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Category — Pakistan Hackers
Biggest Pakistan News site Dawn.com hacked by LuCkY

Biggest Pakistan News site Dawn.com hacked by LuCkY

Dec 08, 2011
Biggest Pakistan News site Dawn.com hacked by LuCkY Indian hacking Group " Indishell " hackers once again hit Pakistani cyber space. This time LuCkY from Indishell team deface the biggest Pakistani News site Dawn.com  ( Alexa Rank : 3540 ). He also post Database Info ie. Database Name - archives_wpress Database Name - archives_user2 Database Password - 'B,!R~T-K^L2)'); Deface page message include the possible hack reason " You Wont get kashmir by hacking sites lol , Kashmir is ours will be".  Hackers on both sides have indulged in sporadic attacks against each other ever since 1998 nuclear tests. The Indishell and PCA warriors hide behind coded named such as 'Zombie' , 'Lucky' and are thought to be young IT professionals.
#OpRobinHood : Thousands of United Nation logins leaked by TeaMp0isoN

#OpRobinHood : Thousands of United Nation logins leaked by TeaMp0isoN

Nov 29, 2011
#OpRobinHood : Thousands of United Nation logins leaked by TeaMp0isoN Online 'hactivist' collective Anonymous and hackers Team Poison have joined forces for a new group effort known as 'Operation Robin Hood', that plans to target banks in an effort to give money back to the people. TeaMp0isoN today hack United nation website (www.undp.org) and leak 1000's of Login usernames, Passwords and Emails . Leaked accounts details are posted on pastebin , With a note include " The UN is a fraud! The bureaucratic head of NATO used to legitimise the Barbarism of Capitalist elite! " " How far you have come from the first address by Thomas Jefferson where 'peace, commerce and honestfriendship' were the Modis Operandi to one today where talk of 'eliminating 350,000 people a day'as outlined by Jacques Cousteau is a academic consideration. " They added. Operation Robin Hood Video Message : The music is overly dramatic, the text slamming on...
Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Feb 04, 2025Threat Detection / Cloud Security
As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the vast quantities of data being migrated to the cloud. But there are other developments that could impact your organizations and drive the need for an even more robust security strategy. Let's take a look… #1: Increased Threat Landscape Encourages Market Consolidation Cyberattacks targeting cloud environments are becoming more sophisticated, emphasizing the need for security solutions that go beyond detection. Organizations will need proactive defense mechanisms to prevent risks from reaching production. Because of this need, the market will favor vendors offering comprehensive, end-to-end security platforms that streamline risk mitigation and enhance operational efficiency. #2: Cloud Security Unifies with SOC Priorities Security operations centers (SOC) and cloud security functions are c...
More than 100 Pakistani Government Sites Under Malware attack

More than 100 Pakistani Government Sites Under Malware attack

Nov 29, 2011
More than 100 Pakistani Government Sites Under Malware attack Website Malware : A newer form of malware is what can be found attacking websites today. In the old days malware was mostly in the form of computer viruses. In today's age of globalization, malware starts to target websites and mobile devices.  Almost 100's of Pakistan Government sites are under attack by Godzilla Malware, Which is Created and implemented by an Indian Hacker. Hacker named " Godzilla " publish a list of all Freezed sites list here  ,including Peshawar Electric Supply Company website (www.pesco.gov.pk), Ministry of Information and Broadcasting - Government of Pakistan website (www.infopak.gov.pk), Pakistan Navy website (www.paknavy.gov.pk) and Many more. Hacker said," The malware is freezing the sever and if the server is changed then banner of malware hits the live ip.. " Today malware is much more sinister. It is backed up by an industry which some estimate at $...
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India's leading telecom Company BSNL hacked by Pakistani Hacker

