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Microsoft Issues Security Patch Update for 14 New Critical Vulnerabilities

Microsoft Issues Security Patch Update for 14 New Critical Vulnerabilities

Feb 14, 2018
Microsoft's Patch Tuesday for this month falls the day before the most romantic day of the year. Yes, it's Valentine's, and the tech giant has released its monthly security update for February 2018, addressing a total of 50 CVE-listed vulnerabilities in its Windows operating system, Microsoft Office, web browsers and other products. Fourteen of the security updates are listed as critical, 34 are rated as important, and 2 of them are rated as moderate in severity. The critical update patches serious security flaws in Edge browser and Outlook client, an RCE in Windows' StructuredQuery component, and several memory corruption bugs in the scripting engines used by Edge and Internet Explorer. Critical Microsoft Outlook Vulnerability One of the most severe bugs includes a memory corruption vulnerability ( CVE-2018-0852 ) in Microsoft Outlook, which can be exploited to achieve remote code execution on the targeted machines. In order to trigger the vulnerability
Secunia CSI 7.0 - Next generation Patch Management tool released

Secunia CSI 7.0 - Next generation Patch Management tool released

Sep 04, 2013
Cybercrime costs organizations millions of dollars and to protect business from the consequences of security breaches, vulnerability intelligence and patch management are basic necessities in the toolbox of any IT team, as emphasized by organizations like the SANS Institute and the National Institute of Standards and Technology under the US Department of Commerce (NIST). The Secunia CSI 7.0 is the Total Package: Vulnerability Intelligence, Vulnerability Scanning with Patch Creation and Patch Deployment Integration. To help IT teams counter the threat, vulnerability research company Secunia merges the in-house vulnerability expertise with a sophisticated patch management solution into the Secunia Corporate Software Inspector (CSI 7.0). The foundation of the Secunia CSI is a unique combination of vulnerability intelligence and vulnerability scanning, with patch creation and patch deployment integration. The Secunia CSI integrates with Microsoft WSUS and System Center 2
Top 15 Vulnerabilities Attackers Exploited Millions of Times to Hack Linux Systems

Top 15 Vulnerabilities Attackers Exploited Millions of Times to Hack Linux Systems

Aug 23, 2021
Close to 14 million Linux-based systems are directly exposed to the Internet, making them a lucrative target for an array of real-world attacks that could result in the deployment of malicious web shells, coin miners, ransomware, and other trojans. That's according to an in-depth look at the Linux threat landscape published by U.S.-Japanese cybersecurity firm Trend Micro , detailing the top threats and vulnerabilities affecting the operating system in the first half of 2021, based on data amassed from honeypots, sensors, and anonymized telemetry. The company, which detected nearly 15 million malware events aimed at Linux-based cloud environments, found coin miners and ransomware to make up 54% of all malware, with web shells accounting for a 29% share. In addition, by dissecting over 50 million events reported from 100,000 unique Linux hosts during the same time period, the researchers found 15 different security weaknesses that are known to be actively exploited in the wild o
cyber security

Managing SaaS Security: What's Your Maturity Level?

websiteAdaptive ShieldSaaS Security / Identity Security
Find out how your security team compares to other organizations in the new SaaS Security Survey report.
4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

4-Step Approach to Mapping and Securing Your Organization's Most Critical Assets

May 28, 2024Threat Exposure Management
You're probably familiar with the term "critical assets". These are the technology assets within your company's IT infrastructure that are essential to the functioning of your organization. If anything happens to these assets, such as application servers, databases, or privileged identities, the ramifications to your security posture can be severe.  But is every technology asset considered a critical asset? Moreover, is every technology asset considered a  business -critical asset? How much do we really know about the risks to our  business -critical assets?  Business-critical assets are the underlying technology assets of your business in general – and we all know that technology is just one of the 3 essential pillars needed for a successful business operation. In order to have complete cybersecurity governance, organizations should consider: 1) Technology, 2) Business processes, and 3) Key People. When these 3 pillars come together, organizations can begin to understand the
Why the Right Metrics Matter When it Comes to Vulnerability Management

