Cyber Attack in Iran Reportedly Cripples Gas Stations Across the Country
Oct 27, 2021
A cyber attack in Iran left petrol stations across the country crippled, disrupting fuel sales and defacing electronic billboards to display messages challenging the regime's ability to distribute gasoline. Posts and videos circulated on social media showed messages that said, "Khamenei! Where is our gas?" — a reference to the country's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Other signs read, "Free gas in Jamaran gas station," with gas pumps showing the words "cyberattack 64411" when attempting to purchase fuel, semi-official Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA) news agency reported . Abolhassan Firouzabadi, the head of Iran's Supreme Cyberspace Council, said the attacks were "probably" state-sponsored but added it was too early to determine which country carried out the intrusions. Although no country or group has so far claimed responsibility for the incident, the attacks mark the second time digital billboards have...