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Category — Pakistani hacker
Researchers Uncover Cyber Espionage Operation Aimed At Indian Army

Researchers Uncover Cyber Espionage Operation Aimed At Indian Army

Sep 28, 2020
Cybersecurity researchers uncovered fresh evidence of an ongoing cyberespionage campaign against Indian defense units and armed forces personnel at least since 2019 with an aim to steal sensitive information. Dubbed " Operation SideCopy " by Indian cybersecurity firm  Quick Heal , the attacks have been attributed to an advanced persistent threat (APT) group that has successfully managed to stay under the radar by "copying" the tactics of other threat actors such as the  SideWinder . Exploiting Microsoft Equation Editor Flaw The campaign's starting point is an email with an embedded malicious attachment — either in the form of a ZIP file containing an LNK file or a Microsoft Word document — that triggers an infection chain via a series of steps to download the final-stage payload. Aside from identifying three different infection chains, what's notable is the fact that one of them exploited template injection and Microsoft Equation Editor flaw ( CVE-2017...
Thousands of Israeli websites hacked by Pakistani hackers for Palestine supports

Thousands of Israeli websites hacked by Pakistani hackers for Palestine supports

Aug 14, 2013
A cyber attack campaign  is ongoing and targeting thousands of Israeli websites by Pakistani hackers, in support of  Palestine people. They had already infiltrated reportedly 650 Israel  websites listen on Pastebin and upload their page with custom messages on servers. The hacker claimed and told 'The Hacker News' that they will release more hacked websites list soon. The hacker behind the massive attack mentioned his online name as " H4x0r HuSsY " and the message says, " LONG LIVE PALESTINE - PAKISTAN ZINDABAD HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO & FROM TEAM MADLEETS ". Hacked websites belong to Semi-Government, Personal and Israeli Corporates. At the time of writing, most of the websites still having deface page uploaded to their server. A few months back World wide Hackers and especially Anonymous group declared massive 'cyber war' on Israel after IDF threatens to cut off internet in Gaza.
Want to Grow Vulnerability Management into Exposure Management? Start Here!

Want to Grow Vulnerability Management into Exposure Management? Start Here!

Dec 05, 2024Attack Surface / Exposure Management
Vulnerability Management (VM) has long been a cornerstone of organizational cybersecurity. Nearly as old as the discipline of cybersecurity itself, it aims to help organizations identify and address potential security issues before they become serious problems. Yet, in recent years, the limitations of this approach have become increasingly evident.  At its core, Vulnerability Management processes remain essential for identifying and addressing weaknesses. But as time marches on and attack avenues evolve, this approach is beginning to show its age. In a recent report, How to Grow Vulnerability Management into Exposure Management (Gartner, How to Grow Vulnerability Management Into Exposure Management, 8 November 2024, Mitchell Schneider Et Al.), we believe Gartner® addresses this point precisely and demonstrates how organizations can – and must – shift from a vulnerability-centric strategy to a broader Exposure Management (EM) framework. We feel it's more than a worthwhile read an...
Pakistani hackers hit Indian Eastern Railways Website just before Independence day

Pakistani hackers hit Indian Eastern Railways Website just before Independence day

Aug 13, 2013
Just four days before the Independence day, The Pakistani hacker known as 'MindCracker' from Pakistan Cyber Army team hacked into the Indian Eastern Railways website and deface some internal pages, as shown in the screenshot taken by us few hours before. At the time of reporting, website ( https://www.er.indianrailways.gov.in/ ) was restored by the administrator. Other members of Team of the hackers behind the scene mentioned their digital name on deface page as, " We Are : Shadow008 | KhantastiC | Darksnipper | H4x0rL1f3 | Invectus ". They seem to have gained access to some part of the website, because homepage was not altered in any way.  Zone-H mirror record of the defacement is also available. A few days ago an Indian hacker 'Godzilla' hacked into the Pakistan Army website and few related Facebook pages. This hack appears as revenge hack against action of Indian hackers.
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CBI Website Hacked: Pakistani Group Claims Responsibility

CBI Website Hacked: Pakistani Group Claims Responsibility

Dec 05, 2010
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) confirmed on Saturday that its website was hacked. The CBI has registered a case under the Information Technology Act. "It has come to the notice of the CBI that its official website was unauthorizedly accessed and defaced during the night of December 3 and 4. A case has been registered in this connection in the cyber crime cell of the CBI," an official spokesperson told the media on Saturday. Efforts are ongoing to restore the website. "Efforts are underway to restore the website with the help of the National Informatics Centre and CBI cybersecurity experts," said the spokesperson. Reports emerged on Friday that the website of India's federal investigating agency had been hacked. The CBI website remained inaccessible today after it was hacked, allegedly by a Pakistani group. A group calling itself the Pakistan Cyber Army left a message on the CBI's home page last night, claiming to have avenged the hacking of 40 Pakistani ...
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