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Category — hacking tools
Stolen NSA "Windows Hacking Tools" Now Up For Sale!

Stolen NSA "Windows Hacking Tools" Now Up For Sale!

Jan 10, 2017
The Shadow Brokers who previously stole and leaked a portion of the NSA hacking tools and exploits is back with a Bang! The hacking group is now selling another package of hacking tools, " Equation Group Windows Warez ," which includes Windows exploits and antivirus bypass tools, stolen from the NSA-linked hacking unit, The Equation Group. For those unfamiliar with the topic, The Shadow Brokers is a notorious group of black-hat hackers who, in August 2016, leaked exploits, security vulnerabilities, and "powerful espionage tools" created by The Equation Group. On Saturday, the Shadow Brokers posted a message on their ZeroNet based website, announcing the sale of the entire " Windows Warez " collection for 750 Bitcoin (around US$678,630). The data dump contains many windows hacking tools, categorized as following: Fuzzing tools (used to discover errors and security loopholes) Exploit Framework Network Implants Remote Administration Tools (RAT) Remot...
After Failed Auction, Shadow Brokers Opens NSA Hacking Tools for Direct Sales

After Failed Auction, Shadow Brokers Opens NSA Hacking Tools for Direct Sales

Dec 15, 2016
Remember The Shadow Brokers? The hacker group that's believed to be behind the high-profile cyber theft of NSA hacking tools and exploits that sparked a larger debate on the Internet concerning abilities of US intelligence agencies and their own security The group put the stolen cyber weapons on auction but received not much response and gone quiet for some time. However, The Shadow Brokers has now appeared to have put up the NSA's hacking tools and exploits for direct sale on an underground website. A newly uncovered site reportedly contains a file signed with the cryptographic key of The Shadow Brokers, suggesting the hacker group has now moved to sell NSA hacking tools directly to buyers one by one, Motherboard reports . On Wednesday, someone going by pseudonym Boceffus Cleetus published a post on Medium, saying that the Shadow Brokers hackers are now selling "NSA tools individually." "The site also lets visitors download a selection of scree...
Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Feb 04, 2025Threat Detection / Cloud Security
As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the vast quantities of data being migrated to the cloud. But there are other developments that could impact your organizations and drive the need for an even more robust security strategy. Let's take a look… #1: Increased Threat Landscape Encourages Market Consolidation Cyberattacks targeting cloud environments are becoming more sophisticated, emphasizing the need for security solutions that go beyond detection. Organizations will need proactive defense mechanisms to prevent risks from reaching production. Because of this need, the market will favor vendors offering comprehensive, end-to-end security platforms that streamline risk mitigation and enhance operational efficiency. #2: Cloud Security Unifies with SOC Priorities Security operations centers (SOC) and cloud security functions are c...
Hacking Firmware from Mobile Phone Hacking Company Leaked Online

Hacking Firmware from Mobile Phone Hacking Company Leaked Online

Oct 26, 2016
The Israeli firm Cellebrite , which provides digital forensics tools and software to help law enforcement access mobile phones in investigations, has had its firmware and software leaked online. Yes, you heard that right. Cellebrite's most sensitive in-house capabilities have been made public by one of its products' resellers, who is now distributing copies of Cellebrite's firmware and software for anyone to download. The apparent reseller is McSira Professional Solutions , which hosts software for various versions of Cellebrite's Universal Forensic Extraction Device (UFED). UFED is one of the company's key products that help investigators bypass the security mechanisms of mobile phones, especially iPhones, and extract all data and passwords from them. For the Cellebrite's hand on iOS devices, you can watch the 2015 YouTube video (below), which demonstrates one of the company's products that unlocked the iPhone device in few hours. Download  L...
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Webinar: 5 Ways New AI Agents Can Automate Identity Attacks | Register Now

websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Watch how Computer-Using Agents can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
Ex-NSA Contractor Stole 50 TB of Classified Data; Includes Top-Secret Hacking Tools

