Winter is Coming for CentOS 8
Oct 29, 2021
Winter is Coming for CentOS 8—but here is how you can enjoy your holidays after all. The server environment is complex and if you're managing thousands of Linux servers, the last thing you want is for an operating system vendor to do something completely unexpected. That is exactly what Red Hat, the parent company of the CentOS Project, did when it suddenly announced a curtailment of support for CentOS 8 – sending thousands of organizations scrambling for an alternative. In this article, we'll review what happened with CentOS 8 and what it means for users who have already upgraded from CentOS release 7 to release 8. We'll also look at your alternatives for replacing CentOS 8. Finally, we'll do a review of your other option: choosing extended support. Extended lifecycle support (ELS) can reduce the pressure to decide on alternative distribution and it may well be the most practical route for many CentOS 8 users. Official support is critical The difficulties arou