DARPA Invites Geeks to Convert Everyday Objects into Deadly Weapons
Mar 17, 2016
Do you know that your daily household items can be turned into deadly weapons? Yes, it's possible to convert some of your everyday household appliances into explosives, weapons or surveillance devices. DARPA – the agency which does research in various fields for improving the US Military and US Department of Defense capabilities – had announced a new project dubbed " Improv " to transform simple household appliances into deadly weapons i.e. homemade weapons. In previous years, various military grade weapons had been found malfunctioned by the ordinary household things that could cripple the military inventions. By various incidents happening around the Military grounds, officials observed that "how easily-accessed hardware, software, processes, and methods could be used to create products or systems that could pose a future threat." So, DARPA ( Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ) proceeded with a program and is seeking proposals ...