Ex-NSA Contractor Stole 50 TB of Classified Data; Includes Top-Secret Hacking Tools

Oct 21, 2016
Almost two months ago, the FBI quietly arrested NSA contractor Harold Thomas Martin III for stealing an enormous number of top secret documents from the intelligence agency. Now, according to a court document filed Thursday, the FBI seized at least 50 terabytes of data from 51-year-old Martin that he siphoned from government computers over two decades. The stolen data that are at least 500 million pages of government records includes top-secret information about "national defense." If all data stolen by Martin found indeed classified, it would be the largest NSA heist, far bigger than Edward Snowden leaks. According to the new filing, Martin also took "six full bankers' boxes" worth of documents, many of which were marked "Secret" and "Top Secret." The stolen data also include the personal information of government employees. The stolen documents date from between 1996 through 2016. "The document appears to have been printed by the...
NSA wants to Exploit Internet of Things and Biomedical Devices

NSA wants to Exploit Internet of Things and Biomedical Devices

Jun 11, 2016
The cyber attack vectors available to hackers will continue to grow as the Internet of Things (IoTs) become more commonplace, making valuable data accessible through an ever-widening selection of entry points. Although it's not the hackers alone, the NSA is also behind the Internet of Things. We already know the United States National Security Agency's (NSA) power to spy on American as well as foreign people – thanks to the revelations made by whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013. But, now the agency is looking for new ways to collect even more data on foreign intelligence, and for this, the NSA is researching the possibilities of exploiting internet-connected biomedical devices ranging from thermostats to pacemakers. During a military technology conference in Washington D.C. on Friday, NSA deputy director Richard Ledgett said his agency officials are "looking at it sort of theoretically from a research point of view right now." Ledgett totally agreed o...
Girl Hacker Devises a 3D Printed High-Heeled Shoes with Hacking Tools Inside

Girl Hacker Devises a 3D Printed High-Heeled Shoes with Hacking Tools Inside

Aug 25, 2015
Next time when you came across a lady wearing high heels, you need to Watch her steps, and yours too. What if a computer hacker with stunning good look and charm, especially a girl, walk around you? This is the only reason why a young woman hacker going under the name SexyCyborg could turn out so dangerous . SexyCyborg, a Chinese hardware hacker, is actually a very intelligent and extremely geeky woman, who has a keen interest in electronics, robotics, and most importantly 3D printing. She proved this by first creating the Hikaru Skirt   with the help of a 3D printer back in July, and now… …by devising a new way of Hiding Hi-Tech Hacking Technology in a Unique Pair of High-Heeled Shoes . 'Wu Ying Shoes' – A Set of Hacking Tools! She used a 3D-printed pair of high heels for the purpose of hiding a penetration-testing toolkit around. The 3D-printed heels, she dubbed " Wu Ying Shoes ," named after the Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hung's...
WiFiPhisher — Automated Phishing Attacks Against Wi-Fi Networks

WiFiPhisher — Automated Phishing Attacks Against Wi-Fi Networks

Jan 05, 2015
A Greek security researcher, named George Chatzisofroniou , has developed a WiFi social engineering tool that is designed to steal credentials from users of secure Wi-Fi networks. The tool, dubbed WiFiPhisher , has been released on the software development website GitHub on Sunday and is freely available for users. "It's a social engineering attack that does not use brute forcing in contrast to other methods. It's an easy way to get WPA passwords ," said George Chatzisofroniou. However, there are several hacking tools available on the Internet that can hack a secure Wi-Fi network, but this tool automates multiple Wi-Fi hacking techniques which make it slightly different from others. WiFiPhisher tool uses "Evil Twin" attack scenario. Same as Evil Twin, the tool first creates a phony wireless Access Point (AP) masquerade itself as the legitimate Wi-Fi AP. It then directs a denial of service (DoS) attack against the legitimate Wi-Fi access poi...
Adobe Releases Emergency Flash Player Update to Address Critical Vulnerability

