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Category — XDR Platform
Hands-On Review: SASE-based XDR from Cato Networks

Hands-On Review: SASE-based XDR from Cato Networks

Feb 05, 2024 Extended Detection and Response
Companies are engaged in a seemingly endless cat-and-mouse game when it comes to cybersecurity and cyber threats. As organizations put up one defensive block after another, malicious actors kick their game up a notch to get around those blocks. Part of the challenge is to coordinate the defensive abilities of disparate security tools, even as organizations have limited resources and a dearth of skilled cybersecurity experts. XDR, or Extended Detection and Response, addresses this challenge. XDR platforms correlate indicators from across security domains to detect threats and then provide the tools to remediate incidents.  While XDR has many benefits, legacy approaches have been hampered by the lack of good-quality data. You might end up having a very good view of a threat from events generated by your EPP/EDR system but lack events about the network perspective (or vice versa). XDR products will import data from third-party sensors, but data comes in different formats. The XDR p...
How to Think Like a Hacker and Stay Ahead of Threats

How to Think Like a Hacker and Stay Ahead of Threats

Feb 08, 2023 Cyber Security / Cyber Threats
To succeed as a cybersecurity analyst, you need to understand the traits, values, and thought processes of hackers, along with the tools they use to launch their attacks.  During a  webinar called The Hacker Mindset,  a Red Team Researcher shared how you can use some of these tools for your own detection and prevention of breaches. He also demonstrated how an attack takes place using the  Follina exploit  as an example. So, what does "the hacker mindset" mean?  The hacker mindset can be characterized by three core values: a strong sense of curiosity, an adversarial attitude, and persistence.  3 core values of a hacker's mindset  1  —  "Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it had nine lives." Curiosity drives hackers to explore and understand systems, networks, and software in order to identify vulnerabilities. Not only are they constantly seeking new knowledge and skills to improve their abilities and stay ahead of security m...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Get Unified Cloud and Endpoint Security: Only $1 for 1,000 Assets for all of 2023!

Get Unified Cloud and Endpoint Security: Only $1 for 1,000 Assets for all of 2023!

Jan 13, 2023 Unified CNAPP / XDR
As the new year begins, it's more important than ever to protect your business from the constantly evolving cyber threats that could compromise your valuable assets.  But who wants to pay an arm and a leg for top-tier security? With this Uptycs introductory offer, you do not have to. Kickstart the new year by securing your business with Uptycs. Starting now, for just $1, you can get comprehensive agentless and runtime cloud security coverage for all of 2023, covering up to 1,000 eligible assets. That's right, for just $1 —  Learn more about the 'Uptycs Secret Dollar Menu.' But that's not all. This offer also includes: Professionally managed onboarding and unlimited customer support to ensure seamless setup and ongoing assistance Advanced security features such as Unified CNAPP (Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform) and XDR (eXtended Detection and Response) that provide state-of-the-art threat protection Automated CI/CD image and registry scans to e...
cyber security

Practical, Tactical Guide to Securing AI in the Enterprise

websiteTinesEnterprise Security / AI Security
Supercharge your organization's AI adoption strategy, and go from complex challenges to secure success.
Accelerate Your Incident Response

Accelerate Your Incident Response

Dec 23, 2022 Incident Response / XDR Platform
Tis the season for security and IT teams to send out that company-wide email: "No, our CEO does NOT want you to buy gift cards."  As much of the workforce signs off for the holidays, hackers are stepping up their game. We'll no doubt see an increase in activity as hackers continue to unleash e-commerce scams and holiday-themed phishing attacks. Hackers love to use these tactics to trick end users into compromising not only their personal data but also their organization's data.  But that doesn't mean you should spend the next couple of weeks in a constant state of anxiety.  Instead, use this moment as an opportunity to ensure that your incident response (IR) plan is rock solid.  Where to start?  First, make sure that your strategy follows the six steps to complete incident response.  Here's a refresher: The 6 steps of a complete IR Preparation:  This is the first phase and involves reviewing existing security measures and policies; performing...
Using XDR to Consolidate and Optimize Cybersecurity Technology

Using XDR to Consolidate and Optimize Cybersecurity Technology

Dec 09, 2022 XDR Platform / Cybersecurity
Businesses know they need cybersecurity, but it seems like a new acronym and system is popping up every day. Professionals that aren't actively researching these technologies can struggle to keep up. As the cybersecurity landscape becomes more complicated, organizations are desperate to simplify it. Frustrated with the inefficiencies that come with using multiple vendors for cybersecurity, often stemming from a lack of integration of a heterogenous security stack, approximately  75% of organizations  are looking to consolidate their cybersecurity technology in 2022 — a 29% increase from 2020. Surprisingly, reducing spend isn't the number one goal for these organizations.  Of the businesses that are consolidating, 65% are doing so to improve their risk posture. Having more cybersecurity tools means a larger threat surface. And when cybersecurity products don't integrate easily, businesses end up with gaps in their protection. Why Companies Need To Consolidate Cybersecu...
Improve your security posture with Wazuh, a free and open source XDR

Improve your security posture with Wazuh, a free and open source XDR

Sep 28, 2022
Organizations struggle to find ways to keep a good security posture. This is because it is difficult to create secure system policies and find the right tools that help achieve a good posture. In many cases, organizations work with tools that do not integrate with each other and are expensive to purchase and maintain. Security posture management is a term used to describe the process of identifying and mitigating security misconfigurations and compliance risks in an organization. To maintain a good security posture, organizations should at least do the following: Maintain inventory:  Asset inventory is considered first because it provides a comprehensive list of all IT assets that should be protected. This includes the hardware devices, applications, and services that are being used. Perform vulnerability assessment:  The next step is to perform a vulnerability assessment to identify weaknesses in applications and services. Knowledge of the vulnerabilities help to priorit...
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