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Category — NPM
Hackers Deploy Malicious npm Packages to Steal Solana Wallet Keys via Gmail SMTP

Hackers Deploy Malicious npm Packages to Steal Solana Wallet Keys via Gmail SMTP

Jan 20, 2025 Supply Chain Attack / Solana
Cybersecurity researchers have identified three sets of malicious packages across the npm and Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that come with capabilities to steal data and even delete sensitive data from infected systems. The list of identified packages is below - @async-mutex/mutex, a typosquat of async-mute (npm) dexscreener, which masquerades as a library for accessing liquidity pool data from decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and interacting with the DEX Screener platform (npm) solana-transaction-toolkit (npm) solana-stable-web-huks (npm) cschokidar-next, a typosquat of chokidar (npm) achokidar-next, a typosquat of chokidar (npm) achalk-next, a typosquat of chalk (npm) csbchalk-next, a typosquat of chalk (npm) cschalk, a typosquat of chalk (npm) pycord-self, a typosquat of discord.py-self (PyPI) Supply chain security company Socket, which discovered the packages, said the first four packages are designed to intercept Solana private keys and transmit them throug...
Cybercriminals Target Ethereum Developers with Fake Hardhat npm Packages

Cybercriminals Target Ethereum Developers with Fake Hardhat npm Packages

Jan 06, 2025 Blockchain / Malware
Cybersecurity researchers have revealed several malicious packages on the npm registry that have been found impersonating the Nomic Foundation's Hardhat tool in order to steal sensitive data from developer systems. "By exploiting trust in open source plugins, attackers have infiltrated these platforms through malicious npm packages, exfiltrating critical data such as private keys, mnemonics, and configuration details," the Socket research team said in an analysis. Hardhat is a development environment for Ethereum software, incorporating various components for editing, compiling, debugging and deploying smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps). The list of identified counterfeit packages is as follows - nomicsfoundations @nomisfoundation/hardhat-configure installedpackagepublish @nomisfoundation/hardhat-config @monicfoundation/hardhat-config @nomicsfoundation/sdk-test @nomicsfoundation/hardhat-config @nomicsfoundation/web3-sdk @nomicsfoundation/sdk-...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
Malicious Obfuscated NPM Package Disguised as an Ethereum Tool Deploys Quasar RAT

Malicious Obfuscated NPM Package Disguised as an Ethereum Tool Deploys Quasar RAT

Jan 02, 2025 Open Source / Malware
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a malicious package on the npm package registry that masquerades as a library for detecting vulnerabilities in Ethereum smart contracts but, in reality, drops an open-source remote access trojan called Quasar RAT onto developer systems. The heavily obfuscated package, named ethereumvulncontracthandler , was published to npm on December 18, 2024, by a user named "solidit-dev-416." As of writing, it continues to be available for download. It has been downloaded 66 times to date. "Upon installation, it retrieves a malicious script from a remote server, executing it silently to deploy the RAT on Windows systems," Socket security researcher Kirill Boychenko said in an analysis published last month. The malicious code embedded into ethereumvulncontracthandler is obscured with multiple layers of obfuscation, leveraging techniques like Base64- and XOR-encoding, as well as minification to resist analysis and detection efforts. ...
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Rspack npm Packages Compromised with Crypto Mining Malware in Supply Chain Attack

Rspack npm Packages Compromised with Crypto Mining Malware in Supply Chain Attack

Dec 20, 2024 Malware / Supply Chain Attack
The developers of Rspack have revealed that two of their npm packages, @rspack/core and @rspack/cli , were compromised in a software supply chain attack that allowed a malicious actor to publish malicious versions to the official package registry with cryptocurrency mining malware. Following the discovery , versions 1.1.7 of both libraries have been unpublished from the npm registry. The latest safe version is 1.1.8. "They were released by an attacker who gained unauthorized npm publishing access, and contain malicious scripts," software supply chain security firm Socket said in an analysis. Rspack is billed as an alternative to the webpack , offering a "high performance JavaScript bundler written in Rust." Originally developed by ByteDance, it has since been adopted by several companies such as Alibaba, Amazon, Discord, and Microsoft, among others. The npm packages in question, @rspack/core, and @rspack/cli, attract weekly downloads of over 300,000 and 145...
Thousands Download Malicious npm Libraries Impersonating Legitimate Tools