Adobe Releases Emergency Flash Player Update to Address Critical Vulnerability

Nov 26, 2014
Adobe has rolled-out an urgent out-of-band update for a critical remote code-execution vulnerability in its popular Flash Player that is currently being exploited by hackers. The critical vulnerability ( CVE 2014-8439 ) in Flash Player for Windows, Mac and Linux was originally mitigated more than a month ago in October 14, 2014 patch release, but a French researcher Kafeine found its exploits in the Angler and Nuclear malware kits after Adobe released a patch, according to security vendor F-Secure. " The vulnerability is being exploited in blind mass attack. No doubt about it : the team behind Angler is really good at what it does ," Kafeine said in a blog post . The vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code due to a weakness in the way a dereferenced pointer to memory is handled. An attacker could serve a specially crafted Flash file to trigger the vulnerability, which would lead to the execution of attacker's code in order to take control...
Firing Range — Open Source Web App Vulnerability Scanning Tool From Google

Firing Range — Open Source Web App Vulnerability Scanning Tool From Google

Nov 20, 2014
Google on Tuesday launched a Security testing tool "Firing Range" , which aimed at improving the efficiency of automated Web application security scanners by evaluating them with a wide range of cross-site scripting (XSS) and a few other web vulnerabilities seen in the wild. Firing Range basically provides a synthetic testing environment mostly for cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities that are seen most frequently in web apps. According to Google security engineer Claudio Criscione, 70 percent of the bugs in Google's Vulnerability Reward Program are cross-site scripting flaws . In addition to XSS vulnerabilities , the new web app scanner also scans for other types of vulnerabilities including reverse clickjacking , Flash injection , mixed content, and cross-origin resource sharing vulnerabilities. Firing Range was developed by Google with the help of security researchers at Politecnico di Milano in an effort to build a test ground for automated scanners...
Suspected Wirelurker iOS Malware Creators Arrested in China

Suspected Wirelurker iOS Malware Creators Arrested in China

Nov 18, 2014
It's been almost two weeks since the WireLurker malware existence was revealed for the first time, and Chinese authorities have arrested three suspects who are allegedly the authors of the Mac- and iOS-based malware that may have infected as many as hundreds of thousands of Apple users. The Beijing Bureau of Public security has announced the arrest of three suspects charged with distributing the WireLurker malware through a popular Chinese third-party online app store. The authorities also say the website that was responsible for spreading the malware has also been shut down. "WireLurker" malware was originally discovered earlier this month by security firm Palo Alto Networks targeting Apple users in China. The malware appeared as the first malicious software program that has ability to penetrate the iPhone's strict software controls. The main concern to worry about this threat was its ability to attack non-jailbroken iOS devices. Once a device infected...
SEANux — Syrian Electronic Army To Release its Own Linux-based Distribution

SEANux — Syrian Electronic Army To Release its Own Linux-based Distribution

Oct 13, 2014
Lots of Linux distributions are offered free of cost on the Internet by a number of companies, non-commercial organizations and by many individuals as well, and now, the notorious Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has announced their own Linux distribution known as SEANux . A Linux distribution is a coordinated collection of software consisting of a customized version of the kernel together with hundreds of open source (i.e., free) utilities, installers, programming languages and application programs. Some of the most popular distributions are Fedora (formerly Red Hat), SuSE, Debian, Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Tails OS and Mint Linux. SEA (Syrian Electronic Army) is the same group of hackers who made the headlines in past year by launching advance phishing attacks against media organisations, usually Western media outlets. The group is reportedly aligned with president Bashar al-Assad and had purposely targeted social media accounts of a number of high-profile media outlets inclu...
FBI — Botnets Infecting 18 Computers per Second. But How Many of Them NSA Holds?

FBI — Botnets Infecting 18 Computers per Second. But How Many of Them NSA Holds?

