#opIsrael - Hackers hit Israel with mass Cyber Attack over Gaza
Nov 19, 2012
Protesting against attacks taking place on Gaza, Anonymous hackers attempts to hack most of the Israel websites in the past few days. " government and private websites are under siege from hackers, who have mounted 44 million cyberattacks in less than a week" , the government said. Today Pakistani Hackers also deface Israeli Bing , MSN, Skype, Live and other big sites and In counter-attack Israeli Hackers Leak Credit Card Data from Palestine ISP website. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said just one hacking attempt was successful on a site he did not want to name, but it was up and running after 10 minutes of downtime. Israel said that it generally experiences a few hundred hacking attempts per day. The attacks are reportedly coming from around the world. Defence force sites have been the hardest hit, while the president's site has been hit 10-million times, the foreign ministry seven-million times and the prime minister three-million times. ...