Thousands Download Malicious npm Libraries Impersonating Legitimate Tools

Dec 19, 2024 Supply Chain / Software Security
Threat actors have been observed uploading malicious typosquats of legitimate npm packages such as typescript-eslint and @types/node that have racked up thousands of downloads on the package registry. The counterfeit versions, named @typescript_eslinter/eslint and types-node , are engineered to download a trojan and retrieve second-stage payloads, respectively. "While typosquatting attacks are hardly new, the effort spent by nefarious actors on these two libraries to pass them off as legitimate is noteworthy," Sonatype's Ax Sharma said in an analysis published Wednesday. "Furthermore, the high download counts for packages like "types-node" are signs that point to both some developers possibly falling for these typosquats, and threat actors artificially inflating these counts to boost the trustworthiness of their malicious components." The npm listing for @typescript_eslinter/eslint, Sonatype's analysis revealed, points to a phony GitHub repo...
Researchers Uncover Backdoor in Solana's Popular Web3.js npm Library

Researchers Uncover Backdoor in Solana's Popular Web3.js npm Library

Dec 04, 2024 Supply Chain Attack
Cybersecurity researchers are alerting to a software supply chain attack targeting the popular @solana/web3.js npm library that involved pushing two malicious versions capable of harvesting users' private keys with an aim to drain their cryptocurrency wallets. The attack has been detected in versions 1.95.6 and 1.95.7. Both these versions are no longer available for download from the npm registry. The package is widely used, attracting over 400,000 weekly downloads. "These compromised versions contain injected malicious code that is designed to steal private keys from unsuspecting developers and users, potentially enabling attackers to drain cryptocurrency wallets," Socket said in a report. @solana/web3.js is an npm package that can be used to interact with the Solana JavaScript software development kit (SDK) for building Node.js and web apps. According to Datadog security researcher Christophe Tafani-Dereeper , "the backdoor inserted in v1.95.7 adds an ...
XML-RPC npm Library Turns Malicious, Steals Data, Deploys Crypto Miner

XML-RPC npm Library Turns Malicious, Steals Data, Deploys Crypto Miner

Nov 28, 2024 Software Security / Data Breach
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a software supply chain attack that has remained active for over a year on the npm package registry by starting off as an innocuous library and later adding malicious code to steal sensitive data and mine cryptocurrency on infected systems. The package, named @0xengine/xmlrpc , was originally published on October 2, 2023 as a JavaScript-based XML-RPC server and client for Node.js. It has been downloaded 1,790 times to date and remains available for download from the repository. Checkmarx , which discovered the package, said the malicious code was strategically introduced in version 1.3.4 a day later, harboring functionality to harvest valuable information such as SSH keys, bash history, system metadata, and environment variables every 12 hours, and exfiltrate it via services like Dropbox and file.io. "The attack achieved distribution through multiple vectors: direct npm installation and as a hidden dependency in a legitimate-looking ...
Malicious NPM Packages Target Roblox Users with Data-Stealing Malware

Malicious NPM Packages Target Roblox Users with Data-Stealing Malware

Nov 08, 2024 Open Source / Malware
A new campaign has targeted the npm package repository with malicious JavaScript libraries that are designed to infect Roblox users with open-source stealer malware such as Skuld and Blank-Grabber . "This incident highlights the alarming ease with which threat actors can launch supply chain attacks by exploiting trust and human error within the open source ecosystem, and using readily available commodity malware, public platforms like GitHub for hosting malicious executables, and communication channels like Discord and Telegram for C2 operations to bypass traditional security measures," Socket security researcher Kirill Boychenko said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The list of malicious packages is as follows - node-dlls (77 downloads) ro.dll (74 downloads) autoadv (66 downloads) rolimons-api (107 downloads) It's worth pointing out that "node-dlls" is an attempt on part of the threat actor to masquerade as the legitimate node-dll packa...
Malware Campaign Uses Ethereum Smart Contracts to Control npm Typosquat Packages

