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Warning — Facebook Color Changer App is Just a Scam, Infects 10000 Users

Warning — Facebook Color Changer App is Just a Scam, Infects 10000 Users

Aug 09, 2014
Scammers have again targeted more than one billion active users of the popular social networking giant Facebook, to infect as many victims as possible. This time, an old Facebook scam is back in action once again! Malicious Facebook "Color Changer" app has resurfaced again on the popular social networking site Facebook, this time compromising more than 10,000 people worldwide. The malicious app promises users to change the characteristic blue colour of Facebook's header and interface to one of nine other colours including pink, purple, green, yellow, orange and black, in order to infect users' phones and computers with malicious software. Researchers at China-based Internet company Cheetah Mobile have detected the " Facebook colour changer " that tricks Facebook users into downloading the app via a malicious phishing site. The phishing website targets users in two ways: First of all, it steals the users' Facebook Access Tokens by asking them
Facebook Takes Down Bitcoin Stealing Botnet that Infected 250,000 Computers

Facebook Takes Down Bitcoin Stealing Botnet that Infected 250,000 Computers

Jul 09, 2014
Once again Facebook is on The Hacker News ! This time not for any scam or surveillance, but for a different reason.  The social networking giant has managed to take down a Greek botnet that used Facebook to spread malware and infected 250,000 computers to mine crypto-currencies, steal bitcoins, email passwords and banking details. Facebook is always one of the favourite weapon of cyber criminals, cyber thieves and scammers due to its popularity among other social media platforms. This social networking platform, with more than one billion active users, provides special opportunities for people to connect and share information, as well as also serves a great platform for malware developers and scammers. The botnet, dubbed as Lecpetex , was around from December 2013 to last month and compromised around 50,000 Facebook accounts at its peak, under which users would receive spam Facebook messages that would typically like "lol" with a zip archive attachment . O
How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

How to Increase Engagement with Your Cybersecurity Clients Through vCISO Reporting

Jul 22, 2024vCISO / Business Security
As a vCISO, you are responsible for your client's cybersecurity strategy and risk governance. This incorporates multiple disciplines, from research to execution to reporting. Recently, we published a comprehensive playbook for vCISOs, "Your First 100 Days as a vCISO – 5 Steps to Success" , which covers all the phases entailed in launching a successful vCISO engagement, along with recommended actions to take, and step-by-step examples.  Following the success of the playbook and the requests that have come in from the MSP/MSSP community, we decided to drill down into specific parts of vCISO reporting and provide more color and examples. In this article, we focus on how to create compelling narratives within a report, which has a significant impact on the overall MSP/MSSP value proposition.  This article brings the highlights of a recent guided workshop we held, covering what makes a successful report and how it can be used to enhance engagement with your cyber security clients.
Tracy Morgan Dead? Facebook Scam Targeting Users with Malware

Tracy Morgan Dead? Facebook Scam Targeting Users with Malware

Jun 28, 2014
Oh MY God! Is Tracy Morgan Really Dead? NO, Thankfully it's only a hoax, but scammers announced the popular comedian and actor Tracy Morgan dead. Another Facebook scam is circulating across the social networking website just a day before the former " Saturday Night Live " and " 30 Rock " star Tracy Morgan was critically hurt in a six-vehicle fatal accident on the New Jersey Turnpike that killed his friend and writer 62-year-old James McNair. With the rise in various scams on the popular social networking giant, Facebook that has more than one billion active users, it became very clear that not only does the social networking platform provide special opportunities for people to connect and share information, but serves as a great platform for scammers as well. TOTAL SCAM LEADS TO MALWARE Scammers spare no incident to target as many victims as possible, and this time they made use of this roadway accident to target users by spreading the fake Facebook videos proclaimin
cyber security

Free OAuth Investigation Checklist - How to Uncover Risky or Malicious Grants

websiteNudge SecuritySaaS Security / Supply Chain
OAuth grants provide yet another way for attackers to compromise identities. Download our free checklist to learn what to look for and where when reviewing OAuth grants for potential risks.
Cryptocat offers End-to End Encryption For Facebook Messenger

