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Category — Vulnerable
Hacking Instagram Accounts using OAuth vulnerability

Hacking Instagram Accounts using OAuth vulnerability

May 02, 2013
' Nir Goldshlager ' known as Facebook hacker and founder of Break Security  , who reported many critical bugs in Facebook OAuth mechanism in past few months, today disclose a critical  vulnerability in Instagram Oauth that allow an attacker to hack any account. Succesful hack allows attacker to access private photos, ability to delete victim's photos and to edit comments and also the ability to post new photos. Hacker explained that there are two ways to hack Instagram accounts using OAuth, first via Hijack Instagram accounts using the Instagram OAuth or Hijack Instagram accounts using the Facebook OAuth Dialog. During his bug hunting Nir found loopholes in Instagram's security parameters i.e redirect_uri , that allows  attacker to pass the access token to his own domain with mx as suffix i.e code straight to breaksec.com.mx . POC :  https://instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=33221863eec546659f2564dd71a8a38d&redirec...
New Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit

New Apache backdoor serving Blackhole exploit kit

Apr 27, 2013
A new sophisticated and stealthy Apache backdoor meant to drive traffic to malicious websites serving Blackhole exploit kit widely has been detected by  Sucuri recently. Researchers claimed that this backdoor affecting hundreds of web servers right now. Dubbed Linux/Cdorked.A , one of the most sophisticated Apache backdoors we have seen so far. The backdoor leaves no traces of compromised hosts on the hard drive other than its modified httpd binary, thereby complicating forensics analysis. All of the information related to the backdoor is stored in shared memory.  The configuration is pushed by the attacker through obfuscated HTTP requests that aren't logged in normal Apache logs. The HTTP server is equipped with a reverse connect backdoor that can be triggered via a special HTTP GET request. This means that no command and control information is stored anywhere on the system. ESET researchers  analyzed the binary and ...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Apple App Store was vulnerable for more than Half year

Apple App Store was vulnerable for more than Half year

Mar 10, 2013
A Google developer helps Apple to fixed a security flaw in its application store that for years has allowed attackers to steal passwords and install unwanted or extremely expensive applications. Security loophole allowed attacker to hijack the connection, because Apple neglected to use encryption when an iPhone or other mobile device tries to connect to the App Store. Researcher Elie Bursztein revealed on his blog that he had alerted Apple of numerous security issues last July but that Apple had only turned on HTTPS for the App Store last week. An attacker only needs to be on the same network as the person who is using the App Store. From there, they can intercept the communications between the device and the App Store and insert their own commands. The malicious user could take advantage of the unsecure connection to carry out a number of different attacks i.e steal a password, force someone to purchase an app by swapping it with a different app that the buyer actually intende...
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Security firm Bit9 hacked, Stolen Digital Certs Used To Sign Malware

Security firm Bit9 hacked, Stolen Digital Certs Used To Sign Malware

Feb 09, 2013
Bit9 disclosed Friday that hackers had stolen digital code signing certificates from its network and have utilized it to sign malware. Bit9, a company that provides software and network security services to the U.S. government and at least 30 Fortune 100 firms. " As a result, a malicious third party was able to illegally gain temporary access to one of our digital code-signing certificates that they then used to illegitimately sign malware ," Bit9 Chief Executive Patrick Morley said in a blog post . The attackers then sent signed malware to at least three of Bit9's customers, although Bit9 isn't saying which customers were affected or to what extent. " Since we discovered this issue, we have been working closely with all of our customers to ensure they are no longer vulnerable to malware associated with the affected certificate ." and company said it has resolved the issue. It is not the first time that hackers have breached a security firm as part of a ...
Flaw in Intel Ethernet controller exposes to 'packet of death' attack

Flaw in Intel Ethernet controller exposes to 'packet of death' attack

Feb 08, 2013
The hardware qualification is a very important issue, recent vulnerabilities discovered in network appliances of various manufacturer have alerted security community once again on the necessity to validate the hardware especially for large consume product. The last news is related to a vulnerability related to the Intel's 82574L Ethernet controller that expose equipment to risk of "packet of death." Attack. Star2Star 's chief technology officer Kristian Kielhofner identified the cause of the problems after customers experienced random crashes. Researchers at Star2Star after the analysis of lot traffic identified the cause of the problem in the format of a packet managed by a particular VoIP manufacturer. But as yet it is unclear how widespread the problem is or how other Intel hardware is affected. Kielhofner, wrote : " The system and Ethernet interfaces would appear fine," "and then after a random amount of traffic the interface woul...
Chinese malware campaign 'Beebus' target US defense industries

