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Category — DNS server
New TsuNAME Flaw Could Let Attackers Take Down Authoritative DNS Servers

New TsuNAME Flaw Could Let Attackers Take Down Authoritative DNS Servers

May 07, 2021
Security researchers Thursday disclosed a new critical vulnerability affecting Domain Name System (DNS) resolvers that could be exploited by adversaries to carry out reflection-based denial-of-service attacks against authoritative nameservers. The flaw, called  'TsuNAME ,' was discovered by researchers from SIDN Labs and InternetNZ, which manage the national top-level internet domains '.nl' and '.nz' for the Netherlands and New Zealand, respectively. "TsuNAME occurs when domain names are misconfigured with cyclic dependent DNS records, and when vulnerable resolvers access these misconfigurations, they begin looping and send DNS queries rapidly to authoritative servers and other resolvers," the researchers said. A recursive DNS resolver is one of the core components involved in  DNS resolution , i.e., converting a hostname such as www.google.com into a computer-friendly IP address like To achieve this, it responds to a client's r
New DNS Vulnerability Lets Attackers Launch Large-Scale DDoS Attacks

New DNS Vulnerability Lets Attackers Launch Large-Scale DDoS Attacks

May 20, 2020
Israeli cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details about a new flaw impacting DNS protocol that can be exploited to launch amplified, large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to takedown targeted websites. Called NXNSAttack , the flaw hinges on the DNS delegation mechanism to force DNS resolvers to generate more DNS queries to authoritative servers of attacker's choice, potentially causing a botnet-scale disruption to online services. "We show that the number of DNS messages exchanged in a typical resolution process might be much higher in practice than what is expected in theory, mainly due to a proactive resolution of name-servers' IP addresses," the researchers said in the paper. "We show how this inefficiency becomes a bottleneck and might be used to mount a devastating attack against either or both, recursive resolvers and authoritative servers." Following responsible disclosure of NXNSAttack, several of the companies i
Social Media Accounts: The Weak Link in Organizational SaaS Security

Social Media Accounts: The Weak Link in Organizational SaaS Security

Oct 09, 2024SaaS Security / Identity Security
Social media accounts help shape a brand's identity and reputation. These public forums engage directly with customers as they are a hub to connect, share content and answer questions. However, despite the high profile role these accounts have, many organizations overlook social media account security. Many lack the safeguards to prevent unauthorized access — a situation no organization wants as it can quickly spiral to include reputational damage and financial losses.  With the impact this high, the need for deep understanding of social media risks as well as how to protect an organization's social media account are more crucial than ever. This article dives into the details of social media accounts, how social media can be misused and how to protect oneself. Understanding the Layers of Social Media Access Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn typically have two layers of access.  The Public Facing Page : where brands post content and engage with users.  The Advertis
DHS Orders U.S. Federal Agencies to Audit DNS Security for Their Domains

DHS Orders U.S. Federal Agencies to Audit DNS Security for Their Domains

Jan 23, 2019
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has today issued an "emergency directive" to all federal agencies ordering IT staff to audit DNS records for their respective website domains, or other agency-managed domains, within next 10 business days. The emergency security alert came in the wake of a series of recent incidents involving DNS hijacking , which security researchers with "moderate confidence" believe originated from Iran. Domain Name System (DNS) is a key function of the Internet that works as an Internet's directory where your device looks up for the server IP addresses after you enter a human-readable web address (e.g., thehackernews.com). What is DNS Hijacking Attack? DNS hijacking involves changing DNS settings of a domain, redirecting victims to an entirely different attacker-controlled server with a fake version of the websites they are trying to visit, often with an objective to steal users' data. "The attacker alter
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Google DNS Service ( Now Supports DNS-over-TLS Security

Google DNS Service ( Now Supports DNS-over-TLS Security

Jan 10, 2019
Almost every activity on the Internet starts with a DNS query, a key function of the Internet that works as an Internet's directory where your device looks up for the server IP addresses after you enter a human-readable web address (e.g., thehackernews.com). Since DNS queries are sent in clear text over UDP or TCP without encryption, the information can reveal not only what websites an individual visits but is also vulnerable to spoofing attacks. To address these problems, Google announced Wednesday that its Public DNS (Domain Name System) service finally supports DNS-over-TLS security protocol, which means that the DNS queries and responses will be communicated over TLS-encrypted TCP connections. The DNS-over-TLS has been designed to make it harder for man-in-the-middle attackers to manipulate the DNS query or eavesdrop on your Internet connection. Launched over eight years ago, Google Public DNS, at IP addresses and, is world's largest public Domai
Memcached Servers Abused for Massive Amplification DDoS Attacks