Cryptocat offers End-to End Encryption For Facebook Messenger

May 15, 2014
It's an era of Mass Surveillance, where Encryption has become more important today for all of us than any other time in the History. But the trouble is that Crypto programs are too hard for Non-Internet-Savvy to implement and use. Time is loudly announcing the need to switch to some alternatives that provide end-to-end encryption for communication between two devices in order to keep your personal data away from NSA's prying eyes and respect your Privacy . But, many services, including Facebook's messaging application, don't support encryption and therefore are weak in providing security of our online data, which could result in data breach either by cyber criminals or by our own Government under surveillance programs. Because Facebook's messaging application doesn't support end-to-end encryption, an Open-source and most popular crypto chat-encryption application called 'Cryptocat' has made it possible to chat with your Facebook friends and rel
Real Ghost Caught on Camera! New Facebook Scams Lure Users to Download Malware

Real Ghost Caught on Camera! New Facebook Scams Lure Users to Download Malware

May 10, 2014
If your Facebook wall offers you any horror videos that claim to be of a real ghost spotted, don't dare to click on them, as it may be hoaxes, malwares or scams contained within which are the real horror for the online users. We have seen a lot of Facebook scams spreading through the Facebook timeline in wild that encourages users to click on it and fall victim, and this time some new horror scam campaign is going viral on Facebook. Christopher Boyd from the security firm Malwarebytes has discovered an epidemic of hoaxes making their way around Facebook with paranormal themes, including: Alleged footage of an "actual" ghost attack a video featuring the Aswang that is described as "a mythical shape-shifting were-dog/vampire/terrifying thing from the Philippines" a video of Mermaids claiming they are back! Video of a huge great white shark tearing apart a sea captain. Facebook has become one of the most popular social networking website with more than one billion
Facebook added Free Voice Calling Feature to its Messenger App

Facebook added Free Voice Calling Feature to its Messenger App

Apr 05, 2014
Have you noticed a blue color " Free Voice Call " icon that appears next to your Facebook contacts in the iOS and Android Facebook Messenger app? Yes, Facebook has updated their Messenger app that includes the ability to make free voice calls to your online pals and now Facebook users can simply tap the phone icon to call their friends. FACEBOOK DITCH WHATSAPP OVER CALLING FEATURE WhatsApp was reportedly developing voice call feature since last year and when it was acquired by Facebook for $19 billion in February, users estimated that Facebook will add Internet calling feature to Whatsapp soon, rather than to its own Facebook Messenger. However, the WhatsApp VoIP calling is still to come and is expected to launch the update with the feature in the coming weeks, but sadly before that Facebook may leave other popular free calling apps, such as Viber, Line, Google's Hangout, Skype behind. USERS' PRIVACY AT RISK, AS NO ENCRYPTION As expected, Faceboo
Facebook Unveils ThreatData, a framework for Web Security

Facebook Unveils ThreatData, a framework for Web Security

Mar 26, 2014
Defending and Analysis of online threats and malwares   have become more challenging nowadays and especially for larger businesses like the popular social networking site - Facebook. To encounter malware, phishing, and other online threats, Facebook has taken an important step forward. Facebook has unveiled its latest security-focused platform, dubbed as ' ThreatData ', which is a framework that aims to standardize its methods for collecting and analyzing data. The ThreatData framework is implemented to import information about the various online threats, malware, phishing and other internet risks, then storing it proficiently for real-time and long-term analysis as well. It consists of three high level components i.e. Feeds, Data storage, and Real-time response. FEEDS:  Feeds will collect data from a distinct source and implement them via a lightweight interface. " Here are some examples of feeds we have implemented: Malware file hashes from VirusTotal; Malicious
Project TURBINE: NSA spreads sophisticated Malware Worldwide

Project TURBINE: NSA spreads sophisticated Malware Worldwide

Mar 13, 2014
Besides collecting metadata and inserting backdoor to the devices and softwares, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has an eye on each post, picture, message you have ever sent on Facebook. I know you won't be feeling free considering your privacy, but, this is what the NSA is doing to you. The new revelation from the Glenn Greenwald 's desk remove the mask from one more secret surveillance operation carried out by the US intelligence agency NSA, the extensive program dubbed as ' TURBINE ', according to the classified files provided previously by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden . Yes, the NSA, who has been working with its dedicated hacking unit, Tailored Access Operations (TAO) from the past several years on enlarging its caliber to infect devices with spyware and creating its own command-and-control servers to manage millions of infected systems at a time. The secret documents presented by The Intercept  website shows that the NSA with its British counterpart G
Two Million stolen Facebook, Twitter login credentials found on 'Pony Botnet' Server

