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Category — windows 10 upgrade
Press Shift + F10 during Windows 10 Upgrade to Launch Root CLI & bypass BitLocker

Press Shift + F10 during Windows 10 Upgrade to Launch Root CLI & bypass BitLocker

Nov 30, 2016
If your computer's security relies on Windows BitLocker Hard Drive Encryption software, then Beware! Because anyone with physical access to your PC can still access your files within few seconds. All an attacker need to do is hold SHIFT+F10 during Windows 10 update procedure. Security researcher Sami Laiho discovered this simple method of bypassing BitLocker, wherein an attacker can open a command-line interface with System privileges just by holding SHIFT+F10 while a Windows 10 PC is installing a new OS build. The command-line interface (CLI) then grants the attacker full access to the computer's hard drive, even when the victim has enabled BitLocker disk encryption feature. Laiho explains that during the installation of a new build (Windows 10 upgrade), the operating system disables BitLocker while the Windows PE installs a new image of the main Windows 10 OS. "The installation [Windows 10 upgrade] of a new build is done by reimaging the machine and the im...
Does your WebCam Crash after Windows 10 Anniversary Update? Here’s How to Fix It

Does your WebCam Crash after Windows 10 Anniversary Update? Here's How to Fix It

Aug 20, 2016
If your webcam has stopped working after installing recently-released Microsoft's big Anniversary Update for Windows 10 , you are not alone. With some significant changes to improve Windows experience, Windows 10 Anniversary Update includes the support for webcams that has rendered a number of different webcams inoperable, causing serious issues for not only consumers but also the enterprise. The problem is that Microsoft added some new ways for applications to access webcams with Microsoft's new Windows Camera Frame Server, preventing webcams from using two particular compression formats—H.264 and MJPEG. Microsoft decided that the Camera Frame Server should only receive an uncompressed YUY2 encoding stream from the webcam, which is affecting far more devices than Microsoft expected, causing Millions of cameras to crash. This is the reason why your camera hangs, freezes, or simply not works when you try to do a video calling with your friend over Skype. Brad Sams of ...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Woman wins $10,000 after suing Microsoft over 'Forced' Windows 10 Upgrade

Woman wins $10,000 after suing Microsoft over 'Forced' Windows 10 Upgrade

Jun 28, 2016
Since the launch of Windows 10 in July last year, Microsoft is constantly pestering users to upgrade their PCs running older versions of the operating system. However, many users who are happy with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 and don't want upgrade to Windows 10 now or anytime soon are sick of this forceful unwanted upgrade. One of the victims to this unwanted Windows 10 installation has made Microsoft pay $10,000. A California woman has won $10,000 from Microsoft over an unwanted Windows 10 upgrade. Must Read: How to Stop Windows 7 or 8 from Downloading Windows 10 Automatically . Teri Goldstein sued Microsoft for upgrading her computer to Windows 10 without her authorization, which made it slow and unusable for days at a time, reports the Seattle Times. The PC used by Goldstein, who operates a Californian travel agency, was apparently upgraded to Windows 10 shortly after Microsoft offered free upgrade to Windows 7 and 8.1 users last year. Goldstein said the updat...
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How to Disable Windows 10 Upgrade (Forever) With Just One Click

How to Disable Windows 10 Upgrade (Forever) With Just One Click

Mar 30, 2016
If you are a Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 user, who don't want to upgrade to Windows 10 now or anytime soon, you might be sick of Microsoft constantly pestering you to upgrade your OS. Aren't you? With its goal to deploy Windows 10 on over 1 Billion devices worldwide, Microsoft is becoming more aggressive to convince Windows 7 and 8.1 users to upgrade to its newest operating system, and it is getting harder for users to prevent the OS being installed. But if you're worried that this out of control Windows 10 upgrade process will force you into downloading an unwanted OS; I have an easier solution to block Windows 10 upgrade on your PCs. A new free tool, dubbed Never10 , provides the user a one-click solution to disable Windows 10 upgrade until the user explicitly gives permission to install Windows 10 . Never10 has been developed by Steve Gibson, the well-known software developer and founder of Gibson Research, which is why the tool is also known as ...
Windows 10 Started Showing Ads on LockScreen — Here's How to Turn It OFF

Windows 10 Started Showing Ads on LockScreen — Here's How to Turn It OFF

Feb 26, 2016
If you've upgraded your older version of Windows OS to an all new Windows 10 operating system then you may have noticed an advertisement appearing on your desktop or laptop's lock screen over the past couple of days. Yes, this is what Microsoft has chosen to generate revenue after offering Free Windows 10 Download to its users: Monetize the Lock Screen . Thanks to Windows 10's new Spotlight feature that usually shows you clean and beautiful photographs and fun facts on your lock screen, but now started displaying advertisements to over 200 Million devices running Windows 10. Some Windows 10 users have reported seeing ads for Rise of the Tomb Raider with links to Windows Store from where users can purchase the video game. Microsoft started selling the game last month. Although the ads are not as annoying as the Windows 10 privacy concerns related to the way Microsoft collects your personal data , the good news is that you can turn the ads OFF. Must...
Microsoft Starts automatically Pushing Windows 10 to all Windows 7 and 8.1 Users