Jul 17, 2014
Botnets - a secretly compromised networks of ordinary home and office computers with rogue software or "malware" that are controlled by an individual criminal or a group - has dramatically increased over the past several years and are considered to pose the biggest threat to the Internet. Cyber criminals have brushed-up their hacking skills and are using Botnets as a cyber weapon to carry out multiple crimes like DDoS attacks (distributed denial of service), mass spamming, page rank and advertising revenue manipulation, mining bitcoins, cyber espionage and surveillance etc. 18 BOTNET INFECTIONS PER SECOND According to the director of FBI's cyber division, Joseph Demarest, Botnet has become one of the biggest enemies of the Internet today, and therefore its impact has been significant. Yesterday during a hearing before a U.S. Senate committee, he says that every second 18 computers worldwide are part of botnet armies, which amounts to over 500 million comp...
Kali Linux introducing Emergency Self Destruct feature to Full Disk Encryption

Kali Linux introducing Emergency Self Destruct feature to Full Disk Encryption

Jan 08, 2014
Full disk encryption is expected to be the top security technology to be adopted this year. Take a moment to think about the information that is present on your personal computer, i.e. Photo s , passwords, emails, Important documents from work or  Financial data and  trade secrets. Many of us from the Security Industry obviously have enough confidential and important data regarding our work, source codes, or researches stored in our laptops or systems. What if your computer is stolen or seized by any Law enforcement agency at the Airport? Best example to explain the situation is as follows: We all know  Guardian journalist ' Glenn Greenwald ', who  has written a series of stories in July 2013 revealing the NSA's secret surveillance programs, leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden . In August 2013,  The partner of the Guardian journalist ' Glenn Greenwald ', was returning from a trip to Berlin when he was stopped by officers at the Airpor...
Hardware Keylogger used by Card skimmers to steal Credit Cards at Nordstrom Store

Hardware Keylogger used by Card skimmers to steal Credit Cards at Nordstrom Store

Oct 14, 2013
Three men allegedly installed Credit Card Skimming keylogger at into cash registers in a Nordstrom department store in the Florida. Those Keyloggers were connected via a keyboard cord between the keyboard and the computer to intercept the information transmitted between the two devices and Furthermore, the gang used the connectors designed to resemble common PS2 cables. Krebs has indicated  on his blog that such keyloggers can be easily obtained online for about $40 only. Placing such a devices would have allowed criminals access to data for anyone applying for a Nordstrom credit card , plus any numbers typed in via the keyboard.  In order to collect the captured data, criminals have to return back after few days to collect the keylogger from store. But at this time it is unknown if the men ever returned to the store in order to retrieve the keyloggers and Nordstrom are unaware of any arrests being made. An alert circulated by the po...
NSA bought Hacking tools from 'Vupen', a French based zero-day Exploit Seller

NSA bought Hacking tools from 'Vupen', a French based zero-day Exploit Seller

Sep 18, 2013
The US government, particularly the National Security Agency  has been paying a French security firm for backdoors and zero day hacks. According to a contract newly released in response to a Freedom of Information request, last year the NSA purchased a 12-month subscription to a " binary analysis and exploits service " sold by Vupen, a zero-day Exploit Seller based in France. VUPEN is one of a handful of companies that sell software exploits and vulnerability details, who do original vulnerability research and develop exploits for bugs that they find. They Sold those exploits to the Governments and Law enforcement agencies. VUPEN has promised that the company only will sell its services to NATO countries and will not deal with oppressive regimes. It is unclear how much money the NSA spent on the Vupen exploits package because the cost has been redacted in the released contract. Last year, Vupen researchers successfully cracked Google's Chrome browser, but declined to...
Download Tortilla Tool - Anonymize everything through Tor