Two Million stolen Facebook, Twitter login credentials found on 'Pony Botnet' Server

Dec 04, 2013
Security researchers at Trustwave's SpiderLabs found a Netherlands-based Pony Botnet Controller Server with almost two Million usernames and passwords, stolen by cybercriminals from users of Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and other websites. In a blog post, the researchers mentioned that after the Pony Version 1.9  Source code was made public and they found a way to get into the Botnet 's Admin area, from where they collected stolen database and statistics. The Pony Control panel, written in Russian language, indicated Facebook was the worst impacted and two Russian Social Media sites i.e. vk.com and odnoklassniki.ru, credentials were also included in the database. It is not clear at this time that how exactly the login credentials were originally obtained, but one possibility is that, they were captured using some keyloggers or similar malware. Statistics of stolen login credentials: 1,580,000 website login credentials stolen (including 318,121 Facebook login credentia
Facebook Open URL Redirection vulnerability

Facebook Open URL Redirection vulnerability

Nov 16, 2013
Security Researcher Dan Melamed discovered an Open URL redirection vulnerability in Facebook that allowed him to have a facebook.com link redirect to any website without restrictions. An open URL Redirection flaw is generally used to convince a user to click on a trusted link which is specially crafted to take them to an arbitrary website, the target website could be used to serve a malware or for a phishing attack . An Open URL Redirection url flaw in Facebook platform and third party applications also exposes the user's access token at risk if that link is entered as the final destination in an Oauth dialog . The Facebook Open URL Redirection vulnerability exists at landing.php  page with " url " parameter, i.e. https://facebook.com/campaign/landing.php?url=https://yahoo.com This URL will always redirects user to the Facebook 's homepage, but it is sufficient to manipulate the "url" parameter assigning a random string: https://facebo
Vulnerability in Facebook app allows hackers to steal access tokens and hijack accounts

Vulnerability in Facebook app allows hackers to steal access tokens and hijack accounts

Oct 29, 2013
There are more than 100 Million users who are using Facebook mobile app. Facebook has fixed multiple critical vulnerabilities in its Android based applications that allows hackers to steal access tokens and hijack accounts. Egyptian security researcher Mohamed Ramadan, Security researcher with Attack Secure, has who disclosed  a couple of vulnerabilities in the Facebook Main app and Facebook messenger app and Facebook page's manager application for Android. User's access token is the key to accessing a Facebook account and according to him, an attacker only needs to send a message that contains an attachment of any type, i.e. Videos, documents, and pictures. Once the victim will click on that file to download, immediately victim's access_token will be stored in the Android's log messages called -  logcat ,  that enables other apps to grab user's access token and hijack the account. Video Demonstration: The second flaw which is reported by Ramadan
Barack Obama's Twitter, Facebook, Campaign website and Email Accounts hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Barack Obama's Twitter, Facebook, Campaign website and Email Accounts hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Oct 28, 2013
The pro-Assad group Syrian Electronic Army claims it has hacked the President Barack Obama's website , Twitter-Facebook accounts and access email accounts linked to Organizing For Action, the non-profit offshoot of Obama For America, Obama's 2012 campaign operation. Last night,  Syrian Electronic Army (SEA)  hacked into Obama's donation website donate.barackobama.com , which was temporarily redirected to the website of the hacking group ( sea . sy / indexs / ) with a short message: " Hacked by SEA ". The hackers were able to take over only a secondary donations page. It was an older page - still on the site, but was no longer being used. They have also posted fake tweets and updates from Obama's Facebook Page and Twitter accounts, " All  the  links that Barack Obama account tweeted it and post it on Facebook was redirected to a video showing the truth about Syria " Hacker told Mashable in an interview. The attackers also compromised the URL shorten
Buffer hacked; Twitter, Facebook flooded with Spam Weight-loss links