Microsoft Starts automatically Pushing Windows 10 to all Windows 7 and 8.1 Users

Feb 02, 2016
As warned last year, Microsoft is pushing Windows 10 upgrades onto its user's PCs much harder by re-categorizing Windows 10 as a " Recommended Update " in Windows Update, instead of an " optional update. " Microsoft launched Windows 10 earlier last year and offered the free upgrade for Windows 7 and Windows 8 and 8.1 users. While the company has been successful in getting Windows 10 onto more than 200 Million devices , Microsoft wants to go a lot more aggressive this year. So, If you have enabled Automatic Windows Update on your Window 7, 8 or 8.1 to install critical updates, like Security Patches, you should watch your steps because… ...From Monday, Windows Update will start upgrading your PC to the newest Windows 10 as a recommended update, Microsoft confirmed. Must Read: How to Stop Windows 7 or 8 from Downloading Windows 10 Automatically . This means Windows 10 upgrade process will download and start on hundreds of millions of d...
Microsoft WARNING — 'Use Windows 7 at Your Own Risk'

Microsoft WARNING — 'Use Windows 7 at Your Own Risk'

Jan 06, 2016
Someone is threatening Windows 7 users with a misleading warning. Guess who? Microsoft itself… Microsoft has just issued a clear warning saying Windows 7 users should remain on the aging operating system " at your own risk, at your own peril. " But why particularly Windows 7 Users? Since Windows 7 runs on 55 percent of all the computers on the planet, Microsoft is worried that its goal to reach 1 Billion Windows 10 installations by 2017 could be harder. During a recent interview with the Windows Weekly , Microsoft chief marketing officer Chris Capossela warned about the risks of using Windows 7 and urged users that it's time to switch to the new Windows 10 operating system instead. Capossela also stressed that Windows 7 is apparently less secure than Windows 10, so it is "so incredibly important to try to end the fragmentation of the Windows install base" as well as to get them to a "safer place." Here the so-called saf...
Bad Santa! Microsoft Offers — 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight' to Push Windows 10

Bad Santa! Microsoft Offers — 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight' to Push Windows 10

Dec 17, 2015
Many Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users don't want to upgrade their machines to Microsoft's newest Windows 10 operating system now or anytime soon. Isn't it? But what if you wake up in the morning and found yourself a Windows 10 user? That's exactly what Microsoft is doing to Windows 7 and 8.1 users. Windows 10 Upgrade Becomes More Aggressive Ever since Microsoft launched its new operating system over the summer, Windows 7 and 8.1 users have been forced several number of times to upgrade their machines to Windows 10. It was relatively inoffensive at first, but as days have passed, Microsoft has become increasingly aggressive to push Windows users to upgrade to Windows 10 . Microsoft has left very little choice over whether to upgrade their systems to Windows 10 or not. At last, the users end up upgrading their machines to the latest Windows operating system. Users now see a pop up on their computers, as InfoWorld reports , that displays only t...
Like it or not, Microsoft Plans to Push Windows 10 Upgrade more Aggressively

Like it or not, Microsoft Plans to Push Windows 10 Upgrade more Aggressively

Dec 08, 2015
This is no surprise that Microsoft wants you to install Windows 10. But, Hey Microsoft, Not everyone wants to upgrade to Windows 10. Many people are happy with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 OS and don't want to switch to the newest Windows 10 operating system. Days after the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft started offering Free Windows 10 installation to every Windows user. The marketing strategy successfully worked for Microsoft and just within a week after the launch, Windows 10 started running on millions of PCs. Then the company went into planning other tricks in order to get on to the maximum number of PCs as possible. It silently started pushing Windows 10 installation files on PCs running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, even if users have not opted into the upgrade. Also Read: Reminder! If You Haven't yet, Turn Off Windows 10 Keylogger Now . Less than two months ago, some Windows 7 and 8.1 users also claimed that Windows 10 had begun to install itself automatic...
Mission '1 Billion' — Microsoft will Automatically Offer Windows 10 Upgrade

Mission '1 Billion' — Microsoft will Automatically Offer Windows 10 Upgrade

Oct 30, 2015
Microsoft wholeheartedly wants you to upgrade your PCs to Windows 10, so much so that the company plans to automatically download its new operating system to Windows 7/8 computers next year. Just two weeks ago, Microsoft accidentally pushed Windows 10 installation to Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 users through the Windows Update process, but next year the company will do it on purpose. MISSION '1 BILLION': It doesn't come as a surprise, as Microsoft mentioned many times that it wants to get Windows 10 into as many hands as possible to reach its goal of 1 Billion installations. Starting next year, Microsoft is planning to re-categorize Windows 10 as a " Recommended Update " in its Windows Update service. Also Read:  Here's How to Stop Windows 7 or 8 from Downloading Windows 10 Automatically . This means that the Windows 10 upgrade process will start downloading and initiating automatically on thousands of devices. Before: ...
Tip — Installing Windows 10‬? Fix 35+ Privacy Issues With Just One Click

Tip — Installing Windows 10‬? Fix 35+ Privacy Issues With Just One Click

Aug 06, 2015
So you finally upgraded your system to Windows 10 and became one those 70 Million users. No doubt, Windows 10 is the Windows best version released by Microsoft, but you need to know that it does not offer much privacy by default. Windows 10 is making many headlines these days, even it made me to write two detailed articles about Windows 10's most controversial options, i.e. Windows Wi-Fi sense and Windows 10 stealing users' Bandwidth to deliver updates. I noticed over 35 more privacy issues that come enabled by default in Windows 10, which has permission to send your vast amount of data back to Microsoft. While Installation, a click through " Express Settings " allows Windows 10 operating system to gather up your contacts, text and touch input, calendar details, and a lot more, including: Location Data Biometrics and Handwriting data Advertisement and its Tracking Code Apps access to your personal information Windows Defender and Sample subm...
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