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Category — Chip-and-PIN
This ATM Hack Allows Crooks to Steal Money From Chip-and-Pin Cards

This ATM Hack Allows Crooks to Steal Money From Chip-and-Pin Cards

Aug 05, 2016
Forget about security! It turns out that the Chip-and-PIN cards are just as easy to clone as magnetic stripe cards. It took researchers just a simple chip and pin hack to withdraw up to $50,000 in cash from an ATM in America in under 15 minutes. We have been told that EMV ( Europay, MasterCard and Visa ) chip-equipped cards provides an extra layer of security which makes these cards more secure and harder to clone than the old magnetic stripe cards. But, it turns out to be just a myth. A team of security engineers from Rapid7 at Black Hat USA 2016 conference in Las Vegas demonstrated how a small and simple modifications to equipment would be enough for attackers to bypass the Chip-and-PIN protections and enable unauthorized transactions. The demonstration was part of their presentation titled, "Hacking Next-Gen ATMs: From Capture to Washout," [ PDF ]. The team of researchers was able to show the audience an ATM spitting out hundreds of dollars in cash. Here...
This $10 Device Can Guess and Steal Your Next Credit Card Number before You've Received It

This $10 Device Can Guess and Steal Your Next Credit Card Number before You've Received It

Nov 25, 2015
Imagine you have lost your credit card and applied for a fresh credit card from your bank. What if some criminal is using your new credit card before you have even received it? Yes, it's possible at least with this $10 device. Hardware hacker Samy Kamkar has built a $10 device that can predict and store hundreds of American Express credit card numbers, allowing anyone to use them for wireless payment transactions, even at non-wireless terminals. The device, dubbed MagSpoof , guesses the next credit card numbers and new expiration dates based on a cancelled credit card's number and when the replacement card was requested respectively. This process does not require the three or four-digit CVV numbers that are printed on the back side of the credit cards. Also Read:  How Hackers Can Hack Your Chip-and-PIN Credit Cards The tiny gadget would be a dream of any card fraudster who can pilfer cash from the stolen credit cards even after they have been blocked ...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
How Hackers Can Hack Your Chip-and-PIN Credit Cards

How Hackers Can Hack Your Chip-and-PIN Credit Cards

Oct 21, 2015
October 1, 2015, was the end of the deadline for U.S. citizens to switch to Chip-enabled Credit Cards for making the transactions through swipe cards safer. Now, a group of French forensics researchers have inspected a real-world case in which criminals played smart in such a way that they did a seamless chip-switching trick with a slip of plastic that it was identical to a normal credit card. The researchers from the École Normale Supérieure University and the Science and Technology Institute CEA did a combined study of the subject, publishing a research paper [ PDF ] that gives details of a unique credit card fraud analyzed by them. What's the Case? Back in 2011 and 2012, police arrested five French citizens for stealing about 600,000 Euros (~ $680,000) as a result of the card fraud scheme, in spite of the Chip-and-PIN cards protections. How did the Chip-and-Pin Card Fraud Scheme Work? On investigating the case, the researchers discovered that the n...
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Chip-and-PIN Credit Cards and The Deadline: Here's What You need To Know

Chip-and-PIN Credit Cards and The Deadline: Here's What You need To Know

Oct 01, 2015
October 1 Liability shift ENDS! Today, 1st October 2015 , is the deadline for US-based Banks and Retailers to roll out Chip-embedded Credit Cards ( powered by EVM Technology ) to customers that will make transactions more secure. EVM Technology stands for Europay , MasterCard and Visa -- a global standard for Payment Cards equipped with Chips used to authenticate chip card transactions. Starting Thursday, Merchants must have new Payment Terminals installed to accept Chip Cards in their stores or restaurants. Otherwise, they will be responsible for credit card frauds. Stephanie Ericksen, Visa's Vice President Risk Products said, " That's the date by which if a merchant doesn't have a chip terminal, and a counterfeit card is used at that location, they may be liable for that fraud on that transaction. '' 60% Customers Still have Old Credit Cards However, If you have not received a new credit card with chip technology, don't worry, ...
Smart ATM offers Cardless Cash Withdrawal to Avoid Card Skimmers

Smart ATM offers Cardless Cash Withdrawal to Avoid Card Skimmers

Mar 16, 2015
Banks have tried every effort, from providing Magnetic Stripes based Credit and Debit Cards to Chip-and-Pin Cards , in order to secure its users from credit card cloning and card Skimmers. It has been known from years that Magnetic stripe are incredibly hackable, but  Chip-n-Pin cards have also been hacked and successfully cloned by a group of security researchers. A unit of Canada's Bank of Montreal, BMO Harris Bank is  launching  the U.S.'s biggest cardless ATM network that allows its customers to withdraw cash within seconds, using nothing but their smartphones. NO CARD, NO PIN, JUST YOUR SMARTPHONE According to the bank, there is no need to enter PIN and instead of swiping the card, customers have to sign into mobile banking app " Mobile Cash ", hold their smartphones over the QR code on the ATM screen and the cash gets delivered. This cardless cash withdrawal technology will boost security, speed up transactions and reduce frauds because no card...
Quantum Encryption Makes Credit Cards Fraud-Proof