Buffer hacked; Twitter, Facebook flooded with Spam Weight-loss links

Oct 27, 2013
If you're a user of the Buffer app, the social-media management service that let you cross-posting to various social networks, be aware that the service got hacked yesterday, with spam messages going out over Facebook.  " Buffer was hacked around 1 hour ago, and many of you may have experienced spam posts sent from you via Buffer. I can only understand how angry and disappointed you must be right now. " Buffer team said, in an email sent to users and also posted to Buffer's blog . It's not yet clear how many of Buffer's 1 million or so users were affected by the hack, but buffer maintains that user passwords are safe nor has any "billing or payment information been affected or exposed" . Photo Credit : The Next Web It appears that Buffer's Facebook and Twitter spam messages were first sent at around 2:20 p.m. ET. Hackers have used the exploit to spam user accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other sites. Just recently, Instagram saw a viral wa
Facebook Graph Search becomes more powerful than ever, Review your Privacy Settings again

Facebook Graph Search becomes more powerful than ever, Review your Privacy Settings again

Oct 04, 2013
Facebook Graph Search is more powerful than ever, has been updated to allow people to search in greater depth on Facebook.  Facebook expanded its Graph Search to include posts and status updates, which means everything you've been posting is way easier to find than ever before. " Now you will be able to search for status updates, photo captions, check-ins and comments to find things shared with you ," says Facebook . For example, you could enter " Posts by my friends from last month ," or " Posts written at The White House " in order to find that specific information. Facebook's search is increasing in power much faster than people are realizing that their life is being digitally sorted and indexed. As Facebook widens its scope of searchable information, questions about privacy continue to rise. Facebook users should check their privacy settings if they want to limit the people who can search every post or status update they have ev
Hacking Facebook to delete any account; Facebook again refuses to pay Bounty

Hacking Facebook to delete any account; Facebook again refuses to pay Bounty

Sep 05, 2013
In the past few days, Facebook refused to pay bounty to Khalil Shreateh , the security researcher who used the bug he discovered to post directly on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg 's Timeline after Facebook Security rejected his attempts to report it. Ehraz Ahmed, an independent Security Researcher claimed that he reported a critical vulnerability to the Facebook Security team, which allows the attacker to delete any account from Facebook. But Facebook refuses to Pay Bug Bounty , because he tested flaw once on his friend's account, " I reported this bug to Facebook, I'm really not happy with them. After waiting for such a long time for their reply, they denied it saying that you used this bug only works for test accounts, where as I used it for removing real accounts and now the vulnerability is also fixed after their email." he said on his blog . Video Demonstration of Exploit: Vulnerable  URL : https://www.facebook.com/ajax/whitehat/delete_
Vulnerability allowed hacker to Delete any Facebook Photo; Rewarded with $12,500 for reporting bug

Vulnerability allowed hacker to Delete any Facebook Photo; Rewarded with $12,500 for reporting bug

Sep 01, 2013
Indian Security Enthusiast ' Arul Kumar ' recently reported an interesting Facebook vulnerability that allowed him to delete any Facebook image within a minute. Facebook Bug Bounty program rewarded him with  $12,500 USD for helping the Facebook Security team to patch this critical loophole in their own " Support Dashboard ". The flaw is critical because using this exploitation method hacker can also delete Mark Zuckerberg's ( Facebook Founder ) Photos from his Photo Album, or even from wall of any verified page too. Arul posted on his blog, " The Support Dashboard is a portal designed to help you track the progress of the reports you make to Facebook. From your Support Dashboard, you can see if your report has been reviewed by Facebook employees who assess reports 24 hours a day, seven days a week ." That means, if you will report abuse the targeted image and send a Photo Removal Request, Facebook Server Will automatically generate
Palestinian Hacker posted vulnerability details on Mark Zuckerberg’s Timeline

Palestinian Hacker posted vulnerability details on Mark Zuckerberg's Timeline

Aug 18, 2013
A Palestinian Web Developer and Hacker, ' Khalil Shreateh ' found an interesting  vulnerability in Facebook, that allows hacker to bypass the Privacy settings to make a post on anyone's Timeline / Wall. He was forced to post vulnerability details on Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook Founder) Timeline to prove his point, after the Facebook Security Team failed to recognize his critical vulnerability three times. The flaw even working for those victims, who is not included in the attacker friend list.  According to Facebook's Bug Bounty program, a researcher has to submit the flaw details via email to Facebook Security Team without disclosing the details in Public. In order to get the minimum reward of US$500, the flaw should be valid. The reported vulnerability is in " composer.php " file on Facebook mechanism. First Khalil made a post on the timeline of a girl, " Sarah Gooden " who studied at the same college as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerbe
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