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Category — data exfiltration
Coyote Malware Expands Reach: Now Targets 1,030 Sites and 73 Financial Institutions

Coyote Malware Expands Reach: Now Targets 1,030 Sites and 73 Financial Institutions

Feb 03, 2025 Financial Security / Malware
Brazilian Windows users are the target of a campaign that delivers a banking malware known as Coyote . "Once deployed, the Coyote Banking Trojan can carry out various malicious activities, including keylogging, capturing screenshots, and displaying phishing overlays to steal sensitive credentials," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researcher Cara Lin said in an analysis published last week. The cybersecurity company said it discovered over the past month several Windows Shortcut (LNK) file artifacts that contain PowerShell commands responsible for delivering the malware. Coyote was first documented by Kaspersky in early 2024, detailing its attacks targeting users in the South American nation. It's capable of harvesting sensitive information from over 70 financial applications. In the previous attack chain documented by the Russian cybersecurity firm, a Squirrel installer executable is used to trigger a Node.js application compiled with Electron, that, for its part, runs a...
PlushDaemon APT Targets South Korean VPN Provider in Supply Chain Attack

PlushDaemon APT Targets South Korean VPN Provider in Supply Chain Attack

Jan 22, 2025 Supply Chain Attack / Malware
A previously undocumented China-aligned advanced persistent threat (APT) group named PlushDaemon has been linked to a supply chain attack targeting a South Korean virtual private network (VPN) provider in 2023, according to new findings from ESET. "The attackers replaced the legitimate installer with one that also deployed the group's signature implant that we have named SlowStepper – a feature-rich backdoor with a toolkit of more than 30 components," ESET researcher Facundo Muñoz said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. PlushDaemon is assessed to be a China-nexus group that has been operational since at least 2019, targeting individuals and entities in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States, and New Zealand. Central to its operations is a bespoke backdoor called SlowStepper, which is described as a large toolkit consisting of around 30 modules, programmed in C++, Python, and Go. Another crucial aspect of its attacks is the hijackin...
SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

Jan 30, 2025AI Security / SOC Automation
The job of a SOC analyst has never been easy. Faced with an overwhelming flood of daily alerts, analysts (and sometimes IT teams who are doubling as SecOps) must try and triage thousands of security alerts—often false positives—just to identify a handful of real threats. This relentless, 24/7 work leads to alert fatigue, desensitization, and increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Studies show that 70% of SOC analysts experience severe stress, and 65% consider leaving their jobs within a year . This makes retention a major challenge for security teams, especially in light of the existing shortage of skilled security analysts . On the operational side, analysts spend more time on repetitive, manual tasks like investigating alerts, and resolving and documenting incidents than they do on proactive security measures. Security teams struggle with configuring and maintaining SOAR playbooks as the cyber landscape rapidly changes. To top this all off, tool overload and siloed ...
FireScam Android Malware Poses as Telegram Premium to Steal Data and Control Devices

FireScam Android Malware Poses as Telegram Premium to Steal Data and Control Devices

Jan 06, 2025 Malware / Mobile Security
An Android information stealing malware named FireScam has been found masquerading as a premium version of the Telegram messaging app to steal data and maintain persistent remote control over compromised devices. "Disguised as a fake 'Telegram Premium' app, it is distributed through a GitHub.io-hosted phishing site that impersonates RuStore – a popular app store in the Russian Federation," Cyfirma said , describing it as a "sophisticated and multifaceted threat." "The malware employs a multi-stage infection process, starting with a dropper APK, and performs extensive surveillance activities once installed." The phishing site in question, rustore-apk.github[.]io, mimics RuStore, an app store launched by Russian tech giant VK in the country, and is designed to deliver a dropper APK file ("GetAppsRu.apk"). Once installed, the dropper acts as a delivery vehicle for the main payload, which is responsible for exfiltrating sensitive data,...
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Researchers Uncover PyPI Packages Stealing Keystrokes and Hijacking Social Accounts

Researchers Uncover PyPI Packages Stealing Keystrokes and Hijacking Social Accounts