Chinese malware campaign 'Beebus' target US defense industries

Feb 06, 2013
A Chinese malware campaign called ' Beebus ' specifically targeting the aerospace and defense industries has been uncovered by FireEye security researchers. Beebus is designed to steal information, and begins its infiltration, as so many attacks do, with spear-phishing emails. Operation Beebus very related to Operation Shady RAT and was first detected in April 2011. The attacks carried out by  spear phishing attack and drive-by downloads as a means of infecting end users. malicious Whitepapers or PDFs were mailed to targets and by using known flaws, malware was able install Trojan backdoors on vulnerable systems. The malware communicates with a remote command and control (CnC) server. FireEye discovered the attacks on some of its customers in the aerospace and defence last March and the Vulnerability in the Windows OS known as DLL search order hijacking was used to drops a DLL called ntshrui.DLL in the C:\Windows directory.  It has modules ...
The use of passwords in a technological evolution

The use of passwords in a technological evolution

Jan 17, 2013
Every day we read about an incredible number of successful attacks and data breaches that exploited leak of authentication mechanisms practically in every sector. Often also critical control system are exposed on line protected only by a weak password, in many cases the default one of factory settings, wrong behavior related to the human component and absence of input validation makes many applications vulnerable to external attacks. Today I desire to focus the attention of a report published by the consulting firm's Deloitte titled " Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2013 " that provide a series of technology predictions, including the outlook for subscription TV services and enterprise social networks. The document correctly express great concern of the improper use of passwords that will continue also in 2013 being causes of many problems, it must to be considered that value of the information protected by passwords continues to grow attracting il...
Cisco Linksys routers vulnerable to remote zero-day exploit

Cisco Linksys routers vulnerable to remote zero-day exploit

Jan 16, 2013
A zero-day vulnerability has been discovered in popular Cisco Linksys routers that allows hackers to gain remote root access. Security vendor DefenseCode discovered the flaw and reported it to Cisco months ago and a fix is already on the way. According to Cisco, more than 70 million Linksys routers sold globally. This exploit was successfully tested against a Linksys model WRT54GL router by researchers at security firm DefenseCode who claimed that the latest Linksys firmware 4.30.14 and all previous versions are still vulnerable. It took the team only 12 days to develop an exploit that could be used by hackers to take control of a person's wireless router and hijack all the information being processed through it. The vulnerability is demonstrated in the following video:
Running Desktop Apps on Windows RT, The Hackers Way!

Running Desktop Apps on Windows RT, The Hackers Way!

Jan 08, 2013
A hacker claims to have found a method in the code integrity mechanism in Windows RT, that allow one to bypass security mechanism preventing unauthorized software running on ARM-powered Windows RT tablets. Lets see, How to Run traditional desktop apps on Windows RT in a Hackers  Way! A hacker called ' C. L. Rokr ' explain about the Windows RT exploit on his blog , which requires manipulating a part of Windows RT's system memory that governs whether unsigned apps can run. Windows RT is a special version of Microsoft Windows designed for lightweight PCs and tablets that are based on the ARM architecture, including Microsoft's Surface tablet.  Clrokr said Windows RT inherited a flaw from Windows 8 that makes the workaround possible. " Ironically, a vulnerability in the Windows kernel that has existed for some time and got ported to ARM just like the rest of Windows made this possible, ". Specifically, one needs to inject a blob of ARM code int...
Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 vulnerable to remote code execution

Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 vulnerable to remote code execution

