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63 New Flaws (Including 0-Days) Windows Users Need to Patch Now

63 New Flaws (Including 0-Days) Windows Users Need to Patch Now

Nov 14, 2018
It's Patch Tuesday once again…time for another round of security updates for the Windows operating system and other Microsoft products. This month Windows users and system administrators need to immediately take care of a total of 63 security vulnerabilities, of which 12 are rated critical, 49 important and one moderate and one low in severity. Two of the vulnerabilities patched by the tech giant this month are listed as publicly known at the time of release, and one flaw is reported as being actively exploited in the wild by multiple cybercriminal groups. Zero-Day Vulnerability Being Exploited by Cyber Criminals The zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2018-8589 , which is being exploited in the wild by multiple advanced persistent threat groups was first spotted and reported by security researchers from Kaspersky Labs. The flaw resides in the Win32k component (win32k.sys), which if exploited successfully, could allow a malicious program to execute arbitrary code
Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability at Google Appspot

Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability at Google Appspot

Aug 20, 2011
Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability at Google Appspot The Google Appspot " ClickDesk " login page is vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting attack. Cross Site scripting attack is a critical issue in web application. When an attacker gets a user's browser to execute his/her XSS code, the code will run within the security context (or zone) of the hosting web site. With this level of privilege, the code has the ability to read (keylogging), modify and transmit any sensitive data accessible by the browser. A Cross-site Scripted user could have his/her account hijacked (cookie theft), their browser redirected to another location, or possibly shown fraudulent content delivered by the web site they are visiting. The vulnerability can easily be amplified by publicly available tools like Cross Site Scripting framework (XSSF), Cross Site Scripting harvest perl (XSS-Harvest) and so on. Proof of concept: The following proof-of concept sample will do a HTTP POST to trigger the XSS vuln
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
WordPress Vulnerability Puts Millions of Websites At Risk

WordPress Vulnerability Puts Millions of Websites At Risk

May 07, 2015
Millions of WordPress websites are at risks of being completely hijacked by the hackers due to a critical cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability present in the default installation of the widely used content management system. The cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability, uncovered by the security researcher reported by Robert Abela of Security firm  Netsparker . Wordpress vulnerability resides in Genericons webfont package that is part of default WordPress Twenty Fifteen Theme. Here comes the threat: The XSS vulnerability has been identified as a " DOM-based ," which means the flaw resides in the document object model (DOM) that is responsible for text, images, headers, and links representation in a web browser. The easy-to-exploit DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability occurred due to an insecure file included with Genericons that allowed the Document Object Model Environment in the victim's browser to be modified. What's DOM-Bas
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
cPanel and WHM Multiple Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

cPanel and WHM Multiple Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

Dec 27, 2012
cPanel is a Unix based  fully featured popular web based hosting account control panel that helps webmasters to manage their domains through a web browser. The latest version of  cPanel & WHM is 11.34, which is  v ulnerable  to multiple cross site scripting. During my bug hunting process, today I ( Christy Philip Mathew )  discovered some serious XSS v ulnerabilities in  official cPanel, WHM. It also impact on the  latest version of software. This week, Rafay Baloch (Pakistani white hat hacker) also discovered another reflective cross site scripting vulnerability in  cPanel at manage.html . The interesting part would be the whole demonstration I done with the Official cPanel Demo located at https://cpanel.net/demo/ location, can be accessed via demo user & password provided by cPanel website itself i.e.  https://demo.cpanel.net:2086/login/?user=demo&pass=demo These  vulnerabilities actually affect the logged in users. Proof of Concept and screenshots are as shown below:
20 Famous websites vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack

20 Famous websites vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack

Sep 06, 2011
20 Famous websites vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack Most of the biggest and Famous sites are found to be Vulnerable to XSS attack . Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications which allow code injection by malicious web users into the web pages viewed by other users. Examples of such code include HTML code and client-side scripts. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Recently, vulnerabilities of this kind have been exploited to craft powerful phishing attacks and browser exploits. Cross-site scripting was originally referred to as CSS, although this usage has been largely discontinued. Hacker with code name " Invectus " list some such famous sites with XSS vulnerability as listed below : 1.) https://video.state.gov/en/search/img-srchttp-i55tinypiccom-witu7dpng-height650-width1000/Ij48aW1nIHNyYz0iaHR0cD
Hackers Can Remotely Install Malware Apps to Your Android Device

