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Category — SaaS Security
This Free Discovery Tool Finds and Mitigates AI-SaaS Risks

This Free Discovery Tool Finds and Mitigates AI-SaaS Risks

Jan 17, 2024 SaaS Security / Machine Learning
Wing Security announced today that it now offers  free discovery and a paid tier for automated control  over thousands of AI and AI-powered SaaS applications. This will allow companies to better protect their intellectual property (IP) and data against the growing and evolving risks of AI usage. SaaS applications seem to be multiplying by the day, and so does their integration of AI capabilities. According to Wing Security, a SaaS security company that researched over 320 companies, a staggering 83.2% use GenAI applications. While this statistic might not come as a surprise, the research showed that 99.7% of organizations use SaaS applications that leverage AI capabilities to deliver their services. This usage of GenAI in SaaS applications that are not 'pure' AI often goes unnoticed by security teams and users alike. 70% of the most popular GenAI applications may use your data to train their models, and in many cases it's completely up to you to configure it differently...
Why Public Links Expose Your SaaS Attack Surface

Why Public Links Expose Your SaaS Attack Surface

Jan 09, 2024 SaaS Security / Data Security
Collaboration is a powerful selling point for SaaS applications. Microsoft, Github, Miro, and others promote the collaborative nature of their software applications that allows users to do more. Links to files, repositories, and boards can be shared with anyone, anywhere. This encourages teamwork that helps create stronger campaigns and projects by encouraging collaboration among employees dispersed across regions and departments.  At the same time, the openness of data SaaS platforms can be problematic. A  2023 survey  by the Cloud Security Alliance and Adaptive Shield found that 58% of security incidents over the last two years involved data leakage. Clearly, sharing is good, but data sharing must be put in check. Most SaaS applications have mechanisms to control sharing. These tools are quite effective in ensuring that company resources aren't open for display on the public web. This article will look at three common data leakage scenarios and recommend best practic...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Top 7 Trends Shaping SaaS Security in 2024

Top 7 Trends Shaping SaaS Security in 2024

Dec 18, 2023 SaaS Security / Data Protection
Over the past few years, SaaS has developed into the backbone of corporate IT. Service businesses, such as medical practices, law firms, and financial services firms, are almost entirely SaaS based. Non-service businesses, including manufacturers and retailers, have about 70% of their software in the cloud.  These applications contain a wealth of data, from minimally sensitive general corporate information to highly sensitive intellectual property, customer records, and employee data. Threat actors have noted this shift, and are actively working to breach apps to access the data. Here are the top trends influencing the state of SaaS Security for 2024 — and what you can do about it.  Democratization of SaaS  SaaS apps have transformed the way organizations purchase and use software. Business units purchase and onboard the SaaS tools that best fit their needs. While this is empowering for business units that have long been frustrated by delays in procuring and onboardi...
cyber security

Practical, Tactical Guide to Securing AI in the Enterprise

websiteTinesEnterprise Security / AI Security
Supercharge your organization's AI adoption strategy, and go from complex challenges to secure success.
Make a Fresh Start for 2024: Clean Out Your User Inventory to Reduce SaaS Risk

Make a Fresh Start for 2024: Clean Out Your User Inventory to Reduce SaaS Risk

Dec 04, 2023 SaaS Security / Data Security
As work ebbs with the typical end-of-year slowdown, now is a good time to review user roles and privileges and remove anyone who shouldn't have access as well as trim unnecessary permissions. In addition to saving some unnecessary license fees, a clean user inventory significantly enhances the security of your SaaS applications. From reducing risk to protecting against data leakage, here is how you can start the new year with a clean user list.  How Offboarded Users  Still  Have Access to Your Apps When employees leave a company, they trigger a series of changes to backend systems in their wake. First, they are removed from the company's identity provider (IdP), which kicks off an automated workflow that deactivates their email and removes access to all internal systems. When enterprises use an SSO (single sign-on), these former employees lose access to any online properties – including SaaS applications – that require SSO for login.  However, that doesn't mean t...
How to Handle Retail SaaS Security on Cyber Monday

How to Handle Retail SaaS Security on Cyber Monday

Nov 27, 2023 SaaS Security / Cyber Monday
If forecasters are right, over the course of today, consumers will spend  $13.7 billion . Just about every click, sale, and engagement will be captured by a CRM platform. Inventory applications will trigger automated re-orders; communication tools will send automated email and text messages confirming sales and sharing shipping information.  SaaS applications supporting retail efforts will host nearly all of this behind-the-scenes activity. While retailers are rightfully focused on sales during this time of year, they need to ensure that the SaaS apps supporting their business operations are secure. No one wants a repeat of one of the biggest retail cyber-snafus in history, like when one U.S.-based national retailer had 40 million credit card records stolen.  The attack surface is vast and retailers must remain vigilant in protecting their entire SaaS app stack. For example, many often use multiple instances of the same application. They may use a different Salesforce ...
When Email Security Meets SaaS Security: Uncovering Risky Auto-Forwarding Rules