Malware Campaign Uses Ethereum Smart Contracts to Control npm Typosquat Packages

Nov 05, 2024 Malware / Blockchain
An ongoing campaign is targeting npm developers with hundreds of typosquat versions of their legitimate counterparts in an attempt to trick them into running cross-platform malware. The attack is notable for utilizing Ethereum smart contracts for command-and-control (C2) server address distribution, according to independent findings from Checkmarx , Phylum , and Socket published over the past few days. The activity was first flagged on October 31, 2024, although it's said to have been underway at least a week prior. No less than 287 typosquat packages have been published to the npm package registry. "As this campaign began to unfold in earnest, it became clear that this attacker was in the early stages of a typosquat campaign targeting developers intending to use the popular Puppeteer, Bignum.js, and various cryptocurrency libraries," Phylum said. The packages contain obfuscated JavaScript that's executed during (or post) the installation process, ultimately le...
Malicious npm Packages Target Developers' Ethereum Wallets with SSH Backdoor

Malicious npm Packages Target Developers' Ethereum Wallets with SSH Backdoor

Oct 22, 2024 Vulnerability / Supply Chain
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a number of suspicious packages published to the npm registry that are designed to harvest Ethereum private keys and gain remote access to the machine via the secure shell (SSH) protocol. The packages attempt to "gain SSH access to the victim's machine by writing the attacker's SSH public key in the root user's authorized_keys file," software supply chain security company Phylum said in an analysis published last week. The list of packages identified as part of the campaign, which aim to impersonate the legitimate ethers package , are as follows - ethers-mew (62 downloads) ethers-web3 (110 downloads) ethers-6 (56 downloads) ethers-eth (58 downloads) ethers-aaa (781 downloads) ethers-audit (69 downloads) ethers-test (336 downloads) Some of these packages, most of which have been published by accounts named "crstianokavic" and "timyorks," are believed to have been released for testing purpose...
Trojanized jQuery Packages Found on npm, GitHub, and jsDelivr Code Repositories

Trojanized jQuery Packages Found on npm, GitHub, and jsDelivr Code Repositories

Jul 09, 2024 Supply Chain Attack / Web Security
Unknown threat actors have been found propagating trojanized versions of jQuery on npm, GitHub, and jsDelivr in what appears to be an instance of a "complex and persistent" supply chain attack. "This attack stands out due to the high variability across packages," Phylum said in an analysis published last week. "The attacker has cleverly hidden the malware in the seldom-used ' end ' function of jQuery, which is internally called by the more popular ' fadeTo ' function from its animation utilities." As many as 68 packages have been linked to the campaign. They were published to the npm registry starting from May 26 to June 23, 2024, using names such as cdnjquery, footersicons, jquertyi, jqueryxxx, logoo, and sytlesheets, among others.  There is evidence to suggest that each of the bogus packages were manually assembled and published due to the sheer number of packages published from various accounts, the differences in naming conventi...
Attackers Flood NPM Repository with Over 15,000 Spam Packages Containing Phishing Links

Attackers Flood NPM Repository with Over 15,000 Spam Packages Containing Phishing Links

Feb 22, 2023 Open Source / Supply Chain Attack
In what's a continuing assault on the open source ecosystem,  over 15,000 spam packages  have flooded the npm repository in an attempt to distribute phishing links. "The packages were created using automated processes, with project descriptions and auto-generated names that closely resembled one another," Checkmarx researcher Yehuda Gelb  said  in a Tuesday report. "The attackers referred to retail websites using referral IDs, thus profiting from the referral rewards they earned." The modus operandi involves poisoning the registry with rogue packages that include links to phishing campaigns in their README.md files, evocative of a  similar campaign  the software supply chain security firm exposed in December 2022. The fake modules masqueraded as cheats and free resources, with some packages named as "free-tiktok-followers," "free-xbox-codes," and "instagram-followers-free." The ultimate goal of the operation is to entice user...
Researchers Find a Way Malicious NPM Libraries Can Evade Vulnerability Detection