Hackers Can Remotely Install Malware Apps to Your Android Device

Feb 12, 2015
Security researchers have warned of a pair of vulnerabilities in the Google Play Store that could allow cyber crooks to install and launch malicious applications remotely on Android devices. Tod Beardsley, technical lead for the Metasploit Framework at Rapid7 warns that an X-Frame-Options (XFO) vulnerability – when combined with a recent Android WebView (Jelly Bean) flaw – creates a way for hackers to quietly install any arbitrary app from the Play store onto victims' device even without the users consent. USERS AFFECTED The vulnerability affects users running Android version 4.3 Jelly Bean and earlier versions of Android that no longer receive official security updates from Android security team for WebView , a core component used to render web pages on an Android device . Also, users who have installed third party browsers are affected. According to the researcher, the web browser in Android 4.3 and prior that are vulnerable to a Universal Cross-Site Scripting (
Multiple Cross Site Scripting ( #XSS ) Vulnerabilities in Forbes

Multiple Cross Site Scripting ( #XSS ) Vulnerabilities in Forbes

Jan 19, 2012
Multiple Cross Site Scripting ( #XSS ) Vulnerabilities in Forbes Ucha Gobejishvili ( longrifle0x ) , A Georgian Security Researcher Discover two Cross Site Scripting ( XSS ) Vulnerabilities on the Official website of Forbes , an American publishing and media company. Cross-Site Scripting occurs when an attacker can send a malicious script to a different user by relaying the script from an otherwise trusted or innocuous server. These flaws are extensive on the Web and allow an attacker to place malicious code that can execute attacks against other users in the security context of the web servers of the trusted host. 1.) First Vulnerable Link : Click Here 2.) Second Vulnerable Link : Click Here Cross-Site Scripting typically involves executing commands in a user's browser to display unintended content, or with the intent of stealing the user's login credentials or other personal information. This information can then be used by the attacker to access web sites and services
Researchers Uncover Active Exploitation of WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities

Researchers Uncover Active Exploitation of WordPress Plugin Vulnerabilities

May 30, 2024 WordPress / Website Security
Cybersecurity researchers have warned that multiple high-severity security vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins are being actively exploited by threat actors to create rogue administrator accounts for follow-on exploitation. "These vulnerabilities are found in various WordPress plugins and are prone to unauthenticated stored cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks due to inadequate input sanitization and output escaping, making it possible for attackers to inject malicious scripts," Fastly researchers Simran Khalsa, Xavier Stevens, and Matthew Mathur said . The security flaws in question are listed below - CVE-2023-6961 (CVSS score: 7.2) - Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting in WP Meta SEO <= 4.5.12 CVE-2023-40000 (CVSS score: 8.3) - Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting in LiteSpeed Cache <= 5.7 CVE-2024-2194 (CVSS score: 7.2) - Unauthenticated Stored Cross-Site Scripting in WP Statistics <= 14.5 Attack chains exploiting the flaws involve inject
Vulnerability in HTC website allow attacker to hijack accounts

Vulnerability in HTC website allow attacker to hijack accounts

Dec 28, 2012
Thamatam Deepak (Mr.47™) reported a Cross site scripting (XSS) Vulnerability and cookie handling in HTC website, that allow an attacker to HTC website hijack accounts. Mr. Deepak is a 16 years old whitehat hacker, listed in Apple Hall of Fame with 'The Hacker News' researcher Mohit Kumar this month. Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection problem, in which malicious scripts are injected into the otherwise benign and trusted web sites. The malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by your browser. This vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross site scripting is very common web application vulnerability, Yesterday our security researcher, Christy Philip Mathew reported about multiple xss in official latest versions of cPanel and WHM . As reported by Whitehat hacker Deepak, there are multiple xss in HTC website, that allow an attacker
Sun Microsystems (Print) - Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

Sun Microsystems (Print) - Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities

