New PoolParty Process Injection Techniques Outsmart Top EDR Solutions
Dec 11, 2023
Endpoint Security / Malware
A new collection of eight process injection techniques, collectively dubbed PoolParty , could be exploited to achieve code execution in Windows systems while evading endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems. SafeBreach researcher Alon Leviev said the methods are "capable of working across all processes without any limitations, making them more flexible than existing process injection techniques." The findings were first presented at the Black Hat Europe 2023 conference last week. Process injection refers to an evasion technique used to run arbitrary code in a target process. A wide range of process injection techniques exists, such as dynamic link library (DLL) injection, portable executable injection, thread execution hijacking, process hollowing, and process doppelgänging. PoolParty is so named because it's rooted in a component called Windows user-mode thread pool, leveraging it to insert any type of work item into a ta...