Syria suffers nationwide communications outage
Nov 30, 2012
The Syrian situation is getting worse day by day, the regime is attacking dissident mercilessly meanwhile the world wide community is standing by and watch helplessly stopped by prohibition of military intervention imposed by Russia and China, historical allies of Damascus. Syria regime is fierce against the rebels in the streets as in cyber space, we have already discussed of the persecution of opposition made using spyware to catch the rebels. Syrian regime is also convinced that leaks from the country on the massacres by the regime might aggravate the position of the government and then several times in the last year the government has stopped internet access in the country thanks to a kill switch. In this hours it has been registered an unprecedented national internet blackout while the battle with rebels raging in the country and in the capital. This time the blackout as totally isolated the country blocking also land lines and cellphone networks. On the incident is started a m...