New Credit Card Skimmer Targets WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart Sites
Jun 26, 2024
Web Skimming / Website Security
Multiple content management system (CMS) platforms like WordPress, Magento, and OpenCart have been targeted by a new credit card web skimmer called Caesar Cipher Skimmer. A web skimmer refers to malware that is injected into e-commerce sites with the goal of stealing financial and payment information . According to Sucuri, the latest campaign entails making malicious modifications to the checkout PHP file associated with the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress ("form-checkout.php") to steal credit card details. "For the past few months, the injections have been changed to look less suspicious than a long obfuscated script," security researcher Ben Martin said , noting the malware's attempt to masquerade as Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Specifically, it utilizes the same substitution mechanism employed in Caesar cipher to encode the malicious piece of code into a garbled string and conceal the external domain that's used to host the payload.