Feb 05, 2012
Sun Microsystems (Print) - Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities Today Ucha Gobejishvili ( longrifle0x ) a Pentester from Georgia reported 3 More important Cross Site Scripting Vulnerabilities in Sun Microsystem's and Java Printer Webpages. Java's Vulnerable Link   : Click Here Sun's Vulnerable Link 1 :  Click Here Sun's Vulnerable Link 2 :  Click Here Cross-Site Scripting occurs when an attacker can send a malicious script to a different user by relaying the script from an otherwise trusted or innocuous server. These flaws are extensive on the Web and allow an attacker to place malicious code that can execute attacks against other users in the security context of the web servers of the trusted host. Previous vulnerabilities  reported by longrifle0x : Click here to Read or Mirrors .
Inj3ct0r Team found XSS Vulnerability on MSN website

Inj3ct0r Team found XSS Vulnerability on MSN website

Nov 14, 2012
A particular class of attacks commonly referred to as "code insertion" and often " Cross-Site Scripting " has become increasingly popular. Yesterday we reported about Cross site scripting bug Paypal and Apple . Hacker from Inj3ct0r Team reported a XSS Cross site scripting Vulnerability on MSN.com website. Vulnerability exist of a subdomain of MSN at https://news.de.msn.com/. Details posted in an advisory . Cross site scripting occurs when a web application gathers malicious data from a user. Hackers said that, " The goal is to close the capabilities gap between the cyber-criminals and white hats, by enabling defenders to perform more comprehensive testing of their defenses ." According to report, this XSS is working perfectly with Internet Explorer and Opera web browser, Proof of Concept URL's are posted in advisory and Image as shown.
PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ?

PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ?

Nov 13, 2012
Bug Bounty program, where white hat hackers and researchers hunt for serious security vulnerabilities and disclosing them only to the vendor for a patch , In return vendors rewards them with money. Various famous websites like Facebook , Google , Paypal , Mozilla, Barracuda Networks and more other giving away bug bounties in thousands of Dollars to hackers for finding vulnerabilities. Most common vulnerabilities reported maximum time on various sites is Cross site scripting and each month hackers submit lots of such vulnerabilities to companies. In case  your report is duplicate, i.e. Someone else before you submit the same vulnerability - company will reject you from the bug bounty program. But there is no proof or an open Panel where hacker can verify that is someone already reported for same bug before or not. If company reply you - " The bug was already discovered by another researcher" , can you do anything  even after knowing that you are very first per
Progress Software Releases Urgent Hotfixes for Multiple Security Flaws in WS_FTP Server

Progress Software Releases Urgent Hotfixes for Multiple Security Flaws in WS_FTP Server

Sep 29, 2023 Server Security / Vulnerability
Progress Software has released hotfixes for a critical security vulnerability, alongside seven other flaws, in the WS_FTP Server Ad hoc Transfer Module and in the WS_FTP Server manager interface. Tracked as  CVE-2023-40044 , the flaw has a CVSS score of 10.0, indicating maximum severity. All versions of the software are impacted by the flaw. "In WS_FTP Server versions prior to 8.7.4 and 8.8.2, a pre-authenticated attacker could leverage a .NET deserialization vulnerability in the Ad Hoc Transfer module to execute remote commands on the underlying WS_FTP Server operating system," the company  said  in an advisory. Assetnote security researchers Shubham Shah and Sean Yeoh have been credited with discovering and reporting the vulnerability. The list of remaining flaws, impacting WS_FTP Server versions prior to 8.8.2, is as follows - CVE-2023-42657  (CVSS score: 9.9) - A directory traversal vulnerability that could be exploited to perform file operations. CVE-2023-40045
Exclusive : Hacking Hotmail and Outlook accounts using Cookie reuse vulnerability

Exclusive : Hacking Hotmail and Outlook accounts using Cookie reuse vulnerability

Dec 14, 2012
This Friday I was working with my co-security researcher " Christy Philip Mathew " in +The Hacker News  Lab for testing the Cookie Handling Vulnerabilities in the most famous email services i.e Hotmail and Outlook. Well, both are merged now and part of the same parent company - Microsoft, the software giant.  Vulnerability allows an attacker to Hijack accounts in a very simple way, by just exporting & importing cookies of an user account from one system to attacker's system, and our results shows that even after logout by victim, the attacker is still able to reuse cookies at his end. There are different way of stealing cookies, that we will discuss below. In May 2012, another Indian security researcher Rishi Narang claimed similar vulnerability in Linkedin website. Vulnerability Details Many websites including Microsoft services uses cookies to store the session information in the user's web browser. Cookies are responsible for maintainin
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