India's leading telecom Company BSNL hacked by Pakistani Hacker

Oct 26, 2011
India's leading telecom Company  BSNL hacked by Pakistani Hacker A Pakistani hacker "KhantastiC haX0r" today hack into the official website of India's leading telecom Company Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) . This is not 1st time when BSNL become victim of any cyber attack. Pakistani Hackers hit Indian Corporate and National Government Websites, Servers time by time Just for FUN or so called Cyber War b/w these two countries. This year 2011, Attack/ defacement are less than the records of previous years. Most of the hacking groups from India now become White hat hackers and working for Cyber Security Awareness and Development. We wish same for all Pakistani hackers to start working for Security and Development. Anyway, The Hacker domain is  https://bsnl.co.in/tender1/  .
Indian National Congress Party Official Website Hacked by ZHC

Indian National Congress Party Official Website Hacked by ZHC

Oct 18, 2011
Indian National Congress Party  Official Website Hacked by ZHC ZHC Disastar [ZCompany Hacking Crew] Hackers from Pakistan today hack the Server of Indian National Congress Party  ,one of the two major political parties in India and deface their Official website with Message as shown in above image. Hackers Upload Shell at  https://allindiacongress.com/satyagraha.php  , From where They access the whole Server and Modify the Index.php file for defacing it. The Server is seems to be a Shared Server with Kernel " Linux harshul.anjuinfotech.com 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5 " , Which is easily exploitable. Mirror of Hack is available here .
Cyber Cell Mumbai Websites hacked by Pakistani Hacker

Cyber Cell Mumbai Websites hacked by Pakistani Hacker

Oct 15, 2011
Cyber Cell Mumbai  Websites hacked by Pakistani Hacker Pakistani hacker " Shadow008 " from Pakistani Cyber Army again strike back on India's Most Important website of Cyber cell located at Mumbai , India. The Websites is Defaced today Morning and Mirror of Hack also available on Legend-h .This is not 1st time when Indian law enforcement agency site become the target of Pakistani hackers. Last Year, CBI website was also defaced by same "Pakistani Cyber Army".  Hacker post the reason of Hack on deface page as " Site Has Be Hacked For Revenge after they hacked our Pakistani Sites ". Right Now, Site is Recovered back to Original One by officials.
Supreme Court of Pakistan website defaced by Zombie_Ksa

Supreme Court of Pakistan website defaced by Zombie_Ksa

Sep 28, 2011
Supreme Court of Pakistan website defaced by Zombie_Ksa The official website of Pakistan's Supreme Court has been hacked.Visitors to the website found derogatory and abusive remarks about the court and Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Earlier the Supreme Court website was hacked by two boys also in the month of September last year to whom the court had granted bail on April 11 as they were less than 18 years of age. The hacker declared that his intent to deface the site was ideological in nature to send a message to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry: " I am here to request you to go out and help the poor, needy and hungry. They don't have money to eat one-time meal, they don't have clothes to wear, and they don't have accommodation … sitting in your royal chair won't make any changes to our Pakistan. ". According to the press release and independent website Zone-H, Zombie_Ksa had carried out at least 169 defacements, of which 69 were single I...
75 Indian Govt and University Sites hacked including Patiala Police by Muslim Liberation Army

75 Indian Govt and University Sites hacked including Patiala Police by Muslim Liberation Army

Sep 27, 2011
75 Indian Govt and University Sites hacked including Patiala Police by   Muslim Liberation Army Muslim Liberation Army hackers today hack 75 more Indian websites , Including Govt. and Universities sites and also Police websites. Patiala Police website is one of the target of hackers. List of all hacked sites is here . hackers are : XtReMiSt, KillerMind Haxor, Jerry Hassan, Mindy, Faisy Ali Laghari , according to deface  page.
FOX Sports website database hacked and leaked by Shad0w

FOX Sports website database hacked and leaked by Shad0w

Sep 20, 2011
FOX Sports website database hacked and leaked by Shad0w One of the Biggest Fox Sports website with world rank 678 and millions of Readers/Day got hacked. Hacker named " Shad0w " release SQL injection Vulnerability on one of the sub domain of Fox Sports and exploit it to extract the database. Leaked database info posted on pastebin by hacker. Vulnerable link is also given in pastebin. Hacker also post the admin password hashes.
The City Of Rennes (France) Hacked against Anti-Islamic government of France

