Top 5 Internet Security Threats for Businesses in 2023
Dec 23, 2010
Businesses can leave themselves vulnerable to data theft and other online threats, particularly as security and IT budgets are under pressure while companies try to save money. Although budgets are tight, it is crucial for companies to stay protected online. On average, the total cost of security breaches, including lost business, in the UK last year was $2,565,702. Data theft and other online threats represent significant dangers for businesses in the UK. The economic downturn exacerbates this problem, leading many executives to cancel, defer, or downsize security budgets. To highlight the risks facing companies today, Astaro has compiled the following list of the five most serious internet security threats. 1. Browser Vulnerabilities No browser provider is immune to security holes. A recent example is the CSS bug that affected Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, and 8 (CVE-2010-3962). This bug targets computers in a two-stage attack: first, the user follows an email link to a webpag...