Why the Right Metrics Matter When it Comes to Vulnerability Management

Feb 01, 2024 Vulnerability Management / Cyber Hygiene
How's your vulnerability management program doing? Is it effective? A success? Let's be honest, without the right metrics or analytics, how can you tell how well you're doing, progressing, or if you're getting ROI? If you're not measuring, how do you know it's working? And even if you are measuring, faulty reporting or focusing on the wrong metrics can create blind spots and make it harder to communicate any risks to the rest of the business. So how do you know what to focus on? Cyber hygiene, scan coverage, average time to fix, vulnerability severity, remediation rates, vulnerability exposure… the list is endless. Every tool on the market offers different metrics, so it can be hard to know what is important. This article will help you identify and define the key metrics that you need to track the state of your vulnerability management program, the progress you've made, so you can create audit-ready reports that: Prove your security posture Meet vulnerability remediation SLAs an
Microsoft Releases Patches for 60 Flaws—Two Under Active Attack

Microsoft Releases Patches for 60 Flaws—Two Under Active Attack

Aug 14, 2018
Get your update caps on. Just a few minutes ago Microsoft released its latest monthly Patch Tuesday update for August 2018, patching a total of 60 vulnerabilities, of which 19 are rated as critical. The updates patch flaws in Microsoft Windows, Edge Browser, Internet Explorer, Office, ChakraCore, .NET Framework, Exchange Server, Microsoft SQL Server and Visual Studio. Two of these vulnerabilities patched by the tech giant is listed as publicly known and being exploited in the wild at the time of release. According to the advisory released by Microsoft, all 19 critical-rated vulnerabilities lead to remote code execution (RCE), some of which could eventually allow attackers to take control of the affected system if exploited successfully. Besides this, Microsoft has also addressed 39 important flaws, one moderate and one low in severity. Here below we have listed brief details of a few critical and publically exploited important vulnerabilities: Internet Explorer Memory Co
Mind the Gap – How to Ensure Your Vulnerability Detection Methods are up to Scratch

Mind the Gap – How to Ensure Your Vulnerability Detection Methods are up to Scratch

Jul 18, 2022
With global cybercrime costs expected to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, according to Cybersecurity Ventures, it comes as little surprise that the risk of attack is companies' biggest concern globally. To help businesses uncover and fix the vulnerabilities and misconfigurations affecting their systems, there is an (over)abundance of solutions available.  But beware, they may not give you a full and continuous view of your weaknesses if used in isolation. With huge financial gains to be had from each successful breach, hackers do not rest in their hunt for flaws and use a wide range of tools and scanners to help them in their search. Beating these criminals means staying one step ahead and using the most comprehensive and responsive vulnerability detection support you can.  We'll go through each solution and explain how you can maintain your vigilance. Of course, vulnerability management is just one step businesses must take to prevent a breach; there's also proper
How to Detect Exploits of the GHOST Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

How to Detect Exploits of the GHOST Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Feb 12, 2015
The GHOST vulnerability is a buffer overflow condition that can be easily exploited locally and remotely, which makes it extremely dangerous. This vulnerability is named after the GetHOSTbyname function involved in the exploit. Attackers utilize buffer overflow vulnerabilities like this one by sending specific packets of data to a vulnerable system. The attack allows the attacker to execute arbitrary code and take control of the victim's vulnerable machine. Unfortunately, the vulnerability exists in the GNU C Library (glibc) , a code library originally released in 2000, meaning it has been widely distributed. Many derivative programs utilize the glibc to carry out common tasks. Although an update released by Linux in 2013 mitigated this vulnerability, most systems and products have not installed the patch. What Can I Do About GHOST Vulnerability? Like with any vulnerability, the best way to mitigate GHOST vulnerability is to identify vulnerable systems, prioritize th
Vulnerability Management: Think Like an Attacker to Prioritize Risks

Vulnerability Management: Think Like an Attacker to Prioritize Risks

Jun 05, 2014
Attackers care about ROI – they want to accomplish their objective with the least investment of time and resources possible. The same is true for you - to most effectively manage vulnerabilities, you need to think like an attacker. Ask yourself: How would you go about compromising systems, exfiltrating valuable information and making money? What are the key assets in your network that you would target? How would you get to these assets? Attackers are looking for vulnerabilities that are exposed – ones offering them an easy way to penetrate your network and pivot into the truly valuable assets on your network. Although zero-day exploits are heavily publicized, attackers more often use older, proven exploits very effectively. Fortunately, many such exploits are well known and have clear remediation methods. So, how can you determine if a known vulnerability is actually exploitable? The key is to correlate system vulnerabilities with threat intelligence so you can prioriti
Update Windows 10 Immediately to Patch a Flaw Discovered by the NSA