Dec 24, 2024 Malware / Data Exfiltration
Cybersecurity researchers have flagged two malicious packages that were uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository and came fitted with capabilities to exfiltrate sensitive information from compromised hosts, according to new findings from Fortinet FortiGuard Labs. The packages, named zebo and cometlogger , attracted 118 and 164 downloads each, prior to them being taken down. According to ClickPy statistics, a majority of these downloads came from the United States, China, Russia, and India.  Zebo is a "typical example of malware, with functions designed for surveillance, data exfiltration, and unauthorized control," security researcher Jenna Wang said, adding cometlogger "also shows signs of malicious behavior, including dynamic file manipulation, webhook injection, stealing information, and anti-[virtual machine] checks." The first of the two packages, zebo, uses obfuscation techniques, such as hex-encoded strings, to conceal the URL of the co...
APT29 Hackers Target High-Value Victims Using Rogue RDP Servers and PyRDP

APT29 Hackers Target High-Value Victims Using Rogue RDP Servers and PyRDP

Dec 18, 2024 Cyber Espionage / Malware
The Russia-linked APT29 threat actor has been observed repurposing a legitimate red teaming attack methodology as part of cyber attacks leveraging malicious Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) configuration files. The activity, which has targeted governments and armed forces, think tanks, academic researchers, and Ukrainian entities, entails adopting a "rogue RDP" technique that was previously documented by Black Hills Information Security in 2022, Trend Micro said in a report. "A victim of this technique would give partial control of their machine to the attacker, potentially leading to data leakage and malware installation," researchers Feike Hacquebord and Stephen Hilt said . The cybersecurity company is tracking the threat group under its own moniker Earth Koshchei, stating preparations for the campaign began as early as August 7-8, 2024. The RDP campaigns were also spotlighted by the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA), Microsoft, and Amazon ...
Chinese EagleMsgSpy Spyware Found Exploiting Mobile Devices Since 2017

Chinese EagleMsgSpy Spyware Found Exploiting Mobile Devices Since 2017

Dec 11, 2024 Surveillanceware / Mobile Security
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a novel surveillance program that's suspected to be used by Chinese police departments as a lawful intercept tool to gather a wide range of information from mobile devices. The Android tool, codenamed EagleMsgSpy by Lookout, has been operational since at least 2017, with artifacts uploaded to the VirusTotal malware scanning platform as recently as September 25, 2024. "The surveillanceware consists of two parts: an installer APK, and a surveillance client that runs headlessly on the device when installed," Kristina Balaam, senior staff threat intelligence researcher at Lookout, said in a technical report shared with The Hacker News. "EagleMsgSpy collects extensive data from the user: third-party chat messages, screen recording and screenshot capture, audio recordings, call logs, device contacts, SMS messages, location data, [and] network activity." EagleMsgSpy has been described by its developers as a "compreh...
Hackers Leveraging Cloudflare Tunnels, DNS Fast-Flux to Hide GammaDrop Malware

Hackers Leveraging Cloudflare Tunnels, DNS Fast-Flux to Hide GammaDrop Malware

Dec 06, 2024 Malware / Threat Intelligence
The threat actor known as Gamaredon has been observed leveraging Cloudflare Tunnels as a tactic to conceal its staging infrastructure hosting a malware called GammaDrop. The activity is part of an ongoing spear-phishing campaign targeting Ukrainian entities since at least early 2024 that's designed to drop the Visual Basic Script malware, Recorded Future's Insikt Group said in a new analysis. The cybersecurity company is tracking the threat actor under the name BlueAlpha, which is also known as Aqua Blizzard, Armageddon, Hive0051, Iron Tilden, Primitive Bear, Shuckworm, Trident Ursa, UAC-0010, UNC530, and Winterflounder. The group, believed to be active since 2014, is affiliated with Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB). "BlueAlpha has recently started using Cloudflare Tunnels to conceal staging infrastructure used by GammaDrop , an increasingly popular technique used by cybercriminal threat groups to deploy malware," Insikt Group noted . "BlueAl...
Warning: DEEPDATA Malware Exploiting Unpatched Fortinet Flaw to Steal VPN Credentials

Warning: DEEPDATA Malware Exploiting Unpatched Fortinet Flaw to Steal VPN Credentials

Nov 16, 2024 Vulnerability / VPN Security
A threat actor known as BrazenBamboo has exploited an unresolved security flaw in Fortinet's FortiClient for Windows to extract VPN credentials as part of a modular framework called DEEPDATA . Volexity, which disclosed the findings Friday, said it identified the zero-day exploitation of the credential disclosure vulnerability in July 2024, describing BrazenBamboo as the developer behind DEEPDATA, DEEPPOST, and LightSpy . "DEEPDATA is a modular post-exploitation tool for the Windows operating system that is used to gather a wide range of information from target devices," security researchers Callum Roxan, Charlie Gardner, and Paul Rascagneres said in a technical report. The malware first came to light earlier this week, when BlackBerry detailed the Windows-based surveillance framework as used by the China-linked APT41 threat actor to harvest data from WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, WeChat, LINE, QQ, Skype, Microsoft Outlook, DingDing, Feishu, KeePass, as well as applic...
5 Most Common Malware Techniques in 2024