Researchers Find a Way Malicious NPM Libraries Can Evade Vulnerability Detection

Nov 30, 2022
New findings from cybersecurity firm JFrog show that malware targeting the npm ecosystem can evade security checks by taking advantage of an "unexpected behavior" in the npm command line interface (CLI) tool. npm CLI's  install  and  audit   commands  have built-in capabilities to check a package and all of its dependencies for known vulnerabilities, effectively acting as a warning mechanism for developers by highlighting the flaws. But as JFrog established, the security advisories are not displayed when the packages follow certain version formats, creating a scenario where critical flaws could be introduced into their systems either directly or via the package's dependencies. Specifically, the problem arises only when the installed package version contains a hyphen (e.g., 1.2.3-a), which is included to denote a  pre-release version  of an npm module. While the project maintainers treat the discrepancy between regular npm package versions and pre...
Malicious NPM Package Caught Mimicking Material Tailwind CSS Package

Malicious NPM Package Caught Mimicking Material Tailwind CSS Package

Sep 22, 2022
A malicious NPM package has been found masquerading as the legitimate software library for Material Tailwind, once again indicating attempts on the part of threat actors to distribute malicious code in open source software repositories. Material Tailwind is a  CSS-based framework  advertised by its maintainers as an "easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design." "The malicious Material Tailwind npm package, while posing as a helpful development tool, has an automatic post-install script," Karlo Zanki, security researcher at ReversingLabs,  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. This script is engineered to download a password-protected ZIP archive file that contains a Windows executable capable of running PowerShell scripts. The now-removed rogue package, named  material-tailwindcss , has been downloaded 320 times to date, all of which occurred on or after September 15, 2022. In a tactic that's becoming increasingly common,...
Malicious NPM Packages Target German Companies in Supply Chain Attack

Malicious NPM Packages Target German Companies in Supply Chain Attack

May 11, 2022
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a number of malicious packages in the NPM registry specifically targeting a number of prominent media, logistics, and industrial firms based in Germany to carry out  supply chain attacks . "Compared with most malware found in the NPM repository, this payload seems particularly dangerous: a highly-sophisticated, obfuscated piece of malware that acts as a backdoor and allows the attacker to take total control over the infected machine," researchers from JFrog  said  in a new report. The DevOps company said that evidence points to it being either the work of a sophisticated threat actor or a "very aggressive" penetration test. All the rogue packages, most of which have since been removed from the repository, have been traced to four "maintainers" - bertelsmannnpm, boschnodemodules, stihlnodemodules, and dbschenkernpm — indicating an attempt to impersonate legitimate firms like Bertelsmann, Bosch, Stihl, and DB Sc...
Critical Gems Takeover Bug Reported in RubyGems Package Manager

Critical Gems Takeover Bug Reported in RubyGems Package Manager

May 10, 2022
The maintainers of the RubyGems package manager have addressed a critical security flaw that could have been abused to remove gems and replace them with rogue versions under specific circumstances. "Due to a bug in the yank action, it was possible for any RubyGems.org user to remove and replace certain gems even if that user was not authorized to do so," RubyGems  said  in a security advisory published on May 6, 2022. RubyGems, like npm for JavaScript and pip for Python, is a  package manager  and a gem hosting service for the Ruby programming language, offering a repository of more than 171,500 libraries. In a nutshell, the flaw in question, tracked as CVE-2022-29176, enabled anyone to pull certain gems and upload different files with the same name, same version number, and different platforms. For this to happen, however, a gem needed to have one or more dashes in its name, where the word before the dash was the name of an attacker-controlled gem, and which w...
GitHub Says Recent Attack Involving Stolen OAuth Tokens Was "Highly Targeted"

