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Category — zombie warning
U.S Emergency broadcast System vulnerable to hackers

U.S Emergency broadcast System vulnerable to hackers

Jul 09, 2013
A major vulnerability has been discovered in the U.S. Emergency Alert System , researchers have warned.that could allow hackers to break into the system and broadcast fake messages to the United States. According to a new report by security firm IOActive, U.S. Emergency Alert System, the system used to broadcast to the United States in times of national crisis can be hacked remotely by hackers. Recent firmware update of DASDEC-I and DASDEC-II application servers disseminated the secure shell (SSH) keys, that allows anyone with limited knowledge to log in at the root level of the server. Technically, compromising the DASDEC systems doesn't sound too difficult. In that scenario, an attacker could take over the system and issue emergency messages. Monroe Electronics was notified about vulnerabilities in its equipment in January and the company's internal development team developed a software update that was made available in March. The Emergency Alert System
Hacker broadcasts zombie warning on TV

Hacker broadcasts zombie warning on TV

Feb 13, 2013
Television viewers in Montana, perhaps looking to stay inside from the scary cold outside, got an even scarier surprise when warnings of a zombie apocalypse took over their TV screens. There TV Stations Montana's KRTVMichigan's, WNMU-TV and WBUP-TV were victims of this zombie prank. The channels later said that somebody had hacked into its system. The message warned zombies were attacking the living and warned people not to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are extremely dangerous. Channel said on its website , " Someone apparently hacked into the Emergency Alert System and announced on KRTV and the CW that was an emergency in several Montana counties. The message did not originate from KRTV, and there is no emergency. Our engineers are investigating to determine what happened and if it affected other media outlets. " Officials with the stations in Michigan said law enforcement authorities determined the attack originated outside the U.S. The message was quickly
Say Goodbye to Phishing: Must-Haves to Eliminate Credential Theft

Say Goodbye to Phishing: Must-Haves to Eliminate Credential Theft

Sep 13, 2024Device Security / Identity Management
Even as cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, the number one attack vector for unauthorized access remains phished credentials ( Verizon DBIR, 2024 ). Solving this problem resolves over 80% of your corporate risk, and a solution is possible.  However, most tools available on the market today cannot offer a complete defense against this attack vector because they were architected to deliver probabilistic defenses. Learn more about the characteristics of Beyond Identity that allow us to deliver deterministic defenses.  The Challenge: Phishing and Credential Theft Phishing attacks trick users into revealing their credentials via deceptive sites or messages sent via SMS, email, and/or voice calls. Traditional defenses, such as end-user training or basic multi-factor authentication (MFA), lower the risk at best but cannot eliminate it. Users may still fall prey to scams, and stolen credentials can be exploited. Legacy MFA is a particularly urgent problem, given that attackers
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