5 Most Common Malware Techniques in 2024

Nov 07, 2024 Malware Analysis / Windows Security
Tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) form the foundation of modern defense strategies. Unlike indicators of compromise (IOCs), TTPs are more stable, making them a reliable way to identify specific cyber threats. Here are some of the most commonly used techniques, according to ANY.RUN's Q3 2024 report on malware trends, complete with real-world examples. Disabling of Windows Event Logging (T1562.002) Disrupting Windows Event Logging helps attackers prevent the system from recording crucial information about their malicious actions. Without event logs, important details such as login attempts, file modifications, and system changes go unrecorded, leaving security solutions and analysts with incomplete or missing data. Windows Event Logging can be manipulated in different ways, including by changing registry keys or using commands like "net stop eventlog". Altering group policies is another common method. Since many detection mechanisms rely on log analysis to identify s...
Ransomware Gangs Use LockBit's Fame to Intimidate Victims in Latest Attacks

Ransomware Gangs Use LockBit's Fame to Intimidate Victims in Latest Attacks

Oct 23, 2024 Ransomware / Cloud Security
Threat actors have been observed abusing Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) Transfer Acceleration feature as part of ransomware attacks designed to exfiltrate victim data and upload them to S3 buckets under their control. "Attempts were made to disguise the Golang ransomware as the notorious LockBit ransomware," Trend Micro researchers Jaromir Horejsi and Nitesh Surana said . "However, such is not the case, and the attacker only seems to be capitalizing on LockBit's notoriety to further tighten the noose on their victims." The ransomware artifacts have been found to embed hard-coded Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials to facilitate data exfiltration to the cloud, a sign that adversaries are increasingly weaponizing popular cloud service providers for malicious schemes. The AWS account used in the campaign is presumed to be either their own or compromised. Following responsible disclosure to the AWS security team, the identified AWS access keys and accounts...
Critical Veeam Vulnerability Exploited to Spread Akira and Fog Ransomware

Critical Veeam Vulnerability Exploited to Spread Akira and Fog Ransomware

Oct 14, 2024 Ransomware / Vulnerability
Threat actors are actively attempting to exploit a now-patched security flaw in Veeam Backup & Replication to deploy Akira and Fog ransomware. Cybersecurity vendor Sophos said it has been tracking a series of attacks in the past month leveraging compromised VPN credentials and CVE-2024-40711 to create a local account and deploy the ransomware. CVE-2024-40711, rated 9.8 out of 10.0 on the CVSS scale, refers to a critical vulnerability that allows for unauthenticated remote code execution. It was addressed by Veeam in Backup & Replication version 12.2 in early September 2024. Security researcher Florian Hauser of Germany-based CODE WHITE has been credited with discovering and reporting the security shortcoming. "In each of the cases, attackers initially accessed targets using compromised VPN gateways without multifactor authentication enabled," Sophos said . "Some of these VPNs were running unsupported software versions." "Each time, the attacker...
GoldenJackal Target Embassies and Air-Gapped Systems Using Malware Toolsets

GoldenJackal Target Embassies and Air-Gapped Systems Using Malware Toolsets

Oct 08, 2024 Cyber Attack / Malware
A little-known threat actor tracked as GoldenJackal has been linked to a series of cyber attacks targeting embassies and governmental organizations with an aim to infiltrate air-gapped systems using two disparate bespoke toolsets. Victims included a South Asian embassy in Belarus and a European Union (E.U.) government organization, Slovak cybersecurity company ESET said. "The ultimate goal of GoldenJackal seems to be stealing confidential information, especially from high-profile machines that might not be connected to the internet," security researcher Matías Porolli noted in an exhaustive analysis. GoldenJackal first came to light in May 2023, when Russian security vendor Kaspersky detailed the threat cluster's attacks on government and diplomatic entities in the Middle East and South Asia. The adversary's origins stretch back to at least 2019. An important characteristic of the intrusions is the use of a worm named JackalWorm that's capable of infectin...
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