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Un-Patched PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability can expose Source Codes

Un-Patched PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability can expose Source Codes

May 03, 2012
Un-Patched PHP-CGI remote code execution bug can expose Source Codes A serious remote code execution vulnerability in PHP-CGI disclosed. PHP-CGI-based setups contain a vulnerability when parsing query string parameters from php files. The developers were still in the process of building the patch for the flaw when it was disclosed Wednesday, But the vulnerability can only be exploited if the HTTP server follows a fairly obscure part of the CGI spec. According to advisory (CVE-2012-1823) , PHP-CGI installations are vulnerable to remote code execution. You can pass command-line arguments like the " -s " switch " show source " to PHP via the query string. For example, You could see the source via " https://localhost/test.php?-s " . A remote unauthenticated attacker could obtain sensitive information, cause a denial of service condition or may be able to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the web server. The team that found the bug, known as Eindbazen . They said that it had
Oracle Database new zero day exploit put users at risk

Oracle Database new zero day exploit put users at risk

May 01, 2012
Oracle Database new zero day exploit put users at risk Oracle has recommended workarounds for a zero-day Oracle Database flaw that was not fixed in the company's April critical patch update. Oracle issued a security alert for Oracle TNS Poison, the vulnerability, disclosed by researcher Joxean Koret after he mistakenly thought it had been fixed by Oracle, allows an attacker to hijack the information exchanged between clients and databases. Koret originally reported the vulnerability to Oracle in 2008, four years ago! and said he was surprised to see it had been fixed in Oracle's most recent Critical Patch Update without any acknowledgment of his work. " This vulnerability is remotely exploitable without authentication, and if successfully exploited, can result in a full compromise of the targeted Database ," the company warned.  " This security alert addresses the security issue CVE-2012-1675, a vulnerability in the TNS listener which has been recently disclosed as 'TNS
Skype Vulnerability Exposing User IP Addresses

Skype Vulnerability Exposing User IP Addresses

May 01, 2012
Skype Vulnerability Exposing User IP Addresses Skype is warning users following the launch of a site devoted to harvesting user IP addresses.The Skype IP-Finder site allowed third-parties to see a user's last known IP address by simply typing in a user name. A script has been uploaded to Github that offers these options. According to the page, it can be used to lookup IP addresses of online Skype accounts, and return both the remote and the local IP of that account on a website. The script is for instance available on this site . Just enter the user name of a Skype user, fill out the captcha, and click the search button to initiate the lookup. You will receive the user's remote IP and port, as well as the local IP and port. Adrian Asher, director of product Security, Skype " We are investigating reports of a new tool that captures a Skype user's last known IP address. This is an ongoing, industry-wide issue faced by all peer-to-peer software companies. We are committed to the
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Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Cybersecurity CPEs: Unraveling the What, Why & How

Jun 10, 2024Cybersecurity / Exposure Management
Staying Sharp: Cybersecurity CPEs Explained Perhaps even more so than in other professional domains, cybersecurity professionals constantly face new threats. To ensure you stay on top of your game, many certification programs require earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. CPEs are essentially units of measurement used to quantify the time and effort professionals spend on maintaining and enhancing skills and knowledge in the field of cybersecurity, and they act as points that demonstrate a commitment to staying current. CPEs are best understood in terms of other professions: just like medical, legal and even CPA certifications require continuing education to stay up-to-date on advancements and industry changes, cybersecurity professionals need CPEs to stay informed about the latest hacking tactics and defense strategies. CPE credits are crucial for maintaining certifications issued by various cybersecurity credentialing organizations, such as (ISC)², ISACA, and C
Earn Rewards for Finding Security Flaws in Gmail, YouTube, and More

Earn Rewards for Finding Security Flaws in Gmail, YouTube, and More

Nov 06, 2010
Google is on the hunt for hackers to find security vulnerabilities in popular web applications like Gmail, Blogger, and YouTube. The tech giant is offering rewards starting at $500 per bug. For vulnerabilities that are "severe or unusually clever," the payout can reach up to $3,133.70. Additionally, hackers can choose to donate their rewards to charity, with Google matching the donation at its discretion. Researchers who participate in this bug bounty program will also receive recognition on Google's security page . However, Google has set some exclusions for this program. Bugs caused by denial of service attacks and search optimization tricks are not eligible for rewards. Furthermore, technologies that Google has recently acquired are off-limits. This is not Google's first venture into incentivizing security research. In January, the company launched a bounty program for Chromium, the open-source project behind Google Chrome. This initiative followed in the footst
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