Download Tortilla Tool - Anonymize everything through Tor

Jul 17, 2013
Recent disclosures by whistleblower Edward Snowden claiming that internet traffic is being intercepted and used by the Americans in their war on terror, force to re-think about the user's privacy and online anonymity. It has been relatively common knowledge for years that wherever we go on the web, we leave clear tracks, so it shouldn't really have come as much of a surprise to discover this has been going on. The best thing you can do to stay anonymous online is to hide your IP address . If someone knows your IP address, it is the easiest way to trace your online activity back to you and they can easily determine the geographic location of the server that hosts that address and get a rough idea of where you're located. TOR is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. Browsing with TOR is a lot like simultaneously using hundreds of different proxies that are randomized periodically. ...
WiFi Hacking software AirCrack-NG updated after 3 years

WiFi Hacking software AirCrack-NG updated after 3 years

Jun 03, 2013
The Best WiFi hacking suite  AirCrack-NG updated to 1.2 Beta 1 after three years from the last release. Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. New version added a few new tools and scripts (including distributed cracking tool). Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. Release Notes: Compilation fixes on all supported OSes. Makefile improvement and fixes. A lot of fixes and improvements on all tools and documentation. Fixed licensing issues. Fixed endianness and QoS issues. Download AirCrack-NG for Linux and For Windows
Sandcat Browser 4.0 released, new tools added for Pen-Testers

Sandcat Browser 4.0 released, new tools added for Pen-Testers

May 29, 2013
Sandcat Browser, The fastest web browser with many useful security and developer oriented tools updated to version 4.0 with the fastest scripting language packed with features for pen-testers. Sandcat 4 adds a large number of enhancements, new features, extensions and bug fixes, and provides a dramatically improved user experience on several fronts.  Sandcat 4 adds several new pen-tester extensions as part of the new incarnation of its Pen-Tester Tools extension pack. This includes: a Request Loader, a XHR Editor, a XHR Fuzzer, a CGI Scanner, a HTTP Brute Force extension, enhanced request editors, enhanced script runners, and more. New versions comes with a revamped and enhanced Live Headers. You can now view not only the request headers and response headers but the response of HTTP requests and XHR calls. The captured requests can be viewed, exported to and imported from individual files via its Live Headers bar. It adds the ability to save the full request details of captured ...
Update : Backtrack Kali Linux 1.0.3 released with built-in accessibility features

Update : Backtrack Kali Linux 1.0.3 released with built-in accessibility features

Apr 26, 2013
BackTrack Linux, a specialized distribution of penetration testing tools, has long been a favorite of security specialists and IT pros. Security professionals have been relying on the BackTrack security distribution for many years to help them perform their assessments. A couple of weeks ago, futuristic major release of BackTrack was announced as   Kali Linux . Today Backtrack team released few updates to Kali Linux as version 1.0.3 and fixed couple of bugs. " Our first attempts at building an accessible version of Kali failed and after a bit of digging, we found that there were several upstream GNOME Display Manager (GDM3) bugs in Debian, which prevented these accessibility features from functioning with the GDM greeter. Working together with an upstream GNOME developer, we knocked out these bugs and had the fixes implemeted in Kali, and hopefully in future builds of GDM3 in Debian ." Download  new version of Kali Linux ( kali-linux-...
Distributed Red Team Operations with Cobalt Strike

Distributed Red Team Operations with Cobalt Strike

Feb 12, 2013
What if you could easily host malicious websites, send phishing emails, and manage compromised hosts across diverse internet addresses? This week's Cobalt Strike adds the ability to manage multiple attack servers at once. Here's how it works: When you connect to two or more servers, Cobalt Strike will show a switch bar with buttons for each server at the bottom of your window. Click a button to make that server active. It's a lot like using tabs to switch between pages in a web browser. To make use of multiple servers, designate a role for each one. Assign names to each server's button to easily remember its role. Dumbly connecting to multiple servers isn't very exciting. The fun comes when you seamlessly use Cobalt Strike features between servers. For example: Designate one server for phishing and another for reconnaissance. Go to the reconnaissance server, setup the system profiler website. Use the phishing tool to deliver the reconnaissa...
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