When Email Security Meets SaaS Security: Uncovering Risky Auto-Forwarding Rules

Nov 09, 2023 Email Security / SaaS Security
While intended for convenience and efficient communication, email auto-forwarding rules can inadvertently lead to the unauthorized dissemination of sensitive information to external entities, putting confidential data at risk of exposure to unauthorized parties. Wing Security (Wing), a SaaS security company,  announced yesterday  that their SaaS shadow IT discovery methods now include a solution that solves for auto-email forwarding as well. While Wing's shadow IT solution is  offered as a free tool  that can be onboarded and used as a self-service, users willing to upgrade will be able to enjoy the company's new Gmail and Outlook integrations, which broaden the company's discovery capabilities and extend their data security features. The risks of email auto-forwarding rules Auto-forwarding emails is a great way to save time on repetitive tasks and are therefore very popular among employees who regularly collaborate and share information with external business par...
Webinar: Kickstarting Your SaaS Security Strategy & Program

Webinar: Kickstarting Your SaaS Security Strategy & Program

Nov 08, 2023 Webinar / SaaS Security
SaaS applications make up 70% of total company software usage, and as businesses increase their reliance on SaaS apps, they also increase their reliance on those applications being secure. These SaaS apps store an incredibly large volume of data so safeguarding the organization's SaaS app stack and data within is paramount. Yet, the path to implementing an effective SaaS security program is  not  straightforward.  There are numerous potential attack vectors. Security teams need to handle the challenge of gaining control over a diverse range of applications, each having its own unique characteristics. Additionally, the SaaS app environments are dynamic and the proactive configurations needing adjustments from updates, onboarding, deprovisioning, changing roles and permissions and much more, is endless.  If that's not enough complexity, these applications are managed by various business departments, making it impractical for the security team to exercise complete co...
SaaS Security is Now Accessible and Affordable to All

SaaS Security is Now Accessible and Affordable to All

Nov 02, 2023 SaaS Security / Software
This new product offers SaaS discovery and risk assessment coupled with a free user access review in a unique "freemium" model Securing employees' SaaS usage is becoming increasingly crucial for most cloud-based organizations. While numerous tools are available to address this need, they often employ different approaches and technologies, leading to unnecessary confusion and complexity. Enter Wing Security's new " Essential SSPM " (SaaS Security Posture Management) tool, which aims to simplify the process of securing SaaS usage across the organization. Its business approach is simple: self-onboard, try the product, and if impressed, upgrade to unlock more vital security capabilities.  What's essential SaaS security? According to Wing, three basic yet fundamental capabilities are necessary for organizations aiming to secure their SaaS: discovery, assessment, and control. These align with regulatory security standards such as ISO 27001 and SOC, which emphasize vendo...
The Fast Evolution of SaaS Security from 2020 to 2024 (Told Through Video)

The Fast Evolution of SaaS Security from 2020 to 2024 (Told Through Video)

Oct 16, 2023 SaaS Security / Cybersecurity
SaaS Security's roots are in configuration management. An astounding 35% of all security breaches begin with security settings that were misconfigured. In the past 3 years, the initial access vectors to SaaS data have widened beyond misconfiguration management. " SaaS Security on Tap " is a new video series that takes place in Eliana V's bar making sure that the only thing that leaks is beer (maximum), and not SaaS data. This series takes a look at the key concepts within SaaS security and educates organizations on what new threat vectors need to be addressed. The Annual SaaS Security Survey Report: 2024 Plans and Priorities With the increase in SaaS application use, it's no surprise that incidents are up. The SaaS Security on Tap series covers this year's SaaS Security report which found that 55% of organizations have experienced a SaaS security incident within the last two years, including data leaks, data breaches, ransomware attacks, and malicious applications.  The r...
Wing Disrupts the Market by Introducing Affordable SaaS Security

Wing Disrupts the Market by Introducing Affordable SaaS Security

Oct 04, 2023 SaaS Security / Enterprise Security
Today, mid-sized companies and their CISOs are struggling to handle the growing threat of SaaS security with limited manpower and tight budgets. Now, this may be changing. By focusing on the critical SaaS security needs of these companies, a new approach has emerged that can be  launched for $1,500 a year . If the name Wing Security (Wing) rings a bell, it is probably because earlier this year, they made waves by offering SaaS shadow IT discovery  completely for free . Today, Wing is once again aiming to disrupt the SaaS security market by offering a new tier that the company claims to be 'The essential SaaS security level that every company should achieve.'  The  new product tier  focuses on SaaS shadow IT discovery, automated vendor risk assessments, and the ability to easily perform user access reviews on dozens of critical business applications. Wing also provides the ability to generate compliance-ready access reports that customers can then send to thei...
The Rise of the Malicious App

The Rise of the Malicious App

Sep 21, 2023 SaaS Security / App Security
Security teams are familiar with threats emanating from third-party applications that employees add to improve their productivity. These apps are inherently designed to deliver functionality to users by connecting to a "hub" app, such as Salesforce, Google Workspace, or Microsoft 365. Security concerns center on the permission scopes that are granted to the third party apps, and the potential for a threat actor to take over the core apps and abuse those permissions. There's no real concern that the app, on its own, will start deleting files or sharing data. As such, SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) solutions are able to identify integrated third party applications and present their permission scopes. The security team then makes a risk assessment, balancing the benefits the app offers with its permission scopes before deciding whether to keep or decouple the applications. However, threat actors have changed the playing field with the introduction of malicious apps. These appl...
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