The City Of Rennes (France) Hacked against Anti-Islamic government of France

Sep 19, 2011
The City Of Rennes (France) Hacked against Anti-Islamic government of France TeaMp0isoN hackers take responsibly to hack official website of The City Of Rennes (France) via a tweet . Hacker publish the reason of hack on the defacement page " This defacement is a digital protest against the banning of "Islamic" prayer in public and the banning of the burqa in France, everyone should have a right to practice their religion, you allow Christian preachers to stand in the public and preach to the public but u don't allow Muslims to pray in public? You allow women to walk around half-naked but you don't allow Muslim women to cover their body? Shame on you france, Muslims are people too... ". Mirror of hack also submitted to Zone-H directory.
Panda Security (Pakistan domain) hacked by X-NerD

Panda Security (Pakistan domain) hacked by X-NerD

Sep 11, 2011
Panda Security (Pakistan domain) hacked by X-NerD Panda Security, One of the famous Computer software company website got hacked. Pakistan domain of Panda Security hacked by Pakistani hacker " X-NerD ". Hacker is from Pakistan Cyber Army team of hackers. Taunt by hacker on deface page " OoooOOPss...I am ShockeD At YouR SecuritY..S3cuR!tY L3vEL Z3r0...YOu Dont KnoW HOw To SecurRe Your AsS n Pr0vidinG SEcurity to 0therS...Big LauGh... ". Yesterday X-Nerd was in news for hacking Hundreds of other domains. Mirror of hack on Zone-H .
Truth Alliance Network and 20 Churches websites hacked by Muslim Liberation Army

Truth Alliance Network and 20 Churches websites hacked by Muslim Liberation Army

Sep 11, 2011
Truth Alliance Network and 20 Churches websites hacked by Muslim Liberation Army 20 Churches websites and Truth Alliance Network defaced by Muslim Liberation Army. Hacker with name "XtReMiSt" deface all these 21 websites and post above image and message on homepage as shown. Message posted by hackers " To Raise A Voice Against Quran Burning Day and Illegal occupation of Israel and India in Palestine and kashmir.. and to show why muslims are raising their voice against america....Message Delievered with peace... !!! " Further message posted by him : Sites like Church of God of North America, Legacy Church, First United Church of God, First Church of God Madisonville, First Baptist Church Hyannis, Meet the Pastors - First Church of God has been defaced. List of hacked sites is here .
Hundreds of domains hacked by X-NerD hacker

Hundreds of domains hacked by X-NerD hacker

Sep 10, 2011
Hundreds of domains hacked by X-NerD hacker More than 250 websites are defaced by Pakistani hacker " X-NerD " and a custom page can be seen their at site/x.php . List and Mirror of all 250+ hacked sites are here .
12 Pakistan Government departments websites & Benazir Bhutto site Hacked by Mr52

12 Pakistan Government departments websites & Benazir Bhutto site Hacked by Mr52

Sep 08, 2011
12 Pakistan Government departments websites & Benazir Bhutto  Hacked by Mr52 An Indian Hacker " Mr52 " strike back to Pakistan Government departments. He hack and deface about 12 Government departments websites including Pakistan Navy, Maritime Security Agency, NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT SYSTEM, Benazir Bhutto, Ministry of Foreign Affairs websites are hacked. List of defaced sites are : https://www.paknavy.gov.pk/securite/default.html https://www.paknavy.gov.pk/default.html https://www.msa.org.pk/default.html https://www.neas.gov.pk/default.html https://www.nfdc.gov.pk/default.html https://www.niopk.gov.pk/default.html https://www.szab.pk/default.html https://www.benazir.pk/default.html https://www.mopw.gov.pk/default.html https://www.dfp.gov.pk/default.html https://www.erapixels.com/default.html https://www.mofa.gov.pk/default.html
20 Famous websites vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack

20 Famous websites vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack

Sep 06, 2011
20 Famous websites vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attack Most of the biggest and Famous sites are found to be Vulnerable to XSS attack . Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications which allow code injection by malicious web users into the web pages viewed by other users. Examples of such code include HTML code and client-side scripts. An exploited cross-site scripting vulnerability can be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Recently, vulnerabilities of this kind have been exploited to craft powerful phishing attacks and browser exploits. Cross-site scripting was originally referred to as CSS, although this usage has been largely discontinued. Hacker with code name " Invectus " list some such famous sites with XSS vulnerability as listed below : 1.) https://video.state.gov/en/search/img-srchttp-i55tinypiccom-witu7dpng-height650-width1000/Ij48aW1nIHNyYz0iaHR0cD...
Pakistani Music site Database and Vulnerability Exposed by Maxt Breaker

Pakistani Music site Database and Vulnerability Exposed by Maxt Breaker

Sep 04, 2011
Pakistani Music site Database and Vulnerability Exposed by Maxt Breaker A hacker with name " Maxt Breaker " hack one of the Pakistani Music website and expose its  Database and Vulnerability via posting on public sites. Vulnerable Link is also shown in Image and some sample of database is also visible. Hacker claim to hack 996 User Email ID and Password from site and make them Public.
CSLSecurity Hacked by TeaMp0isoN

CSLSecurity Hacked by TeaMp0isoN

Aug 25, 2011
CSLSecurity Hacked by TeaMp0isoN CSL Security hacked by TeaMp0isoN . CSL Security claim to be " New LulzSec " type hacking Group. Their goal is to show that most of the important websites are vulnerable,They claim to show that any system can be compromised, nothing is secure. They Hit Sites, generally hack the Govt sites. Hacked site :  https://www.cslsecurity.com/ Mirror of hack :  https://zone-h.org/mirror/id/14799769
78000 Indian Blogs Hacked by ZHC

78000 Indian Blogs Hacked by ZHC

Aug 19, 2011
78000 Indian Blogs Hacked by ZHC Each and every blog hosted on  Blog.co.in  has been hacked by ZCOMPANY HACKING CREW. There are around 78000 blogs hosted on this service , Represent Indian blogs Service.  Reason of Hacking By hackers : ZCompany Hacking Crew Observes Black Day with the people of Indian occupied Kashmir on 15th August.  Free Kashmir .. Freedom is our goal..// End the Occupation. . . . List of all the websites that were hacked: https://www.2shared.com/document/pneC3OHn/blogcoin.html Mirror of Hacks available here :  https://mirror.sec-t.net/hacker/?s=1&user=ZCompanyHackingCrew
Defence.pk Gets Hacked pr0tect0r A.K.A. mrNRG

Defence.pk Gets Hacked pr0tect0r A.K.A. mrNRG

Aug 16, 2011
Defence.pk Gets Hacked pr0tect0r A.K.A. mrNRG Defence.pk  (An independent defence organization committed to the research and analysis of Pakistan's security and strategic affairs) Hacked by Indian Hacker pr0tect0r A.K.A. mrNRG. Defence.PK, one of the largest and most active Pakistani forum on internet, reportedly got hacked earlier today by an independent Indian hacker.Hacker claims that he has got access to main database of defence.pk and a 2 GB file has been dumped and saved with him. He aims to release the whole dump, that contains user information of some 38,000 members, sometime later. Hacked Link was :  https://www.defence.pk/advanced.html
50 More Websites Hacked By PCA (BanneDâ„¢ And <=Shak=>)

50 More Websites Hacked By PCA (BanneD™ And <=Shak=>)

Aug 16, 2011
50 More Websites Hacked By PCA (BanneD™ And <=Shak=>) Pakistan Cyber Army once again target 50 more Indian websites . This Time the hacked sites include the most domains from Mumbai. List of Hacked sites and Mirrors are posted by hacker here . Visitor to these sites can see Pakistani Flag on the Homepage. The Reason of this Hack given by hacker as " Big Birthday Gift At The End Of 15 August By All Pakistani Hackerz.. " . Its all about the Cyber war B/w Indian and Pakistan we have from last few years. The Cyber war b/w both countries always suffer websites and Servers of Innocent people. Well Yesterday other Pakistani hackers also deface more than 1000+ Indian Websites. In comparison Indian hackers are Silent yet. May be - The Silence Before the Storm.
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