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Category — PRISM
Microsoft Wins! Govt Can't Force Tech Companies to Hand Over Data Stored Overseas

Microsoft Wins! Govt Can't Force Tech Companies to Hand Over Data Stored Overseas

Jul 15, 2016
Especially after the Snowden revelations of global  mass surveillance by US intelligence agencies at home and abroad, various countries demanded tech companies including Google, Apple, and Microsoft to set-up and maintain their servers in respective countries in order to keep their citizen data within boundaries. The US government has powers to comply US-based tech companies with the court orders to hand over their customers' data stored on servers, even if the data centers are beyond US borders. Now, the recent court decision has proven that the data centers and servers located outside the US boundaries are safe haven. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York ruled Thursday that the United States government cannot force tech companies to give the FBI or other federal authorities access to their non-US customers' data stored on servers located in other countries. US Government Can't go Beyond its Boundaries to Collect Data Yes, the Stored Communicatio...
NSA threatened Yahoo with $250,000 Daily Fine For Opposing Surveillance Request

NSA threatened Yahoo with $250,000 Daily Fine For Opposing Surveillance Request

Sep 12, 2014
Yahoo! has broke its silence and explained why it handed over its users' data to United States federal officials, thereby promising to expose those court documents which ordered the snooping. The US government threatened Internet giant with a $250,000 fine per day several years ago if it failed to comply with National Security Agency 's notorious PRISM Surveillance program, according to unclassified court documents released by Yahoo! on Thursday. " The released documents underscore how we had to fight every step of the way to challenge the US Government's surveillance efforts ," the company's general counsel Ron Bell said on Yahoo's Tumblr page . " At one point, the US Government threatened the imposition of $250,000 in fines per day if we refused to comply. " The documents released by Yahoo! shed new lights on the NSA's secret surveillance program PRISM, which was previously leaked from the agency's confidential documents provided by Global su...
Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends

Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends 

Feb 11, 2025Vulnerability / Threat Detection
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, proactive vulnerability management has become a critical priority for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams. Recent trends indicate that organizations increasingly prioritize more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security flaws. Staying informed on these trends can help MSPs and IT teams remain one step ahead of potential cyber-risks. The Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report 2024 navigates this new frontier of cyber challenges. The data is clear: Organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on vulnerability assessments and plan to prioritize these investments in 2025. Companies are increasing the frequency of vulnerability assessments  In 2024, 24% of respondents said they conduct vulnerability assessments more than four times per year, up from 15% in 2023. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the need for continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging t...
Join 'Reset The Net' Global Movement to Shut Off NSA Surveillance

Join 'Reset The Net' Global Movement to Shut Off NSA Surveillance

Jun 05, 2014
Privacy of Internet users is dead somewhere as the Intelligence agencies can watch our every move, hear our every conversation and read our every email and find out anything related to our personal and private life.  Last year, Edward Snowden revealed about the mass surveillance carried out by NSA and other countries intelligence agencies on every citizen of their country. The US Government has allotted a large share of its ' Black Budget ' for secret surveillance programs and to make this happen, NSA has used a number of unethical ways and labelled as legal solutions, harvesting hundreds of millions of Metadata from emails, web activity, chats, social networks, and everything else around the world. The revelations encouraged Internet users think about their privacy and digital rights, and the time came when different organisations started several campaigns to block mass surveillance and fight back against the U.S. National Security Agency ( NSA ). RESET YOU...
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French intelligence agency gets complete access to Orange Telecom Data

French intelligence agency gets complete access to Orange Telecom Data

Mar 21, 2014
Another leak from  Edward Snowden files, but this time not about the NSA, rather the documents revealed that France's central intelligence agency, the DGSE has complete and unconditional  access to all of  telecom giant  Orange's data, not just metadata . Yes! It is the same  Orange company who threatened to sue the NSA for hacking into the underwater cable that it jointly owns with 15 other companies. According to the French paper Le Monde -- Orange, the leading telecom company in France with more than 26 million customers worldwide cooperated allegedly illegally for years with France's main intelligence agency. DGSE and Agents with military clearance have been working with Orange for at least 30 years. France has a PRISM like surveillance  program to target phone communications, emails and data from tech companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Yahoo. Furthermore, DGSE is also sharing this data with foreign ...
Back off, NSA! Gmail now Encrypts every single Email