Dec 31, 2013
Last Friday, we reported that the website of the U.S. Council of Foreign Relations was allegedly compromised by Chinese hackers who exploited the zero-day bug that was only discovered that same day. The CFR website was compromised with JavaScript that served malicious code to older IE browsers and the code then created a heap-spray attack using Adobe Flash Player. Yesterday former hacker Bryce Case Jr (YTCracker) tweeted about a new zero day exploit threatening all users of IE8, " internet explorer 6-8 0day making the rounds force them toolbar installs and keyloggers on exgf while you still can... ". On Saturday, Microsoft published a security advisory warning users of Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 that they could be vulnerable to remote code execution hacks. The vulnerability is a remote code execution vulnerability that exists in the way that Internet Explorer accesses an object in memory that has been deleted or has not been properly allocated. The vuln...
Facebook Camera App Vulnerable to Man in The Middle Attack

Facebook Camera App Vulnerable to Man in The Middle Attack

Dec 26, 2012
Egypt-based security researcher reported that Facebook Camera App for mobiles are Vulnerable to Man in The Middle Attack , that allow an attacker to tap the network and hijack Camera users accounts and information like email addresses and passwords can be stolen . Mohamed Ramadan trainer with Attack-Secure, who previously reported us about similar vulnerability in Etsy app for iPhone Mohamed explains " The problem is that the app accepts any SSL certification from any source, even evil SSL certifications, and this enables any attacker to perform man in the middle attacks against anyone who uses the Facebook Camera app for IPhone. This means that the application doesn't warn the user if someone in the same (Wi-Fi network) is trying to hijack his or her Facebook account. " Facebook suggest users to upgrade the Camera application To Version 1.1.2. A statement released by the company says " We applaud the security researcher who brought...
iPhone Instagram users vulnerable to hackers

iPhone Instagram users vulnerable to hackers

Dec 03, 2012
Instagram - Facebook's popular photo sharing app for iOS, is currently has a vulnerability that could make your account susceptible to hackers. A security researcher Carlos Reventlov  published on Friday another attack on Facebook's Instagram photo-sharing service that could allow a hacker to seize control of a victim's account. " The Instagram app communicates with the Instagram API via HTTP and HTTPs connections. Highly sensitive activities, such as login and editing profile data, are sent through a secure channel. However, some other request are sent through plain HTTP without a signature, those request could be exploited by an attacker connected to the same LAN of the victim's iPhone. " Vulnerability Details --   The vulnerability is in the 3.1.2 version of Instagram's application, which is  susceptible to "eavesdropping and man in the middle attacks that could lead an evil user to delete photos and download private media without the victim's con...
Inj3ct0r Team found XSS Vulnerability on MSN website

Inj3ct0r Team found XSS Vulnerability on MSN website

Nov 14, 2012
A particular class of attacks commonly referred to as "code insertion" and often " Cross-Site Scripting " has become increasingly popular. Yesterday we reported about Cross site scripting bug Paypal and Apple . Hacker from Inj3ct0r Team reported a XSS Cross site scripting Vulnerability on MSN.com website. Vulnerability exist of a subdomain of MSN at https://news.de.msn.com/. Details posted in an advisory . Cross site scripting occurs when a web application gathers malicious data from a user. Hackers said that, " The goal is to close the capabilities gap between the cyber-criminals and white hats, by enabling defenders to perform more comprehensive testing of their defenses ." According to report, this XSS is working perfectly with Internet Explorer and Opera web browser, Proof of Concept URL's are posted in advisory and Image as shown.
PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ?

PayPal Bug Bounty Program - playing fair ?

Nov 13, 2012
Bug Bounty program, where white hat hackers and researchers hunt for serious security vulnerabilities and disclosing them only to the vendor for a patch , In return vendors rewards them with money. Various famous websites like Facebook , Google , Paypal , Mozilla, Barracuda Networks and more other giving away bug bounties in thousands of Dollars to hackers for finding vulnerabilities. Most common vulnerabilities reported maximum time on various sites is Cross site scripting and each month hackers submit lots of such vulnerabilities to companies. In case  your report is duplicate, i.e. Someone else before you submit the same vulnerability - company will reject you from the bug bounty program. But there is no proof or an open Panel where hacker can verify that is someone already reported for same bug before or not. If company reply you - " The bug was already discovered by another researcher" , can you do anything  even af...
XSS Vulnerability in Apple website

