recording audio, capturing keystrokes and taking screenshots of victims' computers. Working together, researchers at Seculert and Kaspersky sinkholed the malware's command and control servers and monitored the campaign. What they found was a targeted attack that impacted more than 800 victims in Iran, Israel and other countries from around the globe. Israeli security company Seculert said it had identified about 150 new victims over the past six weeks as deve...
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