Back off, NSA! Gmail now Encrypts every single Email

Mar 21, 2014
2014 - The Year for Encryption! Good News for Security & Privacy seekers, Gmail is now more secure than ever before. Google has announced that it has enhanced encryption for its Gmail email service to protect users from government cyber-spying; by removing the option to turn off HTTPS . So from today, Gmail will always use an encrypted HTTPS connection by default when you check or send email. Furthermore, Google also assured that every single email message will now be encrypted as it moves internally between the company's data centers. " Today's change means that no one can listen in on your messages as they go back and forth between you and Gmail's servers—no matter if you're using public WiFi or logging in from your computer, phone or tablet. " Nicolas Lidzborski, Gmail Security Engineering Lead said in a blog post . It was previously disclosed by Edward Snowden that the National Security Agency (NSA) is intercepting email messages as th...
Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Jan 29, 2014
Now there is really great news for all the supporters of Former National Security Agency ( NSA ) contractor Edward Snowden , as he is nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize by two Norwegian lawmakers. Snorre Valen and Baard Vegar Solhjell , parliamentarians from Norway's Socialist Left Party said, " He has contributed to revealing the extreme level of surveillance by nations against other nations and of citizens ," Edward Snowden revealed various widely extended NSA spying projects and responsible for handing over the material from one of the world's most secretive organizations the NSA. He faces charges of theft and espionage and is in Russia on temporary asylum. " Snowden contributed to people knowing about what has happened and spurring public debate " on trust in government, which he said was " a fundamental requirement for peace ". Snorre Valen also added that, " There's no doubt that the actions of Edward Snowden may have damaged the security interes...
NSA admits to collect 200 Million text messages per day under Project DISHFIRE

NSA admits to collect 200 Million text messages per day under Project DISHFIRE

Jan 17, 2014
After the exposure of various surveillance programs, including PRISM, XKeyscore, MUSCULAR, DROPOUTJEEP in recent revelation, NSA has come up as the only ' Government that Actually Listen '. Another day and here comes another revelation - According to the The Guardian , National Security Agency (NSA) has collected almost 200 million text messages per day from across the globe and is using them to extract data including location, contact networks and even credit card details. The two names that come in the limelight are,  DISHFIRE  that collects " pretty much everything it can "and PREFER  that conducted automated analysis of the untargeted communications. The program was designed to collect the text messages automatically from various service providers, to pull the details of financial transactions, roaming charges, delayed flights, missed calls and scheduled alerts, address book contacts, credit cards, bank accounts and visited locations. Now If I am not wrong...
What Is PGP Encryption And How To Encrypt Your Emails

What Is PGP Encryption And How To Encrypt Your Emails

Jan 08, 2014
Now that we have enough details about how the NSA's Surveillance program, running for a long time against almost each country of this planet.  Hundreds of top-secret NSA documents provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden already exposed that Spying projects like PRISM and MUSCULAR are tapping directly into Google and Yahoo internal networks to access our Emails. NSA's tactics are even capable to defeat the SSL encryption, so unsecured email can easily be monitored and even altered as it travels through the Internet. One major point on which all of us are worrying is about the privacy of communication among each other and If you're looking for a little personal privacy in your communications you will need to encrypt your messages. To avoid privacy breaches; rather I should say to make it more difficult for the NSA or British GCHQ surveillance program to read our communication, we should use PGP encryption (Pretty Good Privacy). Why we should Enc...
Indian Intelligence Agencies going to deploy Internet Surveillance project NETRA