XSS Vulnerability in Apple website

Nov 13, 2012
A 16 years old Spanish Whitehat hacker going by name " The Pr0ph3t " found XSS Vulnerability on Apple website. The Vulnerability reported in Apple subdomain -  https://locate.apple.com , where users can choose a service center location. About Cross site scripting : Cross-Site Scripting attacks are a type of injection problem, in which malicious scripts are injected into the otherwise benign and trusted web sites. The malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by your browser. This vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. After capturing HTTP headers, hacker found that there is a parameter called "location" which is actually not filtered for malicious inputs. Hacker. For proof of concept , he inject a JavaScript code - as shown in image.  Vulnerability existence verified by The Hacker News team and its st...
Airline, Myspace, Banks, Government websites vulnerable to Hackers

Airline, Myspace, Banks, Government websites vulnerable to Hackers

Nov 04, 2012
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is currently the most common vulnerability in the world. This is vulnerability of some host which allows anyone to inject code/scripts into the page. The injected scripts could be html tags, javascript script, vbscript scripts. A Hacker with virtual name ' Human mind cracker ' expose similar v ulnerabilities in some big and Important sites, like  Israel airline, Myspace, MTV website, Sweden government, Bangladesh bank, Nasa subdomain, Brown University, Afghanistan government website and Rome government website. In a pastebin note , hacker disclose the vulnerabilities and exact working links. These Cross Site Scripting existence is because of the lack of filtering engines to user inputs at websites, forms and web servers. Most of the time readers thinks that XSS is a very minor bug and having very less impact. But if implemented in a better way, that can ...
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Oct 27, 2012
Yesterday, we report about the security breach in US Government computers belongs to NASA  restricted area website and Hacker dump out the complete source code and files from server of the website. Today another hacker claim a quick XSS (Cross site scripting) Vulnerability in NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory website (https://onearth.jpl.nasa.gov/) via a pastebin note. Hacker is going by name " Antraxt Hacker " and said about vulnerability exposure that,"I just want to proof that NASA is and never will be secured as human kind thinks they are". The xss vulnerable link is disclosed in pastebin note. I feel this not a offensive hack by hacker, even NASA should take advantage of free of cost Penetration testing services from individual like , who even not looking for Bug Bounties.
Smartphone wireless chipset vulnerable to DoS attack

Smartphone wireless chipset vulnerable to DoS attack

Oct 25, 2012
Security researcher Andres Blanco from CoreSecurity discovered a serious vulnerability in two Wireless Broadcom chipsets used in Smartphones. Broadcom Corporation, a global innovation leader in semiconductor solutions for wired and wireless communications. Broadcom BCM4325 and BCM4329 wireless chipsets have been reported to contain an out-of-bounds read error condition that may be exploited to produce a denial-of-service condition. Other Broadcom chips are not affected. The CVE ID given to issue is  CVE-2012-2619 . In advisory they reported that this error can be leveraged to denial of service attack, and possibly information disclosure. An attacker can send a RSN (802.11i) information element, which causes the Wi-Fi NIC to stop responding. Products containing BCM4325 chipsets: Apple iPhone 3GS Apple iPod 2G HTC Touch Pro 2 HTC Droid Incredible Samsung Spica Acer Liquid Motorola Devour Ford Edge (yes, it's a car) Product...
Medical Devices Vulnerable to Hacking

Medical Devices Vulnerable to Hacking

Oct 23, 2012
A heart defibrillator remotely controlled by a villainous hacker to trigger a fatal heart attack? Yes now its possible, The Government Accountability Office has released a report warning that medical devices are vulnerable to hacking and calling for greater FDA oversight of such devices. The investigation into electronic medical-device safety was initiated after computer-security researchers found dangerous vulnerabilities in insulin pumps. The FDA in 2009 issued guidance urging hospitals and medical device manufacturers to work together to eliminate security risks. But in September, the Government Accountability Office issued a report warning that implantable medical devices could be vulnerable to hacking, posing a safety threat, and asked the FDA to address the issue. " Even the human body is vulnerable to attack from computer hackers ," Representative Anna Eshoo, a Democrat from California, said in a statement on her website . Preventing potential hacking it might s...
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