GitHub Says Recent Attack Involving Stolen OAuth Tokens Was "Highly Targeted"

May 03, 2022
Cloud-based code hosting platform GitHub described the recent  attack campaign  involving the abuse of OAuth access tokens issued to Heroku and Travis CI as "highly targeted" in nature. "This pattern of behavior suggests the attacker was only listing organizations in order to identify accounts to selectively target for listing and downloading private repositories," GitHub's Mike Hanley  said  in an updated post. The  security incident , which it discovered on April 12, related to an unidentified attacker leveraging stolen OAuth user tokens issued to two third-party OAuth integrators, Heroku and Travis CI, to download data from dozens of organizations, including NPM. The Microsoft-owned company said last week that it's in the process of sending a final set of notifications to GitHub customers who had either the Heroku or Travis CI OAuth app integrations authorized in their accounts. According to a detailed step-by-step analysis carried out by GitHub, th...
NPM Bug Allowed Attackers to Distribute Malware as Legitimate Packages

NPM Bug Allowed Attackers to Distribute Malware as Legitimate Packages

Apr 27, 2022
A "logical flaw" has been disclosed in NPM, the default package manager for the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment, that enables malicious actors to pass off rogue libraries as legitimate and trick unsuspecting developers into installing them. The supply chain threat has been dubbed "Package Planting" by researchers from cloud security firm Aqua. Following responsible disclosure on February 10, the underlying issue was remediated by NPM on April 26. "Up until recently, NPM allowed adding anyone as a maintainer of the package without notifying these users or getting their consent," Aqua's Yakir Kadkoda  said  in a report published Tuesday. This effectively meant that an adversary could create malware-laced packages and assign them to trusted, popular maintainers without their knowledge. The idea here is to add credible owners associated with other popular NPM libraries to the attacker-controlled poisoned package in hopes that doing so would a...
A Large-Scale Supply Chain Attack Distributed Over 800 Malicious NPM Packages

A Large-Scale Supply Chain Attack Distributed Over 800 Malicious NPM Packages

Mar 29, 2022
A threat actor dubbed " RED-LILI " has been linked to an ongoing large-scale supply chain attack campaign targeting the NPM package repository by publishing nearly 800 malicious modules. "Customarily, attackers use an anonymous disposable NPM account from which they launch their attacks," Israeli security company Checkmarx  said . "As it seems this time, the attacker has fully-automated the process of NPM account creation and has opened dedicated accounts, one per package, making his new malicious packages batch harder to spot." The findings build on recent reports from  JFrog  and  Sonatype , both of which detailed hundreds of NPM packages that leverage techniques like  dependency confusion  and typosquatting to target Azure, Uber, and Airbnb developers. According to a detailed analysis of RED-LILI's modus operandi, earliest evidence of anomalous activity is said to have occurred on February 23, 2022, with the cluster of malicious packages publis...
Over a Dozen Malicious NPM Packages Caught Hijacking Discord Servers

Over a Dozen Malicious NPM Packages Caught Hijacking Discord Servers

Dec 09, 2021
At least 17 malware-laced packages have been discovered on the NPM package Registry, adding to a  recent barrage of malicious software  hosted and delivered through open-source software repositories such as PyPi and RubyGems. DevOps firm JFrog said the libraries, now taken down, were designed to grab Discord access tokens and  environment variables  from users' computers as well as gain full control over a victim's system. "The packages' payloads are varied, ranging from infostealers up to full remote access backdoors," researchers Andrey Polkovnychenko and Shachar Menashe said in a  report  published Wednesday. "Additionally, the packages have different infection tactics, including typosquatting,  dependency confusion  and trojan functionality." The list of packages is below - prerequests-xcode (version 1.0.4) discord-selfbot-v14 (version 12.0.3) discord-lofy (version 11.5.1) discordsystem (version 11.5.1) discord-vilao (version 1.0.0)...
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