Indian Intelligence Agencies going to deploy Internet Surveillance project NETRA

Jan 06, 2014
Think twice before using some words like ' Bomb ', ' Attack ', ' Blast ' or ' kill ' in your Facebook status update, tweets or emails, because this may flag you as a potential terrorist under a surveillance project of Indian Security agencies. This Indian Internet surveillance project named as NETRA ( Network Traffic Analysis) ,   capable of detecting and capture any dubious voice traffic passing through software such as Skype or Google Talk, according to  the Economic Times . In Hindi, NETRA means " eye " and this project is an Indian version of PRISM i.e. A spying project by US National Security Agency (NSA), that also allows the government to monitor the Internet and telephone records of citizens. Reportedly, NETRA is under testing right now by the Indian Intelligence Bureau and Cabinet Secretariat and after on success will be deployed by all Indian National security agencies. Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR), a lab under Defe...
NSA will not stop spying on us, next move Quantum computer to break strongest Encryption

NSA will not stop spying on us, next move Quantum computer to break strongest Encryption

Jan 04, 2014
Image Credit: The guardian  If I say that  NSA (National Security Agency) will never stop spying on us then it won't be wrong. After the exposure of the large number of surveillance scandals including PRISM, DROPOUTJEEP, XKeyscore and many many more which are now publicly known as well as unknown, Will NSA ever stop Privacy  breach? Obviously ' NO' . That I can predict from another Snowden leak published by the Washington Post news website recently i.e. US National Security Agency (NSA) is trying to develop a futuristic super computer called ' Quantum computer'  that could be capable of breaking almost every kind of encryption on the computer used to protect banks, medical, business including top-secret information held by government around the world. The Project is specified as " Penetrating Hard Targets " in the document and is a part of $79.7 million research program. The Washington Post says that the research is being done at the University of Mar...
Skype's Official Twitter, Facebook and Blog Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Skype's Official Twitter, Facebook and Blog Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Jan 02, 2014
Happy 2014.. We are back with first hacking story of the year - SKYPE " Stop Spying " . Yes Skype Got hacked last night by an infamous hacker group called the Syrian Electronic Army , a group that supports Syria's president and typically they publish pro-Syrian government messages, but its first time they are taking about PRIVACY . Syrian Hackers posted some messages on Skype's Twitter account i.e. " Stop Spying on People! via Syrian Electronic Army ," Next tweet reads, " Don't use Microsoft emails (hotmail, outlook), They are monitoring your accounts and selling it to the governments. " Syrian Electronic Army hackers also compromised Skype's Facebook page and a company blog hosted on Skype's website. A blog post published on the official Skype blog featured the headline, " Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army.. Stop Spying! ", which now has been deleted by Microsoft. Now it appeared that Skype regained the access to their accounts and dele...
RSA denied accusations of inserting secret backdoor for the NSA

RSA denied accusations of inserting secret backdoor for the NSA

Dec 23, 2013
According to media reports in September, documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden have confirmed the existence of backdoor in some technologies RSA . Last Friday, The Reuters News Agency accused the Security firm RSA for taking a $10 million ' bribe ' from the National Security Agency ( NSA ) in order promote a flawed encryption by including it in its BSAFE product to facilitate NSA spying . Today In a blog post , RSA has categorically denied accusation about any secret partnership with the National Security Agency to insert backdoor. " Recent press coverage has asserted that RSA entered into a "secret contract" with the NSA to incorporate a known flawed random number generator into its BSAFE encryption libraries. We categorically deny this allegation. " " We have never entered into any contract or engaged in any project with the intention of weakening RSA's products " the company said. The company gave the following reasons for choosing and promoting...
NSA paid $10 Million bribe to RSA Security for Keeping Encryption Weak

NSA paid $10 Million bribe to RSA Security for Keeping Encryption Weak

Dec 21, 2013
If you own a world-renowned Security Product or a Service, National Security Agency (NSA) is ready to pay you 10 Million or more bribe for keeping intentional backdoor for them. According to an exclusive report published by Reuters , there is a secret deal between the NSA and respected encryption company RSA to implement a flawed security standard as the default protocol in its products. Earlier Edward Snowden leaks had revealed that the NSA created a flawed random number generation system (Dual_EC_DRBG), Dual Elliptic Curve , which RSA used in its Bsafe security tool and now Snowden has revealed that RSA received $10 million from NSA for keeping Encryption Weak. So, anyone who knows the right numbers used in Random number generator program, can decipher the resulting cryptotext easily. Recommending bad cryptographic standard is one thing, but accepting 10 million to deliberately implement is something very shameful for a respected Security company. The new ...
Judge Ruled - NSA Telephone Metadata Collection violates the Fourth Amendment

