infondlinux is a post configuration script for Ubuntu Linux. It installs useful security tools and firefox addons. Tools installed by script are listed at the beginning of source code.
# download:
$ wget
# install:
$ sudo
Pakages :
# download:
$ wget
# install:
$ sudo
Pakages :
# debian packages # - imagemagick # - vim # - less # - gimp # - build-essential # - wipe # - xchat # - pidgin # - vlc # - nautilus-open-terminal # - nmap # - zenmap # - sun-java6-plugin et jre et jdk # - bluefish # - flash-plugin-nonfree # - aircrack-ng # - wireshark # - ruby # - ascii # - webhttrack # - socat # - nasm # - w3af # - subversion # - wireshark # - mercurial # - libopenssl-ruby # - ruby-gnome2 # - traceroute # - filezilla # - gnupg # - rubygems # - php5 # - libapache2-mod-php5 # - mysql-server # - php5-mysql # - phpmyadmin # - extract # - p0f # - spikeproxy # - ettercap # - dsniff : # * arpspoof - Send out unrequested (and possibly forged) arp replies. # * dnsspoof - forge replies to arbitrary DNS address / pointer queries on the Local Area Network. # * dsniff - password sniffer for several protocols. # * filesnarf - saves selected files sniffed from NFS traffic. # * macof - flood the local network with random MAC addresses. # * mailsnarf - sniffs mail on the LAN and stores it in mbox format. # * msgsnarf - record selected messages from different Instant Messengers. # * sshmitm - SSH monkey-in-the-middle. proxies and sniffs SSH traffic. # * sshow - SSH traffic analyser. # * tcpkill - kills specified in-progress TCP connections. # * tcpnice - slow down specified TCP connections via “active†traffic shaping. # * urlsnarf - output selected URLs sniffed from HTTP traffic in CLF. # * webmitm - HTTP / HTTPS monkey-in-the-middle. transparently proxies. # * webspy - sends URLs sniffed from a client to your local browser # - unrar # - torsocks # - secure-delete # - nautilus-gksu # - sqlmap # - john the ripper # third party packages # - tor # - tor-geoipdb # - virtualbox 4.0 # - google-chrome-stable # manually downloaded softwares and version # - DirBuster (1.0RC1) # - truecrypt (7.0a) # - metasploit framework (3.6) # - webscarab (latest) # - burp suite (1.3.03) # - parosproxy (3.2.13) # - jmeter (2.4) # - rips (0.35) # - origami-pdf (latest) # - (0.0.11) # - pdf-parser.pym (0.3.7) # - fierce (latest) # - wifite (latest) # - pyloris (3.2) # - skipfish (1.86 beta) # - hydra (6.2) # - Maltego (3.0) # - set # - volatilty (1.3 beta) # home made scripts # - hextoasm # - (written by Corbiero) # - # - # - # firefox extensions # - livehttpheaders # - firebug # - tamperdata # - noscript # - flashblock # - flashgot # - foxyproxy # - certificatepatrol # - chickenfoot 1.0.7