Memcached Servers Abused for Massive Amplification DDoS Attacks

Feb 28, 2018
Cybercriminals have figured out a way to abuse widely-used Memcached servers to launch over 51,000 times powerful DDoS attacks than their original strength, which could result in knocking down of major websites and Internet infrastructure. In recent days, security researchers at Cloudflare , Arbor Networks , and Chinese security firm Qihoo 360 noticed that hackers are now abusing "Memcached" to amplify their DDoS attacks by an unprecedented factor of 51,200. Memcached is a popular open-source and easily deployable distributed caching system that allows objects to be stored in memory and has been designed to work with a large number of open connections. Memcached server runs over TCP or UDP port 11211. The Memcached application has been designed to speed up dynamic web applications by reducing stress on the database that helps administrators to increase performance and scale web applications. It's widely used by thousands of websites, including Facebook, Flickr,
Hacker Hijacks CoinHive's DNS to Mine Cryptocurrency Using Thousands of Websites

Hacker Hijacks CoinHive's DNS to Mine Cryptocurrency Using Thousands of Websites

Oct 25, 2017
When yesterday I was reporting about the sudden outbreak of another global ransomware attack ' Bad Rabbit ,' I thought what could be worse than this? Then late last night I got my answer with a notification that Coinhive has been hacked — a popular browser-based service that offers website owners to embed a JavaScript to utilise their site visitors' CPUs power to mine the Monero cryptocurrency for monetisation. Reportedly an unknown hacker managed to hijack Coinhive's CloudFlare account that allowed him/her to modify its DNS servers and replace Coinhive's official JavaScript code embedded into thousands of websites with a malicious version. https://coin-hive[.]com/lib/coinhive.min.js Hacker Reused Leaked Password from 2014 Data Breach Apparently, hacker reused an old password to access Coinhive's CloudFlare account that was leaked in the Kickstarter data breach in 2014. "Tonight, Oct. 23th at around 22:00 GMT our account for our DNS provi
Google to add "DNS over TLS" security feature to Android OS

Google to add "DNS over TLS" security feature to Android OS

Oct 23, 2017
No doubt your Internet Service Provides (ISPs), or network-level hackers cannot spy on https communications. But do you know — ISPs can still see all of your DNS requests, allowing them to know what websites you visit. Google is working on a new security feature for Android that could prevent your Internet traffic from network spoofing attacks. Almost every Internet activity starts with a DNS query, making it a fundamental building block of the Internet. DNS works as an Internet's phone book that resolves human-readable web addresses, like thehackernews.com, against their IP addresses. DNS queries and responses are sent in clear text (using UDP or TCP) without encryption, which makes it vulnerable to eavesdropping and compromises privacy. ISPs by default resolve DNS queries from their servers. So when you type a website name in your browser, the query first goes to their DNS servers to find the website's IP address, which eventually exposes this information (metada
Your Linux Machine Can Be Hacked Remotely With Just A Malicious DNS Response

Your Linux Machine Can Be Hacked Remotely With Just A Malicious DNS Response

Jun 29, 2017
A critical vulnerability has been discovered in Systemd , the popular init system and service manager for Linux operating systems, that could allow remote attackers to potentially trigger a buffer overflow to execute malicious code on the targeted machines via a DNS response. The vulnerability, designated as CVE-2017-9445 , actually resides in the ' dns_packet_new ' function of 'systemd-resolved,' a DNS response handler component that provides network name resolution to local applications. According to an advisory published Tuesday, a specially crafted malicious DNS response can crash 'systemd-resolved' program remotely when the system tries to lookup for a hostname on an attacker-controlled DNS service. Eventually, large DNS response overflows the buffer, allowing an attacker to overwrite the memory which leads to remote code execution. This means the attackers can remotely run any malware on the targeted system or server via their evil DNS service
Massive DDoS Attack Against Dyn DNS Service Knocks Popular Sites Offline

Massive DDoS Attack Against Dyn DNS Service Knocks Popular Sites Offline

Oct 21, 2016
UPDATE — How an army of million of hacked Internet-connected smart devices almost broke the Internet today. Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day, and the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one such attacks that cause a massive damage to any service. Recently, the Internet witnessed a record-breaking largest DDoS attack of over 1 Tbps against France-based hosting provider OVH, and now the latest victim of the attack is none other than Dyn DNS provider. A sudden outage of popular sites and services, including Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Shopify, for many users, is causing uproar online. It's because of a DDoS attack against the popular Domain Name System (DNS) service provider Dyn, according to a post on Ycombinator . DNS act as the authoritative reference for mapping domain names to IP addresses. In other words, DNS is simply an Internet's phone book that resolves human-readable web addresses, like thehackerne
United States set to Hand Over Control of the Internet to ICANN Today

United States set to Hand Over Control of the Internet to ICANN Today

Oct 01, 2016
Since the foundation of the Internet, a contract has been handed over to the United States Commerce Department under which the department had given authority to regulate the Internet. After 47 years, this contract ends tonight at midnight EDT i.e. Saturday, October 1st, 2016. If you think that the United States owns the Internet, then you're wrong. It doesn't. Founded in 1998, non-profit organization ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) oversees the Internet's "address book" (or root zone) — the process of assigning domain names and the underlying IP addresses to keep the Internet running smoothly. But according to the contract, ICANN and its IANA department (the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) was set to work under the supervision of National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. That contract is ending today, and the US Commerce Department is schedule
Google Public DNS Server Spoofed for SNMP based DDoS Attack