Judge Ruled - NSA Telephone Metadata Collection violates the Fourth Amendment

Dec 17, 2013
Big and Good news for all of us. A federal court judge ' Richard J. Leon ' said that he believes, US National Security Agency's (NSA) controversial practice of routinely collecting the telephone records of millions of Americans likely violates the 4th Amendment and is unconstitutional, even though the FISA court approved it. Earlier in 2013, a conservative Legal Activist Larry Klayman filed a lawsuit against the US government, alleging that NSA's massive telephone surveillance program violates the " reasonable expectation of privacy, free speech and association, right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures and due process rights. " NYTimes reported that last Monday in the decision, Judge has ordered [  Case:  Klayman v. Obama (13-851)  PDF File  ] the NSA to stop collecting U.S. Citizen's Telephone records, and to destroy the files it already holds. This was the first major court ruling about NSA' so-called metadata counter terrorism p...
Google engineers over surveillance scandal: 'Fuck you NSA'

Google engineers over surveillance scandal: 'Fuck you NSA'

Nov 06, 2013
On Tuesday, the Washington Post revealed a few more NSA slides released by Edward Snowden, which revealed that the spy agency NSA was infiltrating the private data links between Google and Yahoo data centers as part of a program called MUSCULAR . Chairman and former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt says the company's executives are shocked by allegations that the National Security Agency has been collecting data from the search engine's servers. " It's really outrageous that the NSA was looking between the Google data centers, if that's true ," he said. Overnight, Two Google's Security engineers -  Mike Hearn and   Brandon Downey expressed reasonable anger about the news on Google+, said " Fuck these guys ", where these represent NSA and GCHQ. I've spent the last ten years of my life trying to keep Google's users safe and secure from the many diverse threats Google faces. Fuck You to the people who made these slides. I am not American, I am a...
'Dark Mail Alliance', Future of surveillance proof email technology

'Dark Mail Alliance', Future of surveillance proof email technology

Oct 31, 2013
Yesterday I learned about  ' Dark Mail Alliance ', where  Lavabit , reportedly an email provider for NSA leaker Edward Snowden and Silent Circle comes together to create a surveillance-proof email technology. Ladar Levison at Lavabit and Silent Circle CEO Mike Janke, Founders of two e-mail services that recently shut down amid government efforts to nab encryption keys, as well as the larger revelations regarding the NSA's surveillance efforts. The newly developed technology has been designed to look just like ordinary email, with an interface that includes all the usual folders i.e. inbox, sent mail, and drafts. But where it differs is that it applies peer-to-peer encryption not only to the body of the digital missive, but also to its metadata (To:, From: and Subject fields) that third parties are most likely to collect. The encryption, based on a Silent Circle instant messaging protocol called SCIMP and the secret keys generated to encrypt the commun...
New Zealand Government Forcing Internet Companies and Network Operators to provide Interception capability

New Zealand Government Forcing Internet Companies and Network Operators to provide Interception capability

Oct 15, 2013
In August the New Zealand has passed a bill that radically expands the powers of  The Government Communications Security Bureau ( GCSB ), an intelligence agency of the New Zealand government, equivalent of the National Security Agency ( NSA ). The bill demands the companies and other network operators like Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo must allow New Zealand spy agencies a certain path to monitor user communications, but it will also violate the rights of New Zealand citizens. Today afternoon the controversial of Telecommunications ( Interception Capability and Security) Bill made progress in the House in its Second Reading. A number of minor changes were made in select committee. Labour Leader David Cunliffe said his party continued to strongly oppose the legislation as it did not provide protection for the privacy of communications from spying by the state. In a supplementary order paper to the Telecommunications Bill , Amy Adams i...
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