Quantum Encryption Makes Credit Cards Fraud-Proof

Dec 17, 2014
Credit card frauds are very common these days – today a data breach occurs in retailer's shop, online shopping site or banking site and at the next moment millions of cards appears in the underground black market – how simple is that for cyber criminals nowadays. But imagine if there is no possible way to hack credit cards and ID cards. Seems like next to impossible, but quantum cryptography ensures that stealing people's personal data will soon be very difficult for hackers and cyber thieves due to an extra layer of verification. SECURE FRAUD-PROOF CREDIT CARDS The research at the University of Twente in Enschede, Netherlands has suggested that " fraud-proof " credit cards are possible to develop using Quantum Physics that will protect users' financial and personal information from hackers. Security researchers describe this extra layer of verification as Quantum-Secure Authentication (QSA) of a " classical multiple-scattering key ." With the...
Fraudsters Physically Deploy Malicious Software to Hack ATMs

Fraudsters Physically Deploy Malicious Software to Hack ATMs

May 31, 2014
Criminals will not let any way to cheat an ATM machine out of its cash, as it's one of the easiest way for them to get the hands on cash. ATM skimmers have now discovered a new and high-tech approach to target cash machines directly by inserting a physical notorious device into it instead. According to the Chinese press , two Ukrainian men arrested in Macau for reportedly planting the malicious software program in the seven Macau bank ATMs. This could came out as the quickest method to hack the cash machines. HACKING ATM MACHINES The two accused were arrested this week by the authorities in Macau, a Chinese territory approximately west of Hong Kong, but the two are from Ukraine and had successfully stolen almost $100,000 by corrupting more than seven ATMs with a computer virus. According to the authorities, the men allegedly used a green object device ( as shown in the image ) to carry out the money fraud. They first connected the device to a laptop and then inserted...
Pre-Play Vulnerability Allows Chip-and-PIN Payment Card Cloning

Pre-Play Vulnerability Allows Chip-and-PIN Payment Card Cloning

May 20, 2014
In March this year, we reported that the major card distributor companies, VISA and Mastercard are migrating to EMV chip cards , also known as PIN-and-Chip cards. Unlike traditional magnetic stripe payment cards, EMV chip cards generates a unique code for every transaction, making it nearly* impossible for criminals to use the card for counterfeit fraud. But Nothing is perfectly secure, even not the PIN-and-Chip based payment cards. All anti-cloning theories were already proven wrong, when a group of researchers found a way to hack the Credit and Debit cards based on the latest Chip-and-Pin technology. Back in 2012, we reported about a research paper entitled " Chip and Skim: cloning EMV cards with the pre-play attack " published ( old paper ) by team of researchers from the University of Cambridge, UK, who demonstrated that Chip and PIN payment card systems are also vulnerable to Card Cloning. The same team of researchers presented their EVM related research last Mond...
Target finally Plans to issue Chip and PIN Credit Cards

Target finally Plans to issue Chip and PIN Credit Cards

Apr 30, 2014
The massive data breaches in U.S largest retailers ' Target ', marked the largest card heists in the U.S. history in which financial credentials of more than 110 million customers were compromised, have forced the retailer to take step towards more secure transactions. The retailer company on Tuesday said it is implementing chip-and-PIN payment card systems for its stores and will be soon working with the MasterCard to replace all of its REDcard customer cards to chip-and-PIN secured cards. The transition to chip-and-Pin-enabled REDcards is set to begin in early 2015. " The new payment terminals will be in all 1,797 U.S. stores by this September, six months ahead of schedule. In addition, by early next year, Target will enable all REDcards with chip-and-PIN technology and begin accepting payments from all chip-enabled cards in its stores, " the company said. The chip-and-PIN system, also known as the EMV standard. Instead of using a magnetic stripe to store fina...
Payment Card processing services upgrading to Chip-and-PIN and Point-to-Point Encryption

Payment Card processing services upgrading to Chip-and-PIN and Point-to-Point Encryption

Mar 12, 2014
The massive data breaches in U.S retailers ' Target ' and ' Neiman Marcus ', in which financial credentials of more than 110 million and 1.1 million customers were compromised respectively, have put a spotlight on the need for more secure transactions. To tackle this issue, the two major payment card brands, MasterCard and Visa have announced the formation of a new cross-industry group that will focus on the security of the enhancing payment system to keep pace with the expectations of consumers, retailers and financial institutions in the United States. " The recent high-profile breaches have served as a catalyst for much needed collaboration between the retail and financial services industry on the issue of payment security," says Ryan McInerney, president of Visa Inc. "As we have long said, no one industry or technology can solve the issue of payment system fraud on its own. " The joint effort aims to advance the migration to EMV chip cards, also kno...
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