Update Windows 10 Immediately to Patch a Flaw Discovered by the NSA

Jan 14, 2020
After Adobe today releases its first Patch Tuesday updates for 2020, Microsoft has now also published its January security advisories warning billions of users of 49 new vulnerabilities in its various products. What's so special about the latest Patch Tuesday is that one of the updates fixes a serious flaw in the core cryptographic component of widely used Windows 10, Server 2016 and 2019 editions that was discovered and reported to the company by the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States. What's more interesting is that this is the first security flaw in Windows OS that the NSA reported responsibly to Microsoft, unlike the  Eternalblue SMB flaw that the agency kept secret for at least five years and then was leaked to the public by a mysterious group, which caused WannaCry menace in 2017. CVE-2020-0601: Windows CryptoAPI Spoofing Vulnerability According to an advisory released by Microsoft, the flaw, dubbed ' NSACrypt ' and tracked as CVE-20
Which Hole to Plug First? Solving Chronic Vulnerability Patching Overload

Which Hole to Plug First? Solving Chronic Vulnerability Patching Overload

May 02, 2022
According to folklore, witches were able to sail in a sieve, a strainer with holes in the bottom. Unfortunately, witches don't work in cybersecurity – where networks generally have so many vulnerabilities that they resemble sieves.  For most of us, keeping the sieve of our networks afloat requires nightmarishly hard work and frequent compromises on which holes to plug first. The reason? In 2010, just under 5000 CVEs were recorded in the MITRE vulnerabilities database. By 2021, the yearly total had skyrocketed to  over 20,000 . Today, software and network integrity are synonymous with business continuity. And this makes the issue of which vulnerabilities to address first mission-critical. Yet owing to the countless documented vulnerabilities lurking in a typical enterprise ecosystem – across thousands of laptops, servers, and internet-connected devices – less than  one in ten  actually needs to be patched. The question is: how can we know which patches will ensure that our sieve does
Cyberattacks Targeting E-commerce Applications

Cyberattacks Targeting E-commerce Applications

Aug 28, 2023 Pentesting As A Service
Cyber attacks on e-commerce applications are a common trend in 2023 as e-commerce businesses become more omnichannel, they build and deploy increasingly more API interfaces, with threat actors constantly exploring more ways to exploit vulnerabilities. This is why regular testing and ongoing monitoring are necessary to fully protect web applications, identifying weaknesses so they can be mitigated quickly. In this article, we will discuss the recent Honda e-commerce platform attack, how it happened, and its impact on the business and its clients. In addition, to the importance of application security testing, we will also discuss the different areas of vulnerability testing and its various phases. Finally, we will provide details on how a long-term preventative solution such as  PTaaS  can protect e-commerce businesses and the differences between continuous testing (PTaaS) and standard pen testing. The 2023 Honda E-commerce Platform Attack Honda's power equipment, lawn, garden, and
Timesofmoney Database Hacked using Sql Injection Vulnerability

Timesofmoney Database Hacked using Sql Injection Vulnerability

Aug 04, 2011
Timesofmoney Database Hacked using Sql Injection Vulnerability General Information About the Vulnerability This is again a critical vulnerability discovery made by zSecure Team in TimesofMoney website. The group claims that there exist a critical SQL Inejction Vulnerability in the timesofmoney's website using which an attacker can gain access to the site's entire database which contains the huge amount of customers confidential information. Even many indian banks are availing the service of the timesofmoney. This vulnerability may prove to be very critical for the company because TimesofMoney is India's one of the leaders in e-payment system. Existence of such a critical flaw in company's web may cause huge to the existing market reputation of the company concerned. At the end of their advisory the zSecure Group left a small message which claims that they have discovered alike vulnerability in HDFC Bank's website and in coming days the group may come up with the
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