Looking For Secure VPN Services? Get a Lifetime Subscription
Jul 06, 2018
PRIVACY – a bit of an Internet buzzword nowadays, because the business model of the Internet has now shifted towards data collection. Today, most users surf the web unaware of the fact that websites and online services collect their personal information, including search histories, location, and buying habits and make millions by sharing your data with advertisers and marketers. If this is not enough, then there are governments across the world conducting mass surveillance, and hackers and cyber criminals who can easily steal sensitive data from the ill-equipped networks, websites, and PCs. So, what's the solution and how can you protect your privacy, defend against government surveillance and prevent malware attacks? No matter which Internet connection you are using to go online, one of the most efficient solutions to maximize your privacy is to use a secure VPN service. In this article, we have introduced two popular VPN services, TigerVPN and VPNSecure , which help...