Google Public DNS Server Spoofed for SNMP based DDoS Attack

Sep 16, 2014
The Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ) attack is becoming more sophisticated and complex, and, according to security experts , the next DDoS vector to be concerned about is SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) amplification attacks. Yesterday afternoon, the SANS Internet Storm Center reported SNMP scans spoofed from Google's public recursive DNS server searching for vulnerable routers and other devices that support the protocol with DDoS traffic and are opened to the public Internet. " We are receiving some reports about SNMP scans that claim to originate from (Google's public recursive DNS server), " wrote Johannes Ullrich, dean of research of the SANS Technology Institute and head of the Internet Storm Center. " This is likely part of an attempt to launch a DDoS against Google by using SNMP as an amplifier/reflector. " Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a UDP-based protocol designed to allow the monitoring of network-
Anti-DDoS Services Abused to Carry Out DDoS Attack with 1.5 Billion Requests/Minute

Anti-DDoS Services Abused to Carry Out DDoS Attack with 1.5 Billion Requests/Minute

May 12, 2014
Till Now the Internet was encountering the traditional Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks , where a large number of compromised systems use to flood servers with tremendous amount of bandwidth; but in past few months we have noticed massive change in the techniques of DDoS attack. Hackers are using creative, but evil DDoS techniques such as NTP and DNS Amplification DDoS attacks. Last month we have seen that how cybercriminals abused a vulnerability in one of the biggest Chinese video hosting website Sohu.com to convert their millions of visitors to participate into the Layer 7 (Application Layer) DDoS attack with 20 Million requests. According to the new report released by a US based security solutions provider Incapsula , another interesting DDoS attack activities have been noticed by the researchers in which an attacker abused two major anti-DDoS Service providers to perform massive DDoS attack on other websites. Its really EPIC that the services who should
SRTT Vulnerability in BIND Software Puts DNS Protocol Security At Risk

SRTT Vulnerability in BIND Software Puts DNS Protocol Security At Risk

May 06, 2014
After the Heartbleed bug that exposed half of the Internet vulnerable to hackers thereby marking as one of the largest Internet vulnerability in recent history, the critical flaw in the implementation of the DNS protocol could also represent a serious menace to the Internet security. A Serious security vulnerability has been discovered in the algorithms of DNS software – BIND by the two Israeli students ' Roee Hay ' and ' Jonathan Kalechstein ', who are working under a project out at the Laboratory of Computer Communication & Networking in the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion , which was led by Dr. Gabi Nakibly from Rafael (Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.). Although, Technion students have not provided any detail explanation about the vulnerability , but indicated that by exploiting the DNS protocol flaw an attacker could redirect the users who are trying to visit a legitimate website to a fake and bogus website which the attacker con
Google Public DNS Server Traffic Hijacked

Google Public DNS Server Traffic Hijacked

Mar 17, 2014
The Internet is becoming a dangerous place day-by-day and especially for those innocent web users who rely on 3rd party services. The latest bad news is that the World's largest and most widely used Google's free public DNS (Domain name system) resolvers  raised   security red flags yesterday. DNS is the master address list for the Internet, which translates IP addresses into human readable form and vice versa. According to Internet monitoring firm BGPmon , Google's DNS server /32 was hijacked yesterday for 22 minutes. The Google's DNS server handles around 150 billion queries a day and during the 22 minutes of hijacking, millions of Internet users, including Financial institutions , Governments were redirected to BT's (British multinational telecommunications services company) Latin America division in Venezuela and Brazil. It is suspected that Hackers exploited a well-known  vulnerability in the so-called Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP) , which
Hackers exploiting Router vulnerabilities to hack Bank accounts through DNS Hijacking

Hackers exploiting Router vulnerabilities to hack Bank accounts through DNS Hijacking

Feb 10, 2014
In past months, we have reported about critical vulnerabilities in many wireless Routers including Netgear, Linksys,  TP-LINK, Cisco, ASUS, TENDA and more vendors, installed by millions of home users worldwide. Polish Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT Polska) recently noticed a large scale cyber attack ongoing campaign aimed at Polish e-banking users. Cyber criminals are using known router vulnerability which allow attackers to change the router's DNS configuration remotely so they can lure users to fake bank websites or can perform Man-in-the-Middle attack. ' After DNS servers settings are changed on a router, all queries from inside the network are forwarded to rogue servers. Obviously the platform of a client device is not an issue, as there is no need for the attackers to install any malicious software at all. ' CERT Polska researchers said. That DNS Hijacking trick is not new, neither most of the router vulnerabilities are, but still millions of r
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