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Category — Spammers
Database of 1.4 Billion Records leaked from World’s Biggest Spam Networks

Database of 1.4 Billion Records leaked from World's Biggest Spam Networks

Mar 06, 2017
A database of 1.4 billion email addresses combined with real names, IP addresses, and often physical address has been exposed in what appears to be one the largest data breach of this year. What's worrisome? There are high chances that you, or at least someone you know, is affected by this latest data breach. Security researcher Chris Vickery of MacKeeper and Steve Ragan of CSOOnline discovered an unsecured and publicly exposed repository of network-available backup files linked to a notorious spamming organization called River City Media (RCM), led by notorious spammers Matt Ferrisi and Alvin Slocombe. Spammer's Entire Operation Exposed The database contains sensitive information about the company's operations, including nearly 1.4 Billion user records, which was left completely exposed to anyone – even without any username or password. According to MacKeeper security researcher Vickery, RCM, which claims to be a legitimate marketing firm, is responsible for s...
Spam Text message offers gift card to Target

Spam Text message offers gift card to Target

Dec 01, 2012
A popular scam that always seems to pop up around the holiday shopping season has once again resurfaced.Have you gotten a text message promising a free gift card? All you have to do is click on a link? However, it was a scam. Case :  A text message has been popping up on Central New Yorkers' phones saying they've won a Target gift card worth $1,000. It's a scam – do not click on it and quickly delete it. Links within the message connect you to bogus websites that are designed to collect sensitive, private information from people who think they've really won a prize. The text messages most frequently come from Target, Best Buy or Walmart. How did someone get your number?   How many times have we filled out things for either restaurant surveys or fill out this survey and get a coupon? If that information isn't being properly secured, it's very easy to get that data if its saved in clear text or unencrypted data. People have their cell phone ...
The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

The Evolving Role of PAM in Cybersecurity Leadership Agendas for 2025

Feb 06, 2025AI Security / Cybersecurity
Privileged Access Management (PAM) has emerged as a cornerstone of modern cybersecurity strategies, shifting from a technical necessity to a critical pillar in leadership agendas. With the PAM market projected to reach $42.96 billion by 2037 (according to Research Nester), organizations invest heavily in PAM solutions. Why is PAM climbing the ranks of leadership priorities? While Gartner highlights key reasons such as enhanced security, regulatory compliance readiness, and insurance requirements, the impact of PAM extends across multiple strategic areas. PAM can help organizations enhance their overall operational efficiency and tackle many challenges they face today. To explore more about PAM's transformative impact on businesses, read The Cyber Guardian: PAM's Role in Shaping Leadership Agendas for 2025 by a renowned cybersecurity expert and former Gartner lead analyst Jonathan Care.  What cybersecurity challenges may organizations face in 2025? The cybersecurity landsca...
Alert : Phishing scam targeting CloudFlare Customers

Alert : Phishing scam targeting CloudFlare Customers

Nov 12, 2012
From Yesterday CloudFlare Security team receiving various reports of a Phishing Scam, which is targeting customers by saying that " you have exceeded bandwidth ". In a blog post , CloudFlare said, " Some CloudFlare customers are currently being targeted with a phishing email that was not sent by CloudFlare. Please do not click on the links in the email. " Scammer asking users to visit a phishing link (removed from sample for readers security). In case you open the URL, we request you to do not enter your username and password in the URL. Please choose a strong password for CloudFlare to save your Domains.
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Facebook spam messages says WWE Champion Rey Mysterio dies during fight

Facebook spam messages says WWE Champion Rey Mysterio dies during fight

Oct 21, 2012
A spam message is circulating on Facebook that WWE wrestler Rey Mysterio has died in a stunt gone wrong. Social media is now full of spam messages like this. Last week scammers trick users with " John Cena is died " and this week, rumors about the death of Rey Mysterio. The message actually includes a link that supposedly provides more information about the accident, but in real spammer is just tricking users to redirect on survey website using his referral url. Complete message read," ReY Mysterio of WWE was dead on arrival on the hospital, suffering from 6 broken ribs after perfecting thombstone stunt with co-star The BIG SHOW. Local Police are now investigating and looking for evidences. THE Big SHOW is now facing murder charges. Watch the practice video from WWE and how The BIG SHOW failed to execute the stunt. (for 18yrs & above) " " But that's not all. The user is then presented a webpage that promises him/her the chance to win an ...
Spam campaign tricking thousands with shortened .gov URLs

Spam campaign tricking thousands with shortened .gov URLs

Oct 21, 2012
Symantec has reported an increase in spam messages containing .gov URLs. Cybercriminals are using 1.usa.gov links in their spam campaigns to trick users into thinking the links lead to genuine US government Web sites. Spammers have created these shortened URLs through a loophole in the URL shortening service provided by bit.ly. USA.gov and bit.ly have collaborated, enabling anyone to shorten a .gov or .mil URL into a trustworthy 1.usa.gov URL. The click rate of the campaign has been significant, redirecting more than 16,000 victims over a five day period to a malicious website designed to look like a CNBC news article pushing several work from home scams. According to researchers from security firm Symantec , they simply leveraged an open-redirect vulnerability present on the official government site of Vermont (Vermont.gov) . Therefore, something like 1.usa.gov/…/Rxpfn9 takes you to labor.vermont.gov/LinkClick.aspx?link